属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老人的故事 Old man’s tales
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-如何应对多动症
1 | 尽量不发表个人观点的婚姻问题咨询指导 | a marriage counselor who tries not to be judgmental . | |
2 | 平衡计分卡:图形扭曲与共同特定指标对管理判断的影响 | The Interaction of Judgmental Effects and Graphic Distortion on the Balanced Scorecard | |
3 | 若是在几年前,我会对这些年轻人嗤之以鼻,厌恶不已一好像他们的生活方式是错误的,而我较保守的方式才是正确的。 | Years ago I would have felt very judgmental and frustrated about these young people--as if their way was wrong and my more conservative way was right. | |
4 | 随机变量独立性的若干判别法 | Some Judgmental Methods on Independence of Random Variables | |
5 | 我的批判态度激起了他的伤感和惭愧,像撕裂皮肤上丑陋的伤疤一样。我感到惭愧不已。 | There was a sorrow and a shame,which my judgmental attitude had forced to rupture like an ugly scab torn from the skin.I felt ashamed. | |
6 | 要是在当时,我会对女儿脱口说出我个人评判性意见,并把它灌输到我女儿的脑子里。 | I would have blurted out some judgmental explanations to my daughter and passed along to her my judgmental views. | |
7 | 以课程改革与教师专业自主之认知冲突为例阐述判断分析理论模式之应用 | The Example of the Cognitive Conflict between Curriculum Reform and the Professional Autonomy of Teachers by Applying the Application of the Judgmental Analysis Theory | |
8 | 这种不恰当的看法曾困扰了几代人。 | A judgmental infelicity plagued past generations | |
9 | ||1:艾哈迈德先生出生于1933年,他大部分的工作时间都用在作为该地区的巴基斯坦的邮政公务员。||2: 《流浪的猎鹰》是在1974年完成的,并且直到他的朋友和家人希望他将这本书给Meru Gokhale看前,这本书40年都没出版。 ||3: Meru Gokhale是企鹅印度出版公司的年轻编辑。艾哈迈德先生用知情人的知识,细心的细节描述和让人敬佩的语言上的克制来写出这本书。 ||4:隐喻的华丽辞藻很少出现在文中,他大多数时候从来都不做出个人的判断。||5:这就是他所说的部落生活如何既不传奇化他们的生活也不批判他们的生活方式的方法。 | ||1: Born in 1933, Mr Ahmad spent his working life as a Pakistani civil servant in postings up and down the region. ||2: “The Wandering Falcon” was completed in 1974 and sat unpublished for four decades until friends and family persuaded him to show it to Meru Gokhale, a young editor at Penguin India. ||3: Mr Ahmad writes with an insider’s knowledge, a careful attention to detail and an admirable restraint in his language. ||4: Metaphorical flourishes are rare and he is almost never judgmental . ||5: This is how the tribes live, he says, neither romanticising nor criticising their way of life. | |
10 | ||1:多年来,好莱坞制片人已经投入了大量资金,他们认为美国观众和中国观众并没有太大不同,他们会为同一部精心打造的全球化电影欢笑、哭泣和欢呼。||2:通常,中国会证明他们错了。||3:《复仇者联盟》系列电影在中国拥有庞大而独特的粉丝群体,他们经常说,他们喜欢这系列电影,正是因为他们认同与所处环境格格不入的英雄们,他们在一个残酷、批判的世界中挣扎前行。 | ||1:Hollywood producers have bet fair sums of money, over the years, on the idea that American and Chinese audiences are not so very different, and will laugh, weep and cheer at the same, carefully globalised movies.||2:China has a habit of proving them wrong.||3:The “Avengers” series has a large but distinctive set of fans in China, who often say they love the films precisely because they identify with its misfit heroes, struggling with a harsh, judgmental world. | |
11 | 她说她现在更加关注她儿子,花更多时间陪他,少些主观,给他更多的积极评价。 | She says she is now paying more attention to her son, spending more time with him, being less judgmental and giving him more positive feedback. | |
12 | “重要的是:要通过一种不带审判的方式来交流彼此的不满。”她这样说道。 | "It’s important to communicate dissatisfaction in a way that’s not judgmental , " she said. | |
13 | 不管他们承认与否,每个人在某种程度上都有些批判意味。 | Everyone is judgmental to some extent, no matter how much they’ll deny it. | |
14 | 驰骋你的想象力,试者责难任何事;现在不是需要做判断的时候。 | Let your imagination run free and try not to censure anything; this is not the time to be judgmental . | |
15 | 但是这也表明,对于宗教思想中全能上帝的无所不知以及因果审判,人们还是有所思考的。 | But it does indicate a mental process that religious ideas of a judgmental , omniscient god would be able to tap into. | |
16 | 二元关系传递性判断定理证明及算法实现 | The Transmitting Judgmental Theorem with Bivariate Relation and its Computational Algorithms | |
17 | 负面特质:批判的,正统的,不确定,审判的,挑剔的 | Negative Traits: Critical, Formal, Uncertain, Judgmental , Picky | |
18 | 你在合适的时间做出的不带偏见的支持以及鼓励能够发挥最大的作用。 | Your non-judgmental support and encouragement at the right time will work | |
19 | 然而,不要仅仅做一个旁观的法官,我慎重的认为改变不是一件容易的事情,尤其当这个改变是一个人的态度的时候。 | However, not to be judgmental , I respect that change is not an easy thing, especially when that change is of one’s attitude. | |
20 | 是时候和他进行一次适当的谈话,但不要让她觉得你是在评判他,否则你不会得到他真心的回答。 | It’s time to have a proper conversation, but you will not get genuine answers if he feels you will be judgmental . | |
21 | 他们很支持我,也不做那些没用的判断,但我仍然觉得很可怜,仿佛我把事情又搞砸了。 | They are supportive, and not remotely judgmental , but I still feel wretched, as if I’ve messed up again. | |
22 | 他们还说,这家学校将“在校园内消除对怀孕青少年的偏见和负面态度。” | The school will also "eliminate stigma and judgmental attitudes associated with those that are pregnant and in school, " they said. | |
23 | 它是不是满有怜悯?从上帝而来的意念会让你和蔼可亲、通情达理。不会让你武断评判或者吹毛求疵。 | Is it full of mercy? An impression from God will make you more gracious and forgiving. It won’t make you judgmental or critical. | |
24 | 太多时候,我们对软弱退后、冷淡跌倒的人,都报以批判和论断的眼光。 | Too many times, we tend to be critical and judgmental toward those who have back-slidden, fallen or turned cold. | |
25 | 提供不包含判定性形容词的中立问题。 | Provide neutral questions that don’t have judgmental adjectives | |
26 | 温柔的人不是懦弱的人,而是善于理解,少要求,文雅,不太指责的人。 | A meek person is not a weak person; rather, a meek person is understanding, not demanding; gentle, not judgmental . | |
27 | 我并非来自一个热衷于道德评判的家庭,无需担心父母或是其他亲戚因为我是个同性恋而不跟我往来。 | It’s not like I come from a morally judgmental family; I never feared my parents or other relatives turning their backs on me. | |
28 | 我们都曾经第一眼便讨厌一个人,之后便因太过武断而内疚。 | All of us have taken an instant dislike to someone, then felt guilty about being too judgmental . | |
29 | 我努力显得专业,不抱成见,多问开放性的问题。 | I would try to be professional, non-judgmental and to ask "open" questions. | |
30 | 我想人们只是意气用事罢了。 | I think this is just people being very judgmental . |