1 | 在007系列影片中,当詹姆士·邦德的对手诺博士在密室里展示西班牙画家戈雅的肖像画《惠灵顿公爵》时,他已经为犯罪策划者们开创了“专门偷盗”名画这一虚构的故事情节。 | When James Bond villain Dr No displayed Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington in his lair , he launched the myth of masterpieces being "stolen to order" for criminal masterminds. | |
2 | 追踪(至窝穴)发现一动物 | Track down an animal(to its lair ) | |
3 | 追踪动物至其巢穴 | Trace an animal to its lair | |
4 | 追踪一动物至其窝穴. | Track an animal to its lair | |
5 | 自1917年起,一直就任广州政府首脑的孙中山被军阀赶了出来。 | Sun Yat-sen, head of the Canton government since 1917, was driven out of his own lair by a war lord. | |
6 | ||1:她的雕刻作品常常不是表面上呈现出的那样。||2:一件叫做“累积1号”(1969)的美丽白色大理石作品看上去像是展现一簇目光,或者更多的阳具,从一堆床单中涌出来,混杂在一起,她说;或者就是一团云彩。||3:1986年作品“巢穴”,一个巨大的橡皮梨型,是一个避难所,或是一个艰巨,还是一个和平的天体,抑或是观者发现自己被卡在其中的一个陷阱。||4:她的巨型钢制蜘蛛,从纽约到圣彼得堡到伦敦的泰特现代美术馆,在世界各地摇摇欲坠,既令人毛骨悚然又给人保护之意。||5:伦敦那个35英尺高的,被称为“小妈妈”。 | ||1: Her sculptures were often not what they appeared to be. ||2: A beautiful white marble piece called “Cumul I” (1969) which seemed to show a cluster of eyes, or yet more phalluses, emerging from sheets, was about huddling together, she said; or just a collection of clouds. ||3: Her “Lair ”, a big rubber pear-shape of 1986, was a hiding place, or a prison, or a peaceful orb, or a trap in which the viewer might find himself stuck. ||4: Her giant steel spiders, which teetered across the world from New York to St Petersburg to London’s Tate Modern, were both terrorising and protective. ||5: London’s, 35 feet tall, was called “Maman”. | |
7 | LAIR基因的克隆、原核表达及免疫反应性鉴定 | Cloning, prokaryotic expression of LAIR and identification of their immunological reactivities | |
8 | 按奥巴马所言,美国追踪本•拉丹的藏身之处,似乎得到了巴基斯坦的协助。 | Pakistan seems to have helped the United States track down bin Laden’s lair , as Obama acknowledged. | |
9 | 白细胞相关免疫球蛋白样受体 | Leukocyte associated immunoglobulin like receptor, LAIR | |
10 | 当你在设定P时,你就走进了一个圈套;你的假设,致使你刚好进入我所暗示的地方。 | When you posited P you stepped into a snare; Your assumption has led you right into my lair . | |
11 | 感恩节的时候,我离开了我在山区的窝,花上几天时间去剑桥城看望希拉里。 | I left my mountain lair for a few days over Thanksgiving to visit Hillary in Cambridge. | |
12 | 海关官员在这特别的“窝”里找到这只狼蛛时,决定对这个男人进行搜查,这才发现了如此规模的罪行。 | Customs officials who found the spider in its unorthodox lair decided to search the man, discovering the scale of the offence. | |
13 | 黑暗的蜘蛛巢穴里伸出来的一条蜘蛛腿会把哪怕最勇敢的野生动物爱好者吓得失声尖叫。 | The sight of incey wincey’s legs poking out of a dark spidery lair can send even the toughest wildlife enthusiast screaming for the hills. | |
14 | 她的据点在一间有张木头桌子的小房间里,里面放着微波炉和冰箱。 | Her lair was a tiny room with a wooden table, microwave and fridge. | |
15 | 据路透社报道,索马里海盗日前在其老巢成立了一个“股票交易所”,为他们的海上打劫活动募集资金。 | Somalia pirates have set up a "stock exchange" in their main lair to fund their hijackings offshore, Reuters reported. | |
16 | 美国人发现本-拉登在阿伯塔巴德的巢穴后,对“盟友”巴基斯坦大发脾气,这个巢穴就在军队的的鼻子底下。 | Americans are raging at "ally" Pakistan over the discovery of Osama bin Laden’s lair in Abbottabad, smack under the nose of the military. | |
17 | 那天下午他又返回宠物店,照此推测,莫不如把蛇窝儿变成养老鼠的地方。 | He returned to the pet store that afternoon, reasoning that he might as well convert the snake’s lair into a rat’s nest. | |
18 | 帕斯特拉纳为了缔造和平,甘冒生命危险,曾孤身一人到游击队的据点和他们谈判。 | Pastrana had risked his life in an attempt to make peace, going alone to meet with the guerrillas in their lair . | |
19 | 受伤的狼躺在自己的巢穴里养伤。 | A wounded wolf lay recovering in his lair . | |
20 | 四天后MVBlida号的乌克兰籍船长放出消息,他称货船停泊在索马里海湾海盗的老巢嘎拉卡得。 | Four days later the Blida’s Ukrainian captain sent word that the ship was berthed off the Somali coast near the pirate lair of Garacad. | |
21 | 他们两家的房子正对着街道,门户大开,与乔治的偏隅隐秘巢穴正好相反。 | Their two houses face the street frontally, wide-openly, in apt contrast to the sidewise privacy of George’s lair . | |
22 | 在布罗斯家里的地下室,他谈及了一个温和的战略。 | From his basement lair , Bross talks about a milder strategy. | |
23 | 早前海盗的巢穴,从酒店开发商和海滩出售商手中被保护起来,现在成了国家公园。 | The former pirates’ lair is now a national park protected from hotel developers and beach vendors. | |
24 | 走到龙潭附近时,他发现峡谷的峭壁太过险要,要花一年的时间才能建造桥梁。 | When he reached the dragon’s lair he saw that the cliffs of the ravine were so far across that building a bridge would take a year. |