属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-鸟类观察 群情激动
1 | GA747型剑杆织机织造高紧度棉粘线卡的生产实践 | Weaving Practice of High Cover Factor Cotton and Viscose Khaki on GA747 Rapier Loom | |
2 | 弹力CVC卡其染整工艺 | Continuous Dyeing and Finishing of CVC Elastic Khaki Drills | |
3 | 等到圣诞节,如果一切顺利,他大概可以够资格穿卡叽布军服了。 | By Christmas, with fair luck, he might be eligible for service in khaki | |
4 | 否则,千百万穿着草黄色、土黄色、蓝色和灰色军服的魂灵,就会从白色的十字架底下升起来,雷鸣似的喊出这几个具有魔力的字眼--“责任--荣誉--国家”。 | Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki , in blue and gray, would rise from their white crosses thundering those magic words--Duty--Honor--Country | |
5 | 尽管斯普鲁恩斯的卡其衬衫被汗弄黑了,他的步子并没放慢。 | Though Spruance’s khaki shirt blackened with sweat his pace did not slow | |
6 | 浅黄褐色的或土黄褐色 | Of a light olive brown or khaki color. | |
7 | 他穿着卡其布的衬衫和外套,衣服烫得很平整,但没有浆过,他手上拿着磨得发光的工作簿。 | He wore khaki slacks and a khaki shirt, neatly pressed but without starch, and polished work books. | |
8 | 他穿着卡其短裤和运动衫。 | He was wearing khaki shorts and a sports-shirt | |
9 | 我记得1969年买过一件卡其布做的绿大衣,当时非常流行穿军服。 | I myself remember buying a khaki green overcoat in1969,when the military look was going great guns. | |
10 | 我觉得,要是拒不接受这个条约或者对它横加限制,那就对不起穿着卡其军装,列着整齐队伍的青年人,不光是那些回了家的小伙子,还包括仍留守在法国田野里的可爱鬼魂。 | There seems to me to stand between us and the rejection or qualification of this treaty the serried ranks of those boys in khaki , not only these boys who came home, but those dear ghosts that still deploy upon the fields of France | |
11 | 这款式有没有土黄色的? | Do you have this style in khaki ? | |
12 | ||1:20世纪90年代早期,种族隔离制度行将就木,尤金·特雷布兰奇先生力图强行让这种制度死灰复燃。||2:1993年,他的喽罗们撞毁一辆装甲车,穿过约翰内斯堡一道玻璃外墙,来到附近一幢大楼,那里,政府正在同非洲国民大会分开进行交涉。||3:驱散代表后,尤金·特雷布兰奇先生手下的这些打手烧烤去了。||4:他们一离开,谈判旋即恢复。||5:翌年三月,在100多名手下的簇拥下,他闯入了博茨瓦纳,一个名义上的独立的“家园”,由推行种族隔离制度的政府为安置无业的黑人设立的垃圾场。||6:他们开着皮卡车,随意枪杀步行的黑人,当黑人警察向他们开枪,予以还击时,他们看上去着实吃惊不小。||7:三个着黄卡其布短衫的暴徒被击毙,剩余的作鸟兽散。||8:对于白人来说,形势发生逆转。||9:尤金·特雷布兰奇先生的支持者投放炸弹来扰乱投票,造成20人死亡。||10:但是成百万的黑人进行投票选举已势在必行。 | ||1:In the early 1990s, when apartheid was dying, Mr Terre’Blanche tried violently to revive it.||2:In 1993 his men crashed an armoured car through the glass fa?ade of a building near Johannesburg where the government was now openly negotiating with the ANC.||3:Having driven out the delegates, Mr Terre’Blanche’s bully boys held a barbecue.||4:But when they left, the talks resumed.||5:In March the next year, with about 100 of his followers, he invaded Bophuthatswana, a nominally independent “homeland” created by the apartheid government as a dumping-ground for jobless blacks.||6:They drove around in their bakkies (pick-up trucks), killing black pedestrians at random, and seemed genuinely surprised when black policemen shot back at them.||7:After three khaki -shorted AWB thugs were killed, the rest fled in disarray.||8:And that was that for the white counter-revolution.||9:Some of Mr Terre’Blanche’s supporters set off bombs to disrupt the poll, killing around 20 people.||10:But that was nowhere near enough to stop millions of blacks from turning out to vote. | |
13 | ||1:尽管该活动名声远扬,但是一个叫‘Kevin Cox of Devon Birds’的地区观鸟团体让这次盛会有了一点“小污名”。||2:一群穿着卡其色短裤和紧身T恤的男人搜索着像青蛙这样的动物—这样一档自然节目看上去好像更吸引眼球。||3:而该协会的成员从20世纪90年代起开始急速增长,相对的,RSPB成员的增长速度开始变缓;在2011年至2013年期间甚至有轻微地下滑。||4:之前的经济危机对于观鸟者的人数也有一定程度的影响。||5:但是其它类似的小型机构—Wildlife Trusts 和 British Trust for Ornithology的成员人数却是保持增长的。||6:Wildlife Trusts是一家涵括了47种野生动物的保护组织,现在已经拥有了超过80万名成员。||7:观鸟者Martin Garner表示“放在过去,RSPB一家独大,但是现在竞争非常激烈。” | ||1:Despite its popularity, bird-watching has a “slightly geeky reputation” ventures Kevin Cox of Devon Birds, a local birding society.||2:Nature programmes presented by men wearing khaki shorts and tight-fitting T-shirts make searching for frogs and the like seem rather more glamorous.||3:Having grown quickly during the 1990s, membership of the RSPB began to slow later; it even fell slightly between 2011 and 2013.||4:The recession may have squeezed some birders.||5:But membership numbers at other organisations such as the Wildlife Trusts and the British Trust for Ornithology have continued to rise, albeit from a smaller base.||6:The Wildlife Trusts, an umbrella organisation of 47 different wildlife organisations, has over 800,000 members.||7:“Back in the day, the RSPB was it,” recalls Martin Garner, a birder. Now there is strong competition. | |
14 | 暗卡其色含羞草黄奶油色象牙色米黄色亮黄亮金菊黄 | Dark Khaki Mimosa Cream Ivory Beige Light Yellow Light Goldenrod Yellow | |
15 | 勃兹曼在他的卡其布围裙上擦了擦手,披上牛仔服,从收款机后面走了出来。 | Bozeman wiped his hands on the khaki apron he wore over his jeans and came out from behind the cash register. | |
16 | 大家集体身着黄褐色的陆军军装、深蓝色的海军和空军军装,这次聚会才酝酿出一种力量。 | It was collectively, in its clumps of khaki , navy and air force blue, that the congregation had its force. | |
17 | 到会的人员中有相当一部分穿着战争工作服与时髦的卡其布头巾的年轻人——这些就是各大叛军组织的代表。 | There was a healthy sprinkling of young men in battle fatigues and fashionable khaki head-scarves: the rebels. | |
18 | 灰褐色红褐色,赭石色浅褐色驼色琥珀色卡其色褐红色绿色苔绿色鲜绿色橄榄绿蓝色土耳其玉色钴蓝色,艳蓝色藏青色,深蓝色,天蓝色 | beige chocolate sandy beige camel amber khaki maroon green moss green emerald green olive green blue turquoise blue cobalt blue navy blue | |
19 | 卡其(布)制的 | khaki (adj. ) : made of khaki(cloth) | |
20 | 卡其是一种颜色,但是现在等义于一种军事斜纹裤。 | Khaki is a color, but is now synonymous with a military twill pant. | |
21 | 那是1978年。我不想参军,于是告诉他们我没法为他们工作,因为我穿黄褐色衣服不好看。 | It was 1978 and I didn’t want to be part of that system, so I told them I couldn’t work for them because I don’t look good in khaki . | |
22 | 女儿买回来一块小砧板,一条二手卡其裤。 | The construction worker’s daughter had managed to purchase a small cutting board and a used pair of khaki pants. | |
23 | 培克个子高高的,饱经风霜的脸上布满了皱纹,穿着一件红色打猎衫和卡其布牛仔裤。 | Buck was a tall, weathered man in a red hunting shirt and khaki pants. | |
24 | 前不久在曼哈顿的一家旧海军商店,法比耶娜•米歇尔照常买土黄西短。 | At an Old Navy store in Manhattanthe other day, Fabienne Michel made a routine purchase of khaki shorts. | |
25 | 前天,在曼哈顿的一家OldNavy商店内,FabienneMichel正在选购卡其布短袖衫。 | At an Old Navy store in Manhattan the other day, Fabienne Michel made a routine purchase of khaki shorts. | |
26 | 三个着黄卡其布短衫的暴徒被击毙,剩余的作鸟兽散。 | After three khaki -shorted AWB thugs were killed, the rest fled in disarray. | |
27 | 他不穿西装,喜欢穿亚麻夹克和卡其布长裤,而且不打领带。 | He has abandoned suits in favour of linen jackets and khaki trousers and no tie. | |
28 | 驼色褐色,茶色灰褐色红褐色,赭石色浅褐色琥珀色卡其色褐红色绿色苔绿色鲜绿色橄榄绿 | salmon pink baby pink shocking pink brown beige chocolate sandy beige camel amber khaki maroon green | |
29 | 象牙浅黄色纯黄橄榄深卡其布柠檬薄纱灰秋麒麟卡其布金玉米色 | Yellow Ivory Light Yellow Yellow Olive Dark Khaki Lemon Chiffon Pale Goldenrod Khaki Gold Cornislk | |
30 | 斜纹棉布裤可能是卡其色。 | Chinos can be khaki color. |