属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-威尼斯玻璃制品业 吹制的艺术
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-威尼斯玻璃制品业 吹制的艺术
1 | Ginzburg-Landau-BBM方程的指数吸引子 | Exponential Attractors for the Ginzburg-Landau -BBM Equations | |
2 | Ginzburg-Landau型泛函极小元的W(上标 1,p)收敛性 | W(superscript 1,p)Convergence of the Minimizers for a Ginzburg-Landau Type Function | |
3 | Landau-Lifshitz方程解的渐进性质 | Asympotic Behavior of Solutions for Landau -Lifshitz Equation | |
4 | Time Dependent Ginzburg-Landau方程的Weierstrass椭圆函数解 | Weierstrass Elliptic Function Solutions to Time Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Equation | |
5 | 车还没停稳,她就由大门飞奔出来一头钻进车厢。 | The landau hadn’t pulled up before she shot out of the hall door and into it | |
6 | 二维广义Ginzburg-Landau方程在Banach空间的指数吸引子 | Exponential Attractor for the Derivative Two-dimensional Ginaburg-Landau Equation in Banach Spaces | |
7 | 复金兹伯格-朗道方程螺旋波外矢量场响应的数值模拟 | Numerical Simulation of Responses of Spiral Wave to External Vector Field for Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation | |
8 | 高阶-复Ginzburg-Landau方程的精确孤波解 | Exact Solitary Wave Solutions of Higher Order Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation | |
9 | 高维空间中一类Ginzburg-Landau型泛函的极小元的渐近分析 | Asymptotic Analysis for Minimizers of a Ginzburg-Landau Type Functional in a Higher Dimension Space | |
10 | 关于Chebyshev函数的加权Landau’s型不等式 | The Weighted Landau ’s Type Inequality for Chebyshev Function | |
11 | 关于p-Laplacian复金兹堡-朗道方程解的连续依赖性 | Some Continuous Dependence Results on the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation with p-Laplacian | |
12 | 关于第二类Chebyshev权函数的Landau’s型不等式 | The Landau ’s Type Inequality on the Second Chebyshev Weight Function | |
13 | 广义Ginzburg-Landau方程的Legendre拟谱方法 | The Legendre Pseudospectral Method for Generalized Ginzburg-landau Equation | |
14 | 含有杂质的Ginzburg-Landau泛函的径向极小元 | Radial Minimizer of the Ginzburg-Landau Functional with Impurity Inclusion | |
15 | 基于正交函数的加权Landau’s型不等式 | The Weighted Landau ’s Type Inequality Based on the Orthogonal Function | |
16 | 具变系数的Ginzburg-Landau泛函的径向极小元 | Radial Minimizer of the Ginzburg-Landau Functional with Variable Coefficient | |
17 | 具非零边界条件的p-Ginzburg-Landau泛函径向极小元的惟一性 | Uniqueness of Radial Minimizer of p-Ginzburg-Landau Functional with Nonvanishing Dirichlet Boundary Condition | |
18 | 马氏体相变的一维金兹堡-朗道理论 | One-Dimensional Ginzburg-Landau Theory for Martensitic Transformation | |
19 | 人口问题中-广义Ginzburg-Landau模型方程的时间周期解 | Time-periodic Solution to a Generalized Ginzburg-Landau Model Equation in Population Problems | |
20 | 三维复Ginzburg-Landau方程的整体解的存在惟一性 | Global Existence and Uniqueness of Solution for Complex Ginzburg Landau Equation in Three Dimensions | |
21 | 我正在犹豫不决是否应该紧紧尾随的当儿,忽然地从小巷里来了一辆小巧雅致的四轮马车。 | I was just wondering whether I should not do well to follow them when up the lane came a neat little landau | |
22 | 一类p-Ginzburg-Landau型方程解的整体收敛性 | Global Convergence of a Solution to p-Ginzburg-Landau Type Equations | |
23 | 在我赶到的时候,那辆四轮马车早已停在门前了,两匹马正气喘吁吁地呼着热气。 | The landau with their two steaming horses were in front of the door when I arrived | |
24 | ||1:朗道确信,慕拉诺在今后的进程是必须提升品质。||2: 去年9月,Le Stanze del Vetro在圣乔治马乔雷教堂小岛开办了新展馆,已经迈出了第一步。 ||3:首次展出由斯卡帕主办。斯卡帕是位建筑师,曾担任威尼尼1932至1947年玻璃工艺品巡展的艺术总监。11月,展品将前往纽约大都会艺术博物馆。||4:此次巡展提醒人们,慕拉诺的突出地位强烈反对了廉价的玻璃制品的发展势头。||5:正如朗道所言,慕拉诺的未来可能根植于历史之中。 | ||1: Mr Landau is convinced that the only way forward for Murano is to raise standards. ||2: Le Stanze del Vetro, which opened its new galleries on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore last September, has already made a mark. ||3: Its first show, by Carlo Scarpa, an architect who was also artistic director of the Venini Glassworks from 1932 to 1947, is travelling to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in November. ||4: It is a reminder of Murano’s pre-eminence as the backlash against cheap glass gains momentum. ||5: As Mr Landau says, it could be that Murano’s future lies in its history. | |
25 | ||1:纵观历史,只有通过创新发明和专注质量,慕拉诺才经受处了来自其它玻璃制造中心的挑战,生存至今。||2: Le Stanze del Vetro是一家玻璃制品博物馆,集中收集贝伦哥玻璃工坊艺术设计。大卫·朗道和妻子玛丽·加亨是博物馆的创始人之一。朗道说,16世纪,荷兰学到了如何用玻璃制造望远镜后,其玻璃产业产生了飞跃。此后,几乎每个世纪都会有某样东西改变慕拉诺的工作模式。 | ||1: Historically it is through innovation and concentrating on quality that Murano has survived the previous challenges from other glassmaking centres. ||2: David Landau , who, with his wife Marie-Rose Kahane, was one of the founders of Le Stanze del Vetro, a glass museum which has also created a centralised archive of Murano studio designs, points out that almost every century something has altered the working pattern of Murano, starting in the 16th century when the rival Dutch glass industry made a leap forward by learning how to make glass for telescopes. | |
26 | 艾利.兰多医生写了一本书名为“白书”,被奉为以色列第一本猪肉食谱。 | Dr. Eli Landau has written "The White Book, " touted as the first Israeli pork cookbook. | |
27 | 但是们乘船去了大屿岛,还去了迪斯尼乐园。 | But we took the boat to Landau Island and went to Disneyland. | |
28 | 到目前为止,这本兰多医生一月份自行出版的书还没有宣起太大的波澜。 | The book, which Dr. Landau self-published in January, has not caused much of a stir so far. | |
29 | 卡梅隆在Lightstorm娱乐制作公司的合伙人桥恩·兰道(JonLandau)同样拒绝了采访。 | Jon Landau , Mr. Cameron’s partner in their Lightstorm Entertainment production company, also declined to be interviewed. | |
30 | 兰道说,随着技术日益成熟,那一天会到来的。 | That will come as the technology matures, says Mr Landau . |