属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-人类因疫情被困家中 地球反而变得更加美好
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-涉嫌种族清洗上将被免责 塞尔维亚人心有不甘
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 拜登参加2020总统大选 英防长因"
1 | 在有袋目动物中,如负鼠和袋鼠,妊娠和非妊娠母兽的黄体存在时间相似。 | In marsupials, such as opossum and kangaroo , the life span of the corpus luteum is similar in pregnant and nonpregnant females | |
2 | 早产儿袋鼠式护理对亲子关系的影响之初探性研究 | Preliminary Study of Kangaroo Care for Preterm Infants: Effect on Parent-Infant Relationship | |
3 | 这一场景让人想起20世纪60年代澳大利亚儿童电视系列片《皮皮》中那只机智的袋鼠,随后露露领着农夫的妻子去找她的丈夫。 | In a scene reminiscent of the 1960s Australian children’s television series Skippy about a resourceful kangaroo , the animal then led the woman to her husband. | |
4 | 在澳大利亚,警方在社交媒体上分享了一只袋鼠的视频。视频显示这只袋鼠在阿德莱德市区的一个空旷社区跳来跳去。几只野生胡狼最近占领了以色列特拉维夫的一个城市公园。 | In Australia, police shared a video of a kangaroo on social media. It showed the animal jumping around a mostly empty neighborhood in downtown Adelaide. Several wild jackals recently occupied a city park in Tel Aviv, Israel. | |
5 | ||1:塞尔维亚人对上将的释放恼怒不堪。||2:塞尔维亚首相达希科说,这样的判决“藐视塞尔维亚牺牲者,让他们的牺牲无足轻重”。||3:塞尔维亚人一直以来认为联合国特别法庭只是一个反塞尔维亚人的“袋鼠法庭”。||4:开明人士一直努力奋斗,劝说同胞事实并非如此。||5:对他们而言,判决结果不啻一场大灾难。||6:在11月19日,法院会处理对科索沃前首相哈拉迪纳吉和其他两人的上诉。||7:他们在2008年被宣布无罪,但法院表示,由于存在“严重恐吓目击证人”的情节,所以有上诉的机会。||8:没有塞尔维亚人认为他们现在会被宣判有罪。 | ||1:Serbs greeted the release of the generals with fury.||2:The decision “belittles the Serb victims and makes them worthless,” said Ivica Dacic, Serbia’s prime minister.||3:Serbs have always believed that the UN tribunal is just an anti-Serb kangaroo court.||4:Liberals have fought tooth and nail to persuade their compatriots otherwise.||5:For them the ruling is a catastrophe.||6:On November 29th the court will rule on the appeal of Ramush Haradinaj, a former prime minister of Kosovo, and two others.||7:They were acquitted in 2008 but an appeal was allowed—in part, said the court, because of “serious witness intimidation”.||8:No Serbs expect them to be convicted now. | |
6 | ||1:英国国防大臣加文·威廉姆森(Gavin Williamson)因泄露国家安全会议的信息被解职,该会议曾讨论允许华为建设5G网络。||2:经过快速调查,英国首相特蕾莎·梅(Theresa May)解雇了他。||3:但威廉姆森否认了“袋鼠法庭”的指控和申诉。||4:新任国防部长佩妮·莫道特曾在英国脱欧运动中有争议地宣称,如果土耳其加入欧盟,英国作为欧盟成员国没有否决权。 | ||1:Gavin Williamson was sacked as Britain’s defence secretary for leaking information from a national-security meeting that had discussed allowing Huawei to build 5G networks.||2:Theresa May, the prime minister, dismissed him after a speedy inquiry.||3:Mr Williamson denies the allegation and complains of a “kangaroo court”.||4:The new defence secretary is Penny Mordaunt, who wrongly claimed during the Brexit campaign that as an eu member Britain would have no veto if Turkey tried to join the European Union. | |
7 | 由袋鼠法庭审判,21岁的弗吉尼亚大学学生奥托·瓦姆比尔在参观孤立的共产主义国家朝鲜间,于一月在平壤被拘留, | Tried by a Kangaroo court Otto Warmbier, the 21 year old University of Virginia student who was visiting the isolated communist nation of North Korea and detained in January in Pyongyang, | |
8 | 周三,在“袋鼠法庭”前被判处15年劳教。 | was sentenced to 15 years hard labor on Wednesday before a “kangaroo court”. | |
9 | 澳大利亚人把袋鼠宝宝叫做幼兽,宝宝要在这种天生的育儿袋里一直呆到可以独立生存才出来。 | The joey -- what Australians call a baby kangaroo -- stays in this built-in baby carrier until it can survive independently. | |
10 | 澳大利亚人认为袋鼠的个性代表着积极向上的价值观,例如个人责任和自尊。 | Australians think the kangaroo represents positive values, such as individual responsibility and pride. | |
11 | 把他最基本的权力交给一个漠视司法程序的所谓法庭任意处理 | consigning his most basic rights to the hazards of a kangaroo court | |
12 | 蝙蝠犰狳袋鼠考拉,树袋熊刺猬箭猪,豪猪 | duckbill, platypus kangaroo koala hedgehog porcupine bat | |
13 | 袋鼠和鸸鹋的肉排:产自澳大利亚,澳洲可能是唯一一个吃作为国家象征的动物的国家。 | Kangaroo and Emu Steaks, Australia. Australia must be the only country where people can eat their national emblems. | |
14 | 袋鼠妈妈和肚袋里的小袋鼠,摄于澳大利亚墨尔本郊外一处叫HangingRock的地方。 | A kangaroo mum with her baby in the pouch. Taken at Hanging Rock, outside Melbourne, Australia. | |
15 | 当尾巴指向北面,袋鼠就往南面跳;当尾巴指向南面,袋鼠就往北面跳。 | When the tail points north, the kangaroo jumps south, and when the tail points south, it jumps north. | |
16 | 当我们提起英格兰的时候,人们也许不会联想到狮子。但一提起澳大利亚,大家都知道袋鼠。 | Although people might not think of lions when they think of England, everyone knows about the Australian kangaroo . | |
17 | 德国吕根岛斯万鸵鸟养殖场,一只白化班尼特小袋鼠在观察周围环境。 | A young albino Bennett kangaroo inspects the surroundings on an ostrich farm in Swine on the island of Ruegen, Germany | |
18 | 对!袋鼠有妈妈,就像我和你一样。 | Yes! A kangaroo has a mother. Just like me and you. | |
19 | 对于这些程序的每一步,调查员要求母亲和父亲用袋鼠式护理轮流抱孩子。 | For each of those procedures, the investigators had the baby’s mom and dad alternate who held the baby using kangaroo care. | |
20 | 而在加州其它地区,他们为保护钝头黑斑项圈蜥和体型巨大的鼠菐而对簿公堂。 | Elsewhere they have gone to court for the blunt-nosed leopard lizard and the giant kangaroo rat. | |
21 | 而在一个电视广告里,这名跨栏选手则到了澳洲内陆追逐袋鼠。 | In one television commercial, the hurdler chases a kangaroo across the Australian outback. | |
22 | 仿袋鼠机器人跳跃过程中的能量变化分析 | Energy Consumption Change in Kangaroo Robot During its Hopping | |
23 | 仿袋鼠跳跃机器人正运动学分析 | Positive kinematics analysis on bionic kangaroo -hopping robot | |
24 | 她在墨尔本瞎造了一个关于袋鼠的故事还带到新闻发布会上。 | She concocted a tale revolving around a kangaroo and orchestrated her own press conference in Melbourne. | |
25 | 今天,这种生物被称为袋鼠,一种澳大利亚特有的有袋目哺乳动物。 | Today, this creature is known as the kangaroo , a widespread marsupial endemic to Australia. | |
26 | 尽管其房地产泡沫的紧缩以及严重的干旱,但是袋鼠经济仍保持着跳跃似的增长。 | Despite the deflation of its housing bubble and a severe drought, the kangaroo economy keeps bouncing along. | |
27 | 据《每日邮报》报道,澳大利亚的一对情侣吉利·理查森和约翰·休斯举办了一场有趣的婚礼,他们用自己的宠物小袋鼠当“伴娘”(见图)。 | A couple in Australia had their pet baby kangaroo attend their wedding as a bridesmaid (see photo), the Daily Mail reported. | |
28 | 考虑脚部柔性的仿袋鼠跳跃机器人运动特性研究 | Locomotion Analysis of Hopping Kangaroo Robots Considering Foot Compliance | |
29 | 美国发行的债券以金融债券为主,今年迄今为止,已占袋鼠债券发行量的60%。 | US issuance, dominated by financials, has accounted for 60 per cent of kangaroo bonds so far this year. | |
30 | 莫尔斯比港国家植物园一只被俘虏的树袋鼠或麦斯彻树袋熊。 | A captive Huon or Matschie’s tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei) National Botanic Gardens Port Moresby. |