属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利政治 骑士归来
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艺术 伪造大师的作品竟然被拍卖
1 | (骑士团或共济会等的)大头领. | `Grand Master head of an order of knighthood ,group of Freemasons,etc | |
2 | [英]全国的骑士. | the knighthood of the Commonwealth | |
3 | 封…为爵士封爵时用剑轻拍其肩 | To tap lightly on the shoulder by way of conferring knighthood . | |
4 | 国王将爵士封号授予了这位勇士。 | The King conferred a knighthood on the brave man. | |
5 | 曼彻斯特联队主教练阿莱克斯·弗格森2000年受勋,因此人们尊称他为阿莱克斯·弗格森爵士。 | alex Ferguson, coach of Manchester United, received a knighthood in 2000 and is now called Sir alex Ferguson. | |
6 | 男侍担任一个骑士的侍从的男孩,以此作为培训骑士身份的第一阶段 | A boy who acted as a knight’s attendant as the first stage of training for chivalric knighthood . | |
7 | 女王授予他爵士身份。 | The queen conferred a knighthood on him | |
8 | 女王为表彰他的贡献封他为爵士. | The Queen requited his services with a knighthood . | |
9 | 女王以骑士的称号授予两个魔术家. | The Queen conferred knighthood s on two magicians. | |
10 | 骑士精神的黄金时代乃是很久以前的事了. | The golden age of knighthood was a long time ago. | |
11 | 骑士品质被骑士制度所理想化的品质,如勇敢、彬彬有礼、荣誉感以及对女人的殷勤等 | The qualities idealized by knighthood ,such as bravery,courtesy,honor,and gallantry toward women. | |
12 | 骑士授予礼授予骑士称号的仪式 | Ceremonial bestowal of knighthood . | |
13 | 骑士制度中世纪的骑士制度,道德准则及其习俗 | The medieval system, principles, and customs of knighthood . | |
14 | 如果你想得到爵士地位的话,那简直是海底捞月了。 | If you want a knighthood you might as well cry for the moon. | |
15 | 授于爵士。 | Confer knighthood | |
16 | 授予(某人)骑士地位 | To raise(a person)to knighthood . | |
17 | 他对国家的贡献获得了奖赏(如被封为爵士). | His services to the State were recognized,eg by a knighthood . | |
18 | 他觉得自己便是上帝那发了狂的情人,即使封他做骑士也不会让他更为骄矜得意。 | He felt himself God’s own mad lover, and no accolade of knighthood could have given him greater pride | |
19 | 他因对英国电影的贡献而被授予爵位。 | He is awarded a knighthood in recognition of his truly great contribution to the british cinema. | |
20 | 他因对英国电影的贡献而被授予爵位。 | He was awarded a knighthood in recognition of his truly great contribution to the British cinema. | |
21 | 在(1455-1485年)玫瑰战争中,英国的骑士遭受惨重的损失. | The knighthood of England suffered heavy losses in the Wars of the Roses. | |
22 | 在中世纪的欧洲,能获封爵士即是登峰造极了 | Knighthood was an ideal in medieval europe | |
23 | ||1:不过77岁的贝卢斯科尼依然不能正式回归政治,因为他同时还因为一些税务问题遭到指控,这同时也剥夺了他的“骑士身份”。||2:同时,“粉红事件”的公诉人有可能转而向最高法院寻求最终判决,因为最高法院依然裁定前总理因为一个或更多的原因有罪。||3:不过,无论如何米兰法院的判决都帮助贝卢斯科尼再次赢得了对意大利未来的影响力。||4:就如一份罗马日报—Il Messaggero 表达的那样:骑士马前复出,落魄骑士再度归来。 | ||1:The 77-year-old Mr Berlusconi cannot run for public office again because of another conviction for tax fraud, which also led to his being stripped of his knighthood .||2:And the prosecutors in the ‘Ruby’ case are likely to seek a final ruling from the supreme court, which could yet decide that the former prime minister is guilty of one or other offence.||3:But the decision of the Milancourt has nevertheless given Mr Berlusconi renewed influence over the fortunes of Italy.||4:As Il Messaggero, a Rome daily, put it, l’ex Cavaliere rimonta a cavallo, the ex-knight is back on his horse. | |
24 | ||1:赫伯恩于1934年出生于伦敦的工人家庭,在皇家艺术学院学习的时候他就曾多次获奖,但是他自己的艺术作品却未带来多大的声誉。因而人们猜测他做赝品是为了报复那些目中无人的艺术精英。||2:赫伯恩认为那些商人不过只关注金钱而并非艺术,曾有人给他750欧元画的作品转手就卖了90,000欧元。||3:在艺术历史学家看来,“他们深入了解伦勃朗只为其所谓侠义之气。”||4:而艺术本身则被忽略了,赫伯恩认为。||5:他反驳那些将自己看做是骗子的言论,而称自己跟那些前人一样,不过是做模仿而已。 | ||1:Born into a working-class London family in 1934, Hebborn won prizes as a student at the Royal Academy, but his own art brought him little acclaim, leading to suggestions that forgery was his means of revenge on a snooty art elite.||2:Hebborn maintained that dealers were interested in money not art, claiming one paid him £750 for a forgery that he sold on for £90,000.||3:As for art historians, “they just want to get a knighthood for knowing a lot about Rembrandt”.||4:Art itself was neglected, he believed.||5:He dismissed claims he was a crook, saying he, like many before him, simply made imitations. | |
25 | ||1:面带微笑、衣冠楚楚的法佐·哈桑·阿比德怎么看也不像是一个革命者。||2:这个在英国受的教育的孟加拉人是莎士比亚和乔伊斯的粉丝,曾在壳牌公司作过会计,家族显赫:外祖父是孟加拉殖民政府的一位部长;一位叔祖父是第一个为孟加拉行政会议长官做事的孟加拉人。||3:本周,阿比德得到了加在自己头上的荣誉——一个很有传统的称号:爵士头衔。||4:然而,他创建的这个组织——他被授予爵士头衔也是对这个组织的一种敬意——却颠覆了传统,改变了孟加拉一直以来的贫穷和困苦,而且在这方面作出的贡献可能比任何一个单一团体都要多。||5:这个组织叫作BRAC(孟加拉国农村发展委员会),用绝大多数标准衡量都是世界上最大的、成长最迅速的非政府组织(NGO)——而且是最像企业的NGO之一。 | ||1:Smiling and dapper, Fazle Hasan Abed hardly seems like a revolutionary.||2:A Bangladeshi educated in Britain, an admirer of Shakespeare and Joyce, and a former accountant at Shell, he is the son of a distinguished family: his maternal grandfather was a minister in the colonial government of Bengal; a great-uncle was the first Bengali to serve in the governor of Bengal’s executive council.||3:This week he received a very traditional distinction of his own: a knighthood .||4:Yet the organisation he founded, and for which his knighthood is a gong of respect, has probably done more than any single body to upend the traditions of misery and poverty in Bangladesh.||5:Called BRAC, it is by most measures the largest, fastest-growing non-governmental organisation (NGO) in the world—and one of the most businesslike. | |
26 | ||1:一旦他决定把喜剧表演作为他的生存手段,他就练习再练习。||2:这种训练习惯都是他在从军生涯中养成的——他也学会了演奏11种乐器和在游行中向人群表演绊倒。||3:一旦他的马摔表演引起轰动,他通常加倍表演,直到遍体鳞伤。||4:上班时,他会从上午九点到晚上六点剧院漆黑一片,做完日常事务。下班后,他又花数小时在镜前拉脸。||5:上世纪50到60年代,他的收入来自他的演员职业。2000年,他被授予爵士,有一艘快艇,数辆闪亮的摩托。||6:80年代,他不得不悄然溜到马恩岛的一公馆,以便收税员找不到他。 | ||1: Once he had decided that comedy was his life, he practised and practised. ||2: This discipline the army taught him—as well as how to play 11 instruments, and trip up people on parade. ||3: When he caused hilarity once by falling off a horse, he rehearsed more such tumbles until he was black and blue. ||4: At work, he would go through his routines from 9am till just before six in the darkened theatre; out of work, he would spend hours pulling faces in mirrors. ||5: His reward was stardom in the 1950s and 1960s, a knighthood in 2000, a yacht and several gleaming motors. ||6: He had to skip in the 1980s to a mansion in the Isle of Man, so the tax man wouldn’t get him. | |
27 | 除了在拳台上赢下的腰带和奖杯,他还荣膺骑士头衔和大英帝国勋章。 | Along with the belts and trophies he won in the ring, he boasted a knighthood and an Order of the British Empire medal. | |
28 | 所以用一只打火机、呼吸清新贴等其它必备物品来为现代骑士风度做好准备。 | So prepared yourself for modern-day knighthood with a lighter, some breath strips, and three other essentials. | |
29 | 他被封为爵士,以表彰他对国家的贡献。 | His services to the state were recognized with the award of a knighthood . | |
30 | 他甚至还骄傲地记得,他如何推举希利尔获得了完全应得的爵士身分。 | He even remembers with pride how he put up Hillier for his richly deserved knighthood . |