属类:文学表达-外国名著-George Gordon Byron
1 | (谚)两个错不等于其中一个对(自己做了错事不能说别人也是这样做的来为自己辩护). | Two wrongs don’t make a right (saying)you cannot justify a wrong action by saying that sb else has done sth similar or that sb has done sth wrong to you | |
2 | 11.3主管机关应审查申请中提供的证据的准确性和充分性,以确定是否有足够的证据证明发起调查是正当的。 | 3 The authorities shall review the accuracy and adequacy of the evidence provided in the application to determine whether the evidence is sufficient to justify the initiation of an investigation | |
3 | 1950年代艾森豪威尔总统将该理论应用于东南亚,尤其是南越,于是这理论风行一时。1960年代肯尼迪和约翰森执政时期美国加深在越战中的军事卷入,该理论便是被用来作为辩护的主要论据之一。 | Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson invoked it to justify U.S. military involvement in Southeast Asia, especially the prosecution of the Vietnam War. | |
4 | 3主管机关应审查申请中提供的证据的准确 | 3 The authorities shall examine the accuracy and adequacy of the evidence provided in the application to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to justify the initiation of an investigation | |
5 | 白天,我心神不定,坐立不安;夜里,我在睡梦中大杀野人,并为自己列举杀害野人的种种理由。所有这一切,现在先不提。 | In the day great troubles overwhelm’d my mind, and in the night I dream’d often of killing the savages, and of the reasons why I might justify the doing of it; but to wave all this for a while | |
6 | 拜伦总是写得很流畅,对于自己的作品不作过多的推敲和修饰;但是《别波》、《审判的幻景》和《唐·璜》这三部作品证明他的伟大诗人的名望是当之无愧的。 | Byron, always a fluent writer, was not over-critical of his own work; but Beppo, A Vision of Judgement, and Don Juan more than justify his reputation as a great poet. | |
7 | 本课程鼓励学员思考所用材料与其现实环境的相关性,并希望学员积极参与课程学习和讨论。 | Students are expected to actively participate in the course, and to present and justify the answers of their working groups to the case studies. They are invited to consider the relevance of the concepts for their own firms. | |
8 | 变电站须手动控制时,运行人员必须管理足够多数量的电力,才能使运行人员的工资较合理。 | During the period when the substations had to be controlled manually, it was necessary that they handle enough power to justify the operator’s wages. | |
9 | 不自见,故明;不自是,故彰;不自伐,故有功;不自矜,故长。 | They do not display themselves and are therefore illumined. They do not justify themselves and are distinguished. They do not make claims and are therefore given credit. They do not seek glory and therefore are leaders. | |
10 | 除奥克兰外,其附近还有许多美得让人留恋忘返、值得一看的胜景,所以千万别错过去南面的怀托摩。 | Theres too much to see beyond auckland to justify spending too much time in the city, so head south to Waitomo | |
11 | 大多数猫必须以抓老鼠来证明自己的能力。 | Most cats must justify themselves by catching mice | |
12 | 大学生活转眼即逝,而我仍习惯于按部就班地做每件事。这样我才能集中精力而不会浪费时间。 | My college study days are gone, but not my need and love for schedules. They keep me focused. Justify my time. | |
13 | 但不得就每次申请给予延期超过3个月;及除非有特殊情况证明该项延期合理,否则不得延期。 | but he shall not extend the period by more than 3 months on any one application; or in any case, unless there are special circumstances which justify the extension. | |
14 | 但是我们觉得没有必要核对这种论证,因为它几乎是不言而喻的。 | However, we feel that there is no necessity to justify this argument since it is almost self-explanatory | |
15 | 但说实在的,50万美元的年销售量并不证明你们能胜任独家代理的工作。 | But honestly, an annual sales volume of $500,000 does not justify a sole agency agreement. | |
16 | 东亚一些政治领袖利用亚洲价值观之名来解释个人的滥权和社会的不公正,使得亚洲价值观遭贬低。 | Some of East Asia’s political leaders have given Asian Values a bad name by seeking to justify their abuses of power and the inequities of their societies in the name of Asian values. | |
17 | 对此申请,贵公司如惠予考虑,本人将尽最大的忠诚与努力。 | Should this application meet with your favorable consideration, I will do my utmost to justify the confidence you may repose in me. | |
18 | 而且"当行政机构选择的规制进路基础看上去同专家组建议不一致时,它应当解释其法律的、社会的和其他理由,以说明该选择的正当性。" | When an agency selects a regulatory approach whose basis appears inconsistent with a panel’s advice, it should explain the legal, social, and other reasons that dictate or justify that choice. | |
19 | 犯罪情节特别严重,而且案发后在羁押场所拉拢、腐蚀看守所人员帮助她多次与他人串供,应依法予以严惩。 | Her crimes--especially that she seduced the warden at the detention center who helped her to collude with others to provide false testimony are indeed serious and justify severe punishment according to the law. | |
20 | 方鸿渐固执地申辩道:“我就爱你这颜色。 | stubbornly trying to justify himself, he argued, "But I like your color | |
21 | 服用和疾病二者相联的统计数字是如此之缺乏,很难证明某个原告的疾病与服用某种危害性物质有因果关系。 | The statistical association between exposure and illness may be too weak to justify a finding that a particular plaintiff’s disease is causally linked to an exposure to a hazardous substance | |
22 | 该方法的主要特征是它在编制预算时从头开始,也就是说,每一个要求预算拨款的部门都要说明其要求存在的合理性。 | The major characteristic of this method is that it starts budgeting from the beginning. Thus, each department requesting an appropriation has to justify the very existence of the expenditure request. | |
23 | 贵公司如对此申请给予考虑,本人将竭诚工作,以不负厚望。 | Should this application meet with your favorable consideration, I will do my utmost to justify the confidence you may repose in me. | |
24 | 贵公司如对我的申请惠予考虑,本人将竭诚工作,以不负厚望。 | Should this application meet with your favorable consideration, I will do my utmost to justify the confidence you may response in me. | |
25 | 巨大的短期利润是否能弥补长期损失?巨大的长期利润是否能弥补短期损失 | Do large, short-term profits justify long-term losses? Do large, long-term profits justify short-term losses? | |
26 | 可确认净资产的一般回报是投资者对某一行业要求的回报率,以证明他们以公平市场价格购买了企业的可确认净资产。 | A normal return on net identifiable assets is the rate of return which investors demand in a particular industry to justify their buying a business at the fair market value of its net identifiable assets. | |
27 | 可以想象捐出,环境保护局可能会发现危害的证据充分得足以证明撤销注册是对的,但是危险不会那么立竿见影,足以证明终止是有理的。 | (conceivably, EPA could find that the evidence of risk was just strong enough to justify cancellation proceedings but that the danger was not quite immediate enough to justify suspension.) | |
28 | 领导们只注意到短期利益,并相信这些能够弥补长期损失。 | The leaders focused on short-term profits and believed that these would justify long-term losses. | |
29 | 没有回答的问题是,这样获得的利益是否足以证明其他最终继续下去的工程为此而产生的消耗与耽误是否有道理。 | The unanswered question is whether the benefits thus attained are sufficient to justify the expense and delay created in all those instances in which the project ultimately proceeds | |
30 | 媒体的某些部门以公共利益为借口辩解说他们的“私闯”是正当的。他们争辩道在一个民主社会里,公众有权力知道那些在当权者在做什么 | Some sections of the media justify their intrusion by saying it is in the public interest, In a democracy, they argue, the public has a right to know what people in positions of power are doing. |