属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM C 1302-1995
1 | “他者”与“解构”-女性主义电影理论的关键词解读 | The Other and Deconstruction-The Keywords of Feminism Theory on Movie | |
2 | Microsoft Access 97 或更高版本支持一些新的 Visual Basic 关键字,所以不能再将这些关键字作为标识符使用。 | Microsoft Access 97 or later supports some new Visual Basic keywords , so you can no longer use these keywords as identifiers. | |
3 | Transact-SQL 保留大写和小写的保留关键字。 | Transact-SQL reserves both the uppercase and lowercase versions of reserved keywords . | |
4 | 除非你给你的关键词设为“exact matches(精确匹配)”,否则你的关键词将会和大量有关联的查寻发生响应,关键词默认匹配方式是“广义匹配”。 | Unless you choose to target your keywords as exact matches, your keyword targets will likely match a large number of different queries. The default keyword matching option is broad matching. | |
5 | 从婚恋的关键词看中国婚恋的一些轨迹 | Looks at the Course of Chinese Love and Marriage from the Love and Marriage Keywords | |
6 | 第一是新科技,第二是进取精神,第三是创新,我想这三点很能够表现这个时代。 | Technology, entrepreneurship and innovations are keywords that sum up the new era | |
7 | 对象名不得包含 Transact-SQL 保留的关键字。 | The object name should not contain Transact-SQL reserved keywords . | |
8 | 隔热试验方法及标准的关键词选择和使用标准导则 | Standard Guide for Selection and Use of Keywords for Thermal Insulation Test Methods and Standards | |
9 | 关键词:赊销信用管理信用评定 | Keywords :account sale, credit management, credit evaluation | |
10 | 关键词:选择正确的关键词能保证你的广告所吸引的都是你的潜在客户,每次的点击都很有可能为您的投资带来回报。 | Keywords : Choosing the right keywords ensures that you attract only your potential customers and only pay for clicks that are likely to bring you return on investment. | |
11 | 关键词标引中存在若干问题的探讨 | Discussion about Some Problems in Keywords Documentation | |
12 | 基于结构与文本关键词相关度的XML网页分类研究 | An Efficient XML Documents Classification Method Based on Structure and Keywords Frequency | |
13 | 基于新的关键词提取方法的快速文本分类系统 | Research on Fast Text Classifier Based on New Keywords Extraction Method | |
14 | 开始寻找时,你要向WAIS提供有关你寻找的内容的关键字。 | To start a search, you provide keywords telling WAIS what it is you’re after. | |
15 | 另外一些广告项目要求顾客给每个关键词固定的费率,这不仅让顾客多花冤枉钱,同时需要顾客花大量时间去选择最佳关键词以减少成本。 | Other advertising programs require customers to specify a set price for each keyword. This means their customers not only spend more money than necessary, but also must invest a significant amount of time patrolling their keywords in order to reduce costs. | |
16 | 论文作者应学会标引关键词 | The Authors should Know How to Index Keywords for Their Papers | |
17 | 你的实际点击费对这些关键词会增高,从而也增加了你的平均点击费。 | Your actual CPC will be higher for the searches on those keywords , thereby raising your average CPC. | |
18 | 你可以输入许多关键词,WAIS能够比较它们,WAIS将其寻找的结果在0-1000之间记分,1000分是最接近你查找的项。 | You can enter many keywords , and WAIS tries to match them all. WAIS scores its search results on a scale of 0 to 1000, with 1000 assigned to the item that most closely meets your search criteria. | |
19 | 你也可以在WORD或EXCEL中创建你的关键词列表并将他们复制并粘贴到关键词方框中.在EXCEL中,每一单元格输入一项内容,并将其粘贴到关键词方框中.你可以保存多达750个关键词. | You can also create your keyword list in a program such as Word or Excel and copy-and-paste it into the keyword box. In Excel, enter each field in a separate column and paste your keywords in the keyword box. You may then save up to 750 keywords. | |
20 | 你只需为所有关键词设定一个最高费值即可。因为广告词折扣器在保持每个广告关键词的功能的同时,总是收取最低点击费。 | You can simply set the same maximum CPC for all your keywords , knowing that the AdWords Discounter will charge you the lowest CPC you can be charged while still maintaining your position for each keyword. | |
21 | 皮革科技论文中关键词的引用分析及部分关键词推荐(Ⅰ)-皮革科技论文关键词使用现状分析 | Analysis of Keywords Cited in Leather Scientific Paper | |
22 | 如果关键字搜索得到的结果很少,请检查拼写,尝试其他关键字或将搜索范围扩展到整个下载中心。 | If a keyword search produces few results, check your spelling, try different keywords , or expand the scope of your search to the entire Download Center. | |
23 | 如果你想给每个关键词不同的点击费率,你只需给广告词分组,然后,给每组设定最高费率即可。你也可以利用我们的POWER POSTING功能给一个广告组中的每一个关键词设定不同点击费率。 | If you want to assign different CPC values to different keywords , you can simply set up separate Ad Groups with different maximum CPC amounts. You can also use our power posting feature to assign a different CPC to each of the keywords within an Ad Group. | |
24 | 如果你想利用POWER POSTING的这一特点,在要求输入关键词的提示出现时,你可以执行建立任务中的第二步。 | If you would like to take advantage of this power posting feature, you can do so during Step 2 of the campaign set up process when you are prompted to enter keywords . | |
25 | 事先填好的用蓝色标明的数字是我们推荐的最大点击率.选用此推荐值可以保证最佳的广告和点击效果.决定了最高点击费以后,按”Calculate Estimate”键确认. | The pre-filled amount highlighted in blue is our recommended maximum CPC. Matching this amount ensures maximum ad exposure and clicks for all of your keywords . Once you have decided on a maximum CPC, click Calculate Estimates. | |
26 | 通讯量评估员会对你每天应为你所选择的关键词付多少钱作出评估.在此例中,每日的平均费用为16.14美元,平均点击费为1.62美元.你还要看你的广告的平均位置.此例中,平均位置为1.5. | The traffic estimator returns estimates for how much you might pay per day for the keywords you have chosen. In this example, the average cost per day is $16.14 with an average CPC of $1.62. You’ll also see the average position of your ad. Here, the average position is 1.5. | |
27 | 图书情报学核心期刊论文关键词计量分析研究(上) | Keywords Statistical Analysis of Papers from Core Journal on Library and Informatics | |
28 | 图书情报学核心期刊论文关键词计量分析研究(下) | Keywords Statistical Analysis of Papers from Core Journal on Library and Informatics (Ⅱ) | |
29 | 我该如何输入长列关键词,或为每个关键词规定唯一的点击费或URL? | How can I enter a long list of keywords or specify a unique CPC or URL for each keyword? | |
30 | 要解决该问题,必须更改与关键字相同的标识符。 | To fix this problem, change existing identifiers so they are not keywords . |