1 | 为节省时间,并使帐户更易管理,GOOGLE广告词的选择使你能够在关键词方框中复制和粘贴关键词列表。 | To save you time and to make it easier to manage your account, Google AdWords Select lets you copy-and-paste keyword lists into the keyword entry box. You can also specify a maximum CPC and destination URL for each individual keyword in an Ad Group. | |
2 | 我该如何输入长列关键词,或为每个关键词规定唯一的点击费或URL? | How can I enter a long list of keywords or specify a unique CPC or URL for each keyword ? | |
3 | 我需要为每个关键词设定不同的点击费吗 | Will I need to set a different CPC for every keyword ? | |
4 | 要根据关键字进行搜索,请在文本输入框中键入单词。 | To search by keyword , type words into the text entry box. | |
5 | 要缩小关键字搜索的范围,请从列表中选择一个产品或类别,然后输入任何关键字。 | To narrow the scope of a keyword search, choose a product or category from the list, and enter any keywords. | |
6 | 一种词汇单位,在某些上下文中表征某种语言的构造。例如,在某些上下文中,IF表示一种条件语句。注:关键字通常采用标识词的形式。 | A lexical unit that,in certain contexts,characterizes some language constructions.Example:In some contexts,IF characterizes an if-statement.Note:A keyword normally has the form of an identifier. | |
7 | 一种动态字符录像数据的关键字搜索算法 | Keyword Searching Algorithm about Dynamic Character Record Data | |
8 | 一种基于词汇链的关键词抽取方法 | A Keyword Selection Method Based on Lexical Chains | |
9 | 用枚举关键字(enum)定义的一种数据类型,为整数值的有序集合。这些整数值和说明中命名的常数标识符相关联,虽然枚举变量是以整数的形式存储的,但它们可以在程序中使用,就象它们具有独特的数据类型一样。 | A type defined(with the enum keyword )to have an ordered set of integer values.The integer values are associated with constant identifiers named in the declaration.Although enum var iables are stored internally as integers they should be used in programs as if they had a distinct data type. | |
10 | 在 Visual Basic 中,Null 关键字表示 Null 值。 | In Visual Basic, the Null keyword indicates a Null value. | |
11 | 在情报检索中,赋予关键字的一种代码,用来指出该关键字的作用,例如,关键字可以是名词、动词、形容词或副词。因此,一个指示符是用来标明该关键字的特定作用。 | In information retrieval, a code assigned to a keyword to indicate the role of the keyword, e.g., a keyword may be a noun, verb, adjective,or adverb. Therefore, an indicator is used to identify the specific role of the keyword | |
12 | 这种关键词匹配的方法可以使你的广告在关键词最高点击费充许达到的范围内得到最大的利用。 | This method of keyword matching allows your ad to appear for all variations of your keyword allowed by your maximum cost-per-click (CPC). | |
13 | 知识管理中语义与关键词相结合的检索方法 | A Retrieval Method by Combination of Semantics with Keyword in Knowledge Management | |
14 | 中英文混杂关键词萃取技术 | Chinese-English Mixed-Lingual Keyword Spotting | |
15 | 属性数据多关键字排序、查找方法研究 | A Study for Sorting and Query of Multi-Keyword on Attribute Data | |
16 | 最近的电子邮件系统开发了加密功能,凡是不知道口令的人都不能破译。 | The latest E-mail systems are starting to include encryption features so that anyone who doesn’t know the keyword used to scramble a message can’t decode it . | |
17 | “对任何设定好的关键词和任何设定好的程序来说”,他说,“审查人员有着他们试图达到的各种不同的目标。” | "For any given keyword and any given application, " he says, "the censors have different goals that they’re trying to achieve. " | |
18 | “香港游客在菲律宾被杀害”是百度搜索的最热门的关键词,中国最主要的搜索引擎。 | "Hong Kong tourists killed in the Philippines" is the No. 1 most-searched keyword on Baidu, China’s dominant search engine. | |
19 | Followerwonk让你看到最有影响力的人,这些人的简历里有一个关键字。 | Followerwonk allows you to see the most influential people who have a keyword in their bios. | |
20 | GoogleAnalytics充分整合Adword广告服务和其他基于关键字的搜索广告,提供免费的网站分析。 | Google Analytics offers free web analytics services with integrated analysis of Adwords and other keyword -based search advertising. | |
21 | Quintura并没有简单的将搜索结果列出来,而是把和它关联的其他关键字用不同的大小集中在一起。 | Instead of just listing results that match a keyword search, Quintura displays other related keywords clustered together in various sizes. | |
22 | return关键字在这里是可选的,而且很少被用到,除非在一段代码中间返回(比如在一个if语句块中)。 | The return keyword is optional here and it is rarely used, except when returning out of the middle of a block (e. g. , in an if statement). | |
23 | ZapTXT是一常规过滤软件的一种,只是它把筛选结果通过email,即时通讯工具或手机返回给用户。 | ZapTXT is a keyword filter (of the in variety) that returns results via email, instant messenger, or mobile phone. | |
24 | 把这个好东东添加到你的火狐搜索框或者作为一个快速访问的搜索关键字。 | Add this sucker to your Firefox search box or as a search keyword for quick access. | |
25 | 百分之四到六这样的密度就差不多了。 | Aim for keyword density of 4 to 6 percent. | |
26 | 不仅链接要使用关键字锚文本,链接周围的文字也要与关键字相关。 | Not only should your links use keyword anchor text, but the text around the links should also be related to your keywords. | |
27 | 不是仅仅获得表面上的特定tweets,OneRiot关注的是分享链接而不是仅仅在Twitter上面做一个关键词的搜索。 | Instead of surfacing specific tweets, OneRiot focuses on shared links instead of just doing a keyword search on Twitter. | |
28 | 从一个定位准确的关键词策略和营销计划开始。 | Start with a well-defined keyword strategy and marketing plan. | |
29 | 从这个标签云,用户可以点击你感兴趣的词,然后就会触发一个以此为关键词的挂件搜索。 | From this cloud you can click on words that interest you and a search will be made for widgets that use the specified keyword . | |
30 | 大部分高端用户想要跟踪记录像关键词的平均转化率、最流行网页,反向链接(流)量和数量等等。 | More advanced users will want to track things like conversion rate per keyword , most popular pages, backlink volume and quantity, etc. |