属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴西水资源 无水可喝
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-运动品牌直售 大获全胜
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-灰色的幽影 Shades of grey
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-医学技术 肌肤之下
1 | 我们在教堂的旧杂货义卖中筹集了近100英镑,但同我们要整修教堂屋顶所需要的数额相比,这只是个小数额。 | We raised nearly a hundred pounds at the church jumble sale but it’s only a flea bite compared with the amount we need to renovate the church roof. | |
2 | 一堆无意义的杂乱的词语 | a nonsensical jumble of words. | |
3 | 一团混乱的思绪 | A jumble of confused ideas | |
4 | 杂乱的一大堆;杂烩菜 | A jumble ;a hodgepodge. | |
5 | 在这乱哄哄的圈子里还穿梭般往来着一群稀奇古怪的食客。 | Through this jumble of futile activities came and went a strange throng of hangers-on | |
6 | ||1:干旱的爆发是因为水供应没跟上城市人口增加的速度。||2:由于各级政府权力划分不清,州与联邦条例混乱的问题,政府在储存分配和处理的支出不足。||3:这不仅仅是圣保罗的问题,国家水管理局警告道位于10个大型城市的16个项目必须在2015年前完成,这些项目旨在在未来的十年中解决长期性缺水问题。||4:到现在为止,只完成了5个项目,一些项目甚至还没有开始。||5:短期措施应使现在有水可用,但这些临时措施只保得了一时,保不了一世。 | ||1: The problem exposed by the drought is that supply has not kept pace with the rising urban population. ||2: Facing a jumble of overlapping municipal, state and federal regulations, investment in storage, distribution and treatment has lagged behind. ||3: And not just in S?o Paulo; the national water regulator has warned that 16 projects in the ten biggest cities must be completed by 2015 to prevent chronic water shortages over the next decade. ||4: So far only five are finished; work on some has not begun. ||5: Short-term measures should keep the water trickling for now. But the well of temporary solutions will eventually run dry. | |
7 | ||1:那时候丹尼尔斯还从未想象过自己能够将整个宇宙纳入一块表中。但是他确实做到了。||2:在42年的制表生涯中,他一共制作了37块表,每一块都独一无二。其中之一便是“宇宙旅行者之表”。||3:表的每一部分都是由他亲手制作,没有使用任何外来的零件——螺钉、弹簧、杠杆、托盘和齿轮、指针以及简洁但是有无数刻度的钟面。||4:连用来制作这些零件的工具都是他自己做的——用来发动引擎的车床除外。||5:在丹尼尔斯之前,没有人学过如许多基本的制表技术。||6:他自学钟表制作多年,这些钟表有的是花一两个先令从旧货摊上买来的,有的是军队军官用坏了的,还有的是他为收藏者修复的精致无比的宝玑(Breguet)表和古老的英国座钟。多年后,他自问:为什么我不能自己制表呢? | ||1: He had never imagined then that he would make the universe by hand. But he did. ||2: Every component of his Space Traveller’s Watch—as of the 36 other watches he made, each unique, over his 42 working years—was produced from scratch. ||3: He made the screws, the springs and the levers, the pallets and gears, the hands and the plain, often numberless dials. ||4: He also made the tools that made them, except for the lathes and turning engines. ||5: No one else had ever learned the dozens of necessary skills. ||6: But after years of teaching himself horology from clocks bought for a bob or two at jumble sales, or comrades’ broken watches in the army, or the wonderful Breguet and old English timepieces he went on to restore for collectors, he had begun to think, why not? | |
8 | ||1:相较于英国其他零售业所出现的不景气,Sports Direct的成功便更为突出。||2:根据一个调查公司——地方数据公司,近14%的零售地段是空滞的。||3:然而Sports Direct的成绩不断看涨,尤其是采取了偶尔打超低折扣的措施后。||4:标志有“大甩卖”这种类似义卖活动的横幅经常挂在其商店中。||5:一个零售店Lillywhites在2002年被Sports Direct合并,这个曾用来囤积豪华伦敦百货商店的优质运动商品。||6:“现在它‘堆得高,卖的贱’,”分析师Matthew Hopkinson颇有怨词道。 | ||1:Sports Direct’s success is all the more remarkable in view of the devastation that has occurred elsewhere in British retailing.||2:Around 14% of retail lots are estimated to be vacant, according to the Local Data Company, a research firm.||3:Yet Sports Direct has thrived, not least by taking the measure of the times with relentless discounting.||4:Signs boasting “mega-deals” hang throughout its shops, which often resemble jumble sales.||5:Lillywhites, a retailer acquired by Sports Direct in 2002, used to be a posh London department store stocked with the finest sporting goods.||6:“Now it is ‘pile it high, sell it cheap’,” sniffs Matthew Hopkinson, an analyst. | |
9 | ||1:乍一看,这书是危险与动机的混杂体。||2:警察不得不在数月里保持勇敢。||3:塞尔维亚人不得不即刻做决定。||4:以色列士兵在退役前数年的焦虑让他烦恼不已。||5:揭发者被炒了,另一方面塞尔维亚人面临枪决。||6:这些例子乍一看没有什么共性,但这也是Mr Press所要强调的地方。||7:当我们看到它时会认可道德上的勇气。||8:而要解释清楚却极端困难。 | ||1:At first glance, this looks like a jumble of risks and motives.||2:The policeman had to be brave over months.||3:The Serb had to decide in an instant.||4:The Israeli soldier’s disquiet nagged for years before he quit.||5:The whistle-blower was fired, whereas the Serb faced being shot.||6:That lack of a pattern, though, is part of Mr Press’s point.||7:We recognise moral bravery when we see it.||8:Explaining it is extremely hard. | |
10 | 他们期待看到的结果是:无疾病手掌下的血管是正常的;前臂上的湿疹和有炎症的前额下的血管由于扩张和形变造成了灌注量的增加;而为癌细胞供血的血管乱七八糟扭成一团。 | They expected to see normal blood vessels in the healthy palm, increased perfusion caused by dilated and altered vessels in the eczema and the inflammation, and a chaotic jumble of vessels feeding the cancers. | |
11 | Jumble是在大多数报纸中可以找到的字谜,您有一些已经完全混合在一起的单词。 | The Jumble is that word puzzle found in most newspapers where you have a few words that have been all mixed up. | |
12 | Olson和他的团队使用白板仔细研究密码的每一个细节,研究看似杂乱中的模式和逻辑。 | Olson and his team use one to dissect a segment of code, looking for patterns and logic in what appears to be a jumble of symbols. | |
13 | 但是代码本身看起来或多或少有点儿乏味:只是屏幕上一团混乱的字符而已。 | But the code itself is rather unimpressive to look at: just a jumble of characters on a screen. | |
14 | 当他们离开的时候,基督教传教士潜进了,带着传单小册子。为了慈善汇款和更多的拉丁语。 | While they were away, Christian missionaries stole in bringing with them leaflets about jumble sales and more Latin. | |
15 | 该网站集合了经常完全不同的想法和影响力,就像其创始人的职业道路一样。 | The website is a jumble of often disparate ideas and influences, not unlike the career of its founder. | |
16 | 欢呼声低落下去后,伊格尔介绍起每个仙灵,这一大串名字在我耳边叮当作响。 | As the cheering faded, Igel introduced each faery, but the jumble of names clanged against my ears. | |
17 | 混乱:混乱或无序的状况。这个是本文的一个核心词汇;。 | Cluttermeans A confused or disordered state or collection; a jumble | |
18 | 她总是参加社区组织的义卖活动。 | She always participates in the jumble sale organized by the community. | |
19 | 经过一代人的移民以及爵士乐和装饰艺术的传入,此前杂乱的建筑群在真正的城市中焕发新生。 | After a generation of immigration, jazz, and Art Deco, that jumble of buildings sprouted into a true city. | |
20 | 诺曼的言论是在语无伦次中蹦颠而出,不时被双肩起伏和阵阵笑声打断。 | The words tumbled out in an incoherent jumble interrupted by heaving shoulders and gales of cackling laughter. | |
21 | 其表面布满杂乱的火山口,平原及巨大的、长达数千米的峡谷裂缝。 | The surface is a jumble of craters, plains and immense, cliff-like scarps that can be hundreds of kilometres long. | |
22 | 任何一种反乌托邦的、复杂而混乱的生产过程,无论涉及多少国家,雇佣多少公民,都不应当被称作全球流水线(GlobalAssemblyLine)。 | The Global Assembly Line is a misnomer for a dystopian, complex jumble of production that uses any number of countries and its citizens. | |
23 | 树木在风中轻轻摇晃,一个孩子被包裹在彩色毯子做成的襁褓里,躺在一架木质手推车上。 | The trees twisting in the wind and a child swaddledin a jumble of coloured blankets, lying in a wooden hand cart. | |
24 | 他们曾经担心左派会重返政府,而与地方权势结盟会带来混乱局面。 | They had feared the return of the left to government and the prospect of a jumble of alliances with regional power-brokers. | |
25 | 他希望可以理顺这些混杂的信念,以便可以做到证实一个,便能随之推导出另外一个。 | He resolves to put some kind of order into this jumble of beliefs sothat justification of one proposition may follow from another. | |
26 | 他总有一大堆原因开始伟大的冒险旅程,但多半是为了玩。 | He had set out on his great walk for a jumble of reasons, but mostly to have fun. | |
27 | 脱落的冰川碎块与峡湾表面混乱的碎海冰融合在一起。 | Pieces of glacier that break off become mixed with thin sea ice in a jumble of ice fragments on the fjord’s surface. | |
28 | 我转过身来,重新盯着那堆乱七八糟的东西。 | I turned and stared again at the jumble . | |
29 | 一列车的车顶被部分撕裂,留下一大堆扭曲的金属残骸。 | One of the trains had part of its roof sheared off, and the wreckage was a jumble of twisted metal. | |
30 | 由于以前左派政客、银行家和官僚主义者的混杂,民主党已被完全分裂了。 | a jumble of former leftist politicians, bankers and bureaucrats, it is sorely divided. |