属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-收入与幸福感 幸福的家庭总是相似的
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-帮助乌干达儿童自由玩耍
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-悲伤或狂喜都会导致心碎综合征
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-音乐产业 高举丁日的旗帜
1 | 在中国农村,人们把剪纸贴在窗户或门上,表示吉祥欢快。以烘托节日喜庆。 | In China’ s countryside paper cuts are often stuck on windows and doors as auspicious and joyful decorations, so as to mark festivals and happy occasions. | |
2 | 赞歌,凯歌一种欢欣鼓舞的赞美或高兴的歌 | A song of joyful praise or exultation. | |
3 | 早晨的声音有很多种,全都是令人喜悦的,现在听吧,鸟儿在青草地上跳跃。小狗汪汪叫,小猫咪咪叫,都在欢迎着正在升起的太阳。 | There are many different kinds of morning voices, All are joyful . Now listen, the birds are jumping in the green pasture. And the dogs bark, the cats mew welcoming the rising sun. | |
4 | 这两家人的聚会十分愉快 | The meeting between the two families was a joyful one | |
5 | 这种饮料极品,叫人喝了心旷神怡。 | This highest grade drink makes people feel completely relaxed and joyful . | |
6 | 祝你长寿,康乐,福佑多多 | May you live a long and joyful life-a life full of all the blessings that this world can bestow | |
7 | 最温馨地祝贺圣诞快乐,新的一年美满如意 | Warmest wishes for a Bright and joyful Christmas! | |
8 | 最温馨地祝你度过一个光辉欢乐的圣诞! | Warmest wishes for a bright and joyful Christmas! | |
9 | ||1:而该活动遇到的障碍不是物质上的,而是政治上的。||2:为了帮助支付保护工作的费用,该基金会寻求印度公司的捐款。||3:然而,印度总理纳伦德拉?莫迪领导的印度教民族主义政府的支持者不喜欢由伊斯兰领袖阿迦汗领导的机构参与印度文化工作;此外,Hindutva的议程是要从印度生活中抹去莫卧儿王朝的影响,就好像它是一种外来的穆斯林红玉,而不是这个国家遗产的固有部分。||4:据说他们一直要求公司不要捐款。||5:那些在桑德尔托儿所野餐的快乐家庭,以及在尼扎穆丁保利朝圣的虔诚信徒,都驳斥了这种枯燥的世界观。 | ||1:Some of the obstacles to this effort are not physical but political.||2:To help pay for its conservation work, the trust seeks donations from Indian companies.||3:Yet supporters of the Hindu-nationalist government of Narendra Modi, the prime minister, dislike the idea of a body headed by the Aga Khan, an Islamic leader, being involved in Indian cultural work; besides, the Hindutva agenda is to expunge Mughal influence from Indian life, as if it were an alien, Muslim carbuncle rather than an intrinsic part of the country’s inheritance.||4:They are said to have been leaning on companies not to donate.||5:That arid worldview is refuted by the joyful families picnicking in Sunder Nursery, and the devotion of pilgrims at Nizamuddin baoli. | |
10 | ||1:富有国家在幸福感上并没有大幅下降。||2:美国和英国只是下降了一个百分点,德国人民的幸福感却上升了13个百分点。||3:但是之前幸福的西班牙人此次调查指数大幅下降导致发达国家幸福指数总体稍微有所下降。||4:幸福感大幅提高的几个国家是此次汇合发生的原因,比如印度尼西亚(+35),巴基斯坦(+22)。||5:24个发展中国家里12个国家,半数、或半数以上的人感觉对自己生活很满意。 | ||1:Rich countries did not experience steep declines in happiness.||2:The decreases in America and Britain were tiny (a single percentage point), while the share of happy Germans rose 13 points.||3:A large drop in formerly joyful Spain ensured a modest overall decline for the rich.||4:But the convergence happened thanks to huge improvements in countries such as Indonesia (+35) and Pakistan (+22).||5:In 12 of the 24 emerging markets, half or more people rate their life satisfaction in the top tiers of the ladder. | |
11 | 孩子们爱玩,他们在玩中成长和学习。但对有些孩子来说,快乐玩耍这一简单想法似乎都遥不可及。这些孩子可能看上去和别的孩子不同,也没法像其他孩子那样自由走动。 | Children love to play. Playing is how they grow and learn. But for some children, the idea of simple, joyful play time can seem very far away. These boys and girls may look differently than others, and not be able to move around as others do. | |
12 | 然而最近研究人员发现,即使是快乐的事情也可能致死。 | Recently however, researchers discovered that even joyful events can kill you. | |
13 | 他们会将一首歌的基调做出分类,如欢快或狂暴;同时也会对歌唱家进行分类,如气息流派或声线沙哑型。 | They rank whether a song’s mood is joyful or hostile, the vocalist breathy or gravelly. | |
14 | “当然”,我欣喜地赞同道。 | "Absolutely" , I said with joyful approval. | |
15 | “它们并不卖弄玄虚,往往只是巧妙地运用了光线和令人愉悦的纯粹颜色。它们具有广泛的吸引力。” | "They are not ostentatious and there’s often a play of light and joyful pure colours. They have broad appeal. " | |
16 | “用钱生钱”显然比实业来得轻松愉快。 | It is sure that ’generating money with money’ is more easy and joyful compared to doing industrial business. | |
17 | FIFA世界杯足球赛给了德国一次绝佳的机会,展示她的热情、快乐、现代化和充满丰富的想象。 | The FIFA World Cup is a unique opportunity for Germany to present herself as a hospitable, joyful and modern nation bursting with ideas. | |
18 | Nostalgically克林顿人们现在是时间到二月初的“快乐的混乱。” | Nostalgically, Clinton people now refer to early February as a time of "joyful chaos. " | |
19 | 阿基力诺一家认为,这是F.T.给人带来喜悦的反击:基亚里怀了双胞胎。 | This, the Aquilino clan decided, was F. T. ’s joyful retort: Mrs. Chiari was expecting twins. | |
20 | 爱就是心甘情愿的奉献 | It only cares for joyful giving ? | |
21 | 沉浸在笑声中证明你足够自信冒上快乐地放纵一刻的危险。 | Losing yourself in laughter is proof that you are confident enough to risk a moment of joyful abandon. | |
22 | 创文明、洁净、快乐宿舍,做健康、积极、向上学生。 | Creates civilized, pure, the joyful dormitory, is healthily, positive, the upward student. | |
23 | 从完全没有公众情绪表达的伊朗来到这里,巴基斯坦人对公共汽车、拖拉机、卡车和房屋的装饰成了一种令人愉快的景致。 | After the complete lack of public expression in Iran, the decoration of buses, tractors, lorries and houses is a joyful sight. | |
24 | 大多数的伊拉克人非常欢欣鼓舞,几乎没有人在这个刚公布的国定假日工作。 | Most Iraqis were joyful and jubilant, and few people went to work on the declared national holiday. | |
25 | 大学英语听力课堂愉快教学模式初探 | Joyful Teaching Mode of College English Listening Teaching | |
26 | 大众文化的勃兴:泛审美中的“生产快乐”原则 | The Vigorous Growth of Mass Culture: the Principle of "the Production to Be Joyful " in the Extensive Appreciation of the Beauty | |
27 | 但你却可以使生活充满乐趣。 | but you do have the power to make life joyful . | |
28 | 但是,它和《超级马里奥银河》一样,能让玩家开心激动到眩晕,这时候按捺住兴奋有点难度哦。 | But when it’s as exciting and giddily joyful as Super Mario Galaxy was, it’s a little hard not to get overexcited anyway. | |
29 | 但是圣经说了:“发出让人愉悦的噪声吧。”你可以做到的!能发出愉悦噪声的歌者根本就不需要那么完美。 | But the Bible says, "Make a joyful noise. " You can do that! You don’t have to be a perfect singer to make a joyful noise. | |
30 | 当地人民的平静和和谐的生活使我想起了当年我在中国西北与之类似的小城镇里成长时的欢乐时光。 | The tranquil and harmonious life of the local people reminds me of the joyful time I grew up in a similar small town in the Southwest China. |