属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理幸福感 都市心理
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理幸福感 都市心理
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-树木年代学 年轮不一定反映事实
1 | 广义运输问题的状态算法 | Out-of-kilter Method for Generalized Transportation Problem | |
2 | 情况良好 [不好] | in [out of] kilter | |
3 | 顺接阴阳法特点及临床应用 | Characteristic and Application of Therapy for Connecting Yin and Yang in Kilter | |
4 | 并且大部分建立在‘20世纪的降雨量代表历史正常水平’的假设上),实际上并不能起到什么作用。 | and which are mostly set on the assumption that 20th-century rainfall levels represent historical normality, are actually out of kilter . | |
5 | 换而言之,对于从小生活在城市里的人而言,他们的前扣带皮层的调节机制似乎失常了。 | The regulatory mechanism of the native urbanite, in other words, seems to be out of kilter . | |
6 | 另外,人们都知道,在精神分裂症患者的大脑中,前扣带皮层和杏仁核的联系常常会失常,并且,精神分裂症在都市人群中比在乡村人群中更常见。 | Moreover, it is also known that the pACC-amygdala link is often out of kilter in schizophrenia, and that schizophrenia is more common among city dwellers than country folk. | |
7 | 一种替换解释是,美国资本主义失去了平衡。它总是那么焦躁且充满活力。 | An alternative explanation is that American capitalism has got out of kilter . It has always been restless and dynamic. | |
8 | 这会让古生态学家的推测严重失准。 | That could throw the calculations of palaeoecologists severely out of kilter . | |
9 | “如果还想讲一个稍微偏主流的电影,那是没可能的,”他说。 | "If you’re telling a story that’s off-kilter then you can’t do it [anymore], " he says. | |
10 | 贝克尔认为移民之所以混乱是由于调节供给和需求的价格缺失造成的。 | Mr Becker argued that immigration was out of kilter because of the absence of a price that would match supply and demand. | |
11 | 厄立特里亚总统伊萨亚斯干预索马里的目的,是让埃塞俄比亚陷入动荡、令其战线过长。 | Mr Isaias’s meddling in Somalia was designed to keep Ethiopia off-kilter and overstretched. | |
12 | 格林介绍道,这样的作息习惯会导致生物钟的混乱。 | Green says this kind of pattern can knock the circadian rhythm totally off-kilter . | |
13 | 很多人虽然没有这么激进,但他们觉得,在当今这个失衡的世界里,保护本国财富和文化不受外来事物影响没有什么不好。 | Short of such radicalism, many people ask what is wrong with being a backwater of wealth and civility in an out-of-kilter world. | |
14 | 换句话说,土生土长的城市人的调控机制似乎脱离了平衡。 | The regulatory mechanism of the native urbanite, in other words, seems to be out of kilter . | |
15 | 即使有时投机者会推动价格失衡,但是那只看不见的手很快就会夺回主导权。 | Even if speculators do sometimes push prices out of kilter the fundamentals soon regain the upper hand. | |
16 | 快讯公司的总裁约翰@沃尔什说:“市场逐步倾斜。” | "The market remains fundamentally off kilter , " said John Walsh, DataQuick’s president. | |
17 | 其中的一项研究表明,缺少睡眠会致使人体的新陈代谢失衡。 | One such study, suggests that missing sleep throws the body’s metabolism off kilter . | |
18 | 日本有上百种细微的手势和姿态,让人觉得这个国家可能有点不合常理。 | In a hundred tiny gestures and assumptions, Japan can seem just slightly out of kilter . | |
19 | 如果在你的部门工作量失衡,那么和你的主管或经理交谈。 | If the balance or work in your department is off-kilter , talk to your supervisor or manager. | |
20 | 他们很容易让人想起那些生活在社会边缘的极端分子。 | So it may be tempting to think of them off-kilter extremists at the edge of society. | |
21 | 他无法从根本上否认那些对其城市偏离美国主流的指责。 | He does not exactly deny the charge that his city is out of kilter with mainstream America. | |
22 | 网络有其自己的逻辑性,与我们的期望格格不入。 | Nets have their own logic, one that is out-of-kilter to our expectations. | |
23 | 我无法摆脱那种有某种东西失去平衡而令人不安的感觉,我的原子量有了轻微的改变。 | I can’t shake off the nagging sense that something is off kilter ; my atomic weight is slightly altered. | |
24 | 以化学元素表来衡量,地球的化学性质是不正常的,完全失去了平衡,却充满活力。 | The chemistry of the Earth was out of kilter , wholly unbalanced by the periodic table, and alive. | |
25 | 因此空间站看上去有点不平衡,左边只有一组太阳能电池组,右有则有两组。 | As a result, the station looks off-kilter , with one set of solar arrays on the left side and two on the right. | |
26 | 在贝卢斯科尼的第三个任期内,他照旧推行一套古怪的外交政策:疏远意大利的西方盟友。 | In his third government Mr Berlusconi has also pursued an eccentric foreign policy out of kilter with Italy’s Western allies. | |
27 | 这当中的原因一部分是由于房价与个人收入不平衡造成的。尽管过去两年房价下跌,这种情况还是不能有效得到缓解。 | That is in part because houses are still badly out of historical kilter with incomes, despite the price falls of the past two years. | |
28 | 这或多或少是一种专制体制,与世界经济及金融市场的公平特质是不相符的。 | It is a more or less arbitrary set-up and out of kilter with the integrated nature of the world economy and financial markets. | |
29 | 这至少表明,商业周期还没有从2008年末的打击中回复,并重获平衡。 | At least it suggests that the business cycle has still not regained its kilter after its shock at the end of 2008. |