属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-马内的肖像画 勇辟蹊径立异标新
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 你好沙特小独裁
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 你好沙特小独裁
1 | 不过象并不会立刻感受到这种讨好。而是常常会向四面八方猛挥长鼻。 | The elephant is not immediately susceptible to such blandishments, however, and usually lashes fiercely with its trunk in all directions. | |
2 | 从帽檐底下,他隔着孔雀毛一般颤悠的睫毛眺望那向南移动的太阳。 | Under its leaf he watched through peacocktwittering lashes the southing sun | |
3 | 但是她那双迟疑的睫毛蔼然低垂在冶艳的面容上,又仿佛是在说着“行不得也哥哥”一样。 | but her long, shadowy lashes drooped discreetly over the jollity of the lower part of the face as though to call a halt | |
4 | 法尔从逼使他作出这样决定的冲动下恢复过来,恶意地从睫毛下面看看他。 | Recovering from the impetus which had carried him to that decision, Val looked at him maliciously from under his lashes | |
5 | 她的睫毛乌黑、细长,非常别致地向后弯着,掩映着一双一会儿是蓝灰色、一会儿又像是紫罗兰色的眼睛。 | Her eyes, which at one moment seemed blue-gray, at another violet, were shaded by long black lashes , curving backward in most peculiar way | |
6 | 她有美丽的睫毛。 | She has Beautiful lashes . | |
7 | 老人的双目紧闭着,泪珠在睫毛上晃动。他一只手非常轻柔地搂着孩子的屁股,另一只手轻轻地拍着他的背。他苍老的手满是尘垢,饱经痛苦,历尽磨难。我站在那儿目瞪口呆。 | The man’ s eyes closed,and I saw tears hover beneath his lashes . His aged hands full of grime, and pain, and hard labor--gently, so gently, cradled my baby’s bottom and stroked his back. I stood awestruck. | |
8 | 令人惊叹的栩栩如生的碧眼在真正的睫毛中闪烁。 | Astonishing lifelike blue eyes shone between lashes of real hair | |
9 | 你也要眼影刷吗? | Do you want eye lashes , too? | |
10 | 上有六龙回日之高标,下有冲波逆折之回川。 | High, as on a tall flag, six dragons drive the sun,While the river, far below, lashes its twisted course | |
11 | 甚至在我以自信的语调讲话时,我能预先感觉到不久即将打在我们裸露的皮肉的鞭挞。 | Even while I spoke in confident tones I could feel in anticipation the lashes which were soon to score our naked flesh | |
12 | 他被打二鞭。 | He was given two lashes . | |
13 | 他一头剪得很短的黑发,长长的睫毛下面有一双灰色的眼睛,白皙的面颊,撅起的嘴巴,就跟强忍住哭似的…… | He had black close-cropped hair, grey eyes with long lashes , white cheeks and a mouth pouting as though he were determined not to cry... | |
14 | 眼睛在眉毛下炯炯发光,正象荆棘丛中的一堆火。 | The eye shone beneath its lashes like a fire beneath brushwood | |
15 | 婴幼儿眼睑赘皮并睫毛内翻者长期追踪报告 | Epiblepharon with Inverted Eye Lashes in Children Long Term Follow-Up Report | |
16 | 这个时候他的眼光遇上了玛提的眼光,他好像看见她的眼睫毛底下偷偷地发出一个警告。 | As he did so his glance crossed Mattie’s and he fancied that a fugitive warning gleamed through her lashes . | |
17 | 正象它的名字, 这个睫毛膏 拥有极小的刷头,即能助你轻松刷遍每根睫毛,令睫毛纤长自然且根根分明,为你带来前所未有的方便与惊喜。 | Just as its name, the mascara′s brushtop is so fine that it not only reaches even the tiniest of your lashes , but also leaves them longer, thicker and more definite. You are sure to be surprised at the exceptional convenience and joy it brings. | |
18 | 作者以极大的愤怒斥责了机会主义者,支持了贫苦农民。 | The author lashes out with great indignation at the opportunists and champions those peasants who are badly off | |
19 | ||1:但这些数字微不足道。只有18%正值工龄的妇女在工作(相比之下,男性有65%),这是世界上女性工作最低的比例之一。||2:而且从各大新闻标题中可以看到,这个国家只有67名女性律师(共有3400名律师),21为女性议员(共有3150名议员)。||3:女性律师说道,当她们需要代表辩护人站起来申诉时,法官却告诉她们必须坐着,为此女律师不得不与法官作斗争。||4:但是随着时间的推移,女性在公众生活上的一些禁忌似乎渐渐削弱。||5:刚刚判处一名饮威士忌的市民80鞭刑的法官费萨尔·奥拉尼说道:“妇女是代表他们自己的不二人选,因为她们比男人唠叨,而且她们更了解女人。||6:我反对启用女法官。但是时间一长任何事情都会改变,也许我自己也会改变。” | ||1:The numbers, though, remain paltry. Only 18% of working-age Saudi women work (against 65% of men), one of the world’s lowest rates.||2:And for all the headlines, the kingdom has only 67 female lawyers (out of 3,400), and 21 female councillors (out of 3,150).||3:Female lawyers say they have to contend with judges who tell them to sit down when they stand up to represent clients.||4:But over time the taboos on women in public life seem to fraying.||5:“Women are better at representing other women because women natter more than men, and women understand them better,” says Judge Faisal Orani, fresh from sentencing a whisky-drinker to 80 lashes .||6:He opposes the introduction of female judges, he says, “but over time, anything can change. Maybe I’ll change too.” | |
20 | ||1:那时,评论人士将马内批得体无完肤。他们讥讽马内的画风前后矛盾,笑话他不尊重传统。||2:他们的毒舌就像“鞭子的抽打”,马内曾写道。||3:但也有一些同时代的人拥护马内,包括波德莱尔、象征主义诗人斯忒法·马拉美及小说家埃米尔·左拉。||4:年轻一代的画家也很崇拜他,如早期的印象派画家。||5:皮埃尔-奥古斯特·雷阿诺说,马内之于其拥护者,就如契马布埃或乔托之于十五世纪的意大利那样重要。||6:时至今日,马内的影响力依然未减。摄影师日尼科·迪克斯特拉认为,马内是现代大幅肖像画发展的功臣。 | ||1: The critics shredded Manet. They mocked his inconsistent style; his refusal to respect conventions. ||2: Their vicious words were like “lashes of a whip”, Manet once wrote. ||3: Yet he had contemporary champions, including Baudelaire, Stephane Mallarme, a symbolist poet, and Emile Zola, a novelist. ||4: Younger artists, such as the nascent Impressionists, also admired him. ||5: Pierre-Auguste Renoir observed that Manet was as important to them “as Cimabue or Giotto were to the Italians of the Quattrocento.” ||6: His influence continues. Rineke Dijkstra, a photographer, credits Manet with helping inspire contemporary large-format portraits. | |
21 | ||1:然而这也有代价。成为超级大国意味着和很多让人讨厌的政权建立联系,美国在和老牌盟友交往时不需要如此渴望地将自身的原则抛掷一旁。||2:奥巴马曾说“无法为普通民众说出更广阔的心声只会滋生已经存在多年的脓疮般的质疑声,说美国实在别人的头上追逐自身的利益。”||3:在这些批评中,巴达维无疑是同意这种说法的。 | ||1:Yet this has a cost. Being a superpower means having relations with lots of unsavoury regimes, yet America need not be so eager to put principle aside when dealing with its old ally.||2:“Failure to speak to the broader aspirations of ordinary people will only feed the suspicion that has festered for years that the United States pursues our interests at their expense,” as Mr Obama once put it.||3:Between lashes , Mr Badawi no doubt agrees. | |
22 | ||1:一月九号,博主莱夫巴达维收到了超过1000个关于批评他引用托马斯佩恩的观点“国家和宗教之间存在奸情”。||2:巴达维也被判刑十年。||3:三天后,一位被指控谋杀的女人被拖着穿过麦加的街道并被一刀斩首。||4:尽管美国不同意此类事情,但她并不会让这些影响双边关系。||5:王国的政府代表团通常大部分来自军方,一位官员来自行政部门,他的工作也就是提出如果女性能开车,这将是极好的。||6:斯科特费兹杰拉德写道,在脑海中同时持一对对立的观点就是最负智慧的标志。||7:类似的情况也适用于外交政策。||8:前任驻沙特的大使福特弗雷克形容这种联盟就像“建立在基本利益和原则上的长期婚姻”。||9:那些利益已经随时间变化略微改变。||10:现在它们可以被概括为石油,反恐和维稳。||11:像周年庆上的钻石耳环那样,武器和钱的互换被作为是尊重的象征。||12:在开罗会议上广告听众后不到一年,美国“一定不会改变或者忘却我们的原则”,奥巴马命令费兹杰拉德,签署了和王国建交以来最大的武器供应合同之一,现在则由美国制造商们完成的任务。 | ||1:On January 9th Raif Badawi, a blogger, received the first of his 1,000 lashes for taking Thomas Paine’s view of the “adulterous connection between church and state”.||2:Mr Badawi has also been sentenced to a decade in prison.||3:Three days later a woman accused of murder was dragged through the streets of Mecca and beheaded with a sword.||4:Though America disapproves of this sort of thing, it does not let it upset relations.||5:Government delegations to the kingdom are usually lots of men in military uniform and one official from the State Department, whose job is to say that it would be nice if women could drive.||6:Scott Fitzgerald wrote that the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time is the sign of a first-rate intelligence.||7:Something similar applies in foreign policy.||8:Ford Fraker, a former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, describes the alliance as “a long-term marriage founded on fundamental interests and principles”.||9:Those interests have shifted a little over time.||10:Now they could be summarised as oil, counter-terrorism and stability.||11:Like diamond earrings on an anniversary, weapons and money have been exchanged throughout as tokens of esteem.||12:Less than a year after telling an audience in Cairo that America “must never alter or forget our principles”, Barack Obama performed a full Fitzgerald, signing off on one of the largest arms deals with the kingdom yet, an order now being fulfilled by American manufacturers. | |
23 | “熊”这个词让人们想到那个没有理智,易怒的动物,它会破坏掉挡在路上一切东西。 | The word "bear" brings to mind an irrational, angry creature that lashes out at anything in its path. | |
24 | 保养你的睫毛后,和平常一样涂上睫毛膏让你的眼睛醒目。 | After conditioning your lashes , apply mascara as usual to make your eyes pop. | |
25 | 本报去年报告过,苏丹的联合国媒体官员LubnaHussein因为穿长裤被威胁应罚40鞭刑。 | As the Monitor reported last year, Sudanese UN media officer Lubna Hussein was threatened with 40 lashes for her pants. | |
26 | 本月初,她的律师穆罕默德·米斯塔费尔(MohammadMostafaei)告诉CNN,他的当事人在受到99下鞭刑以后才承认了罪行。 | Earlier this month, her attorney Mohammad Mostafaei told CNN that his client confessed to the crime after being subjected to 99 lashes . | |
27 | 但粉不要涂得过后,不要让你的眼睫毛看起来像蜘蛛的腿一样。 | Do not cake on a layer of extra face and make your eye lashes look like spider legs. | |
28 | 但是睫毛会再长出来,所以每隔四至六个星期就得拔一次倒睫毛。 | However, long lashes out again, so every 4-6 weeks must Stubbs first inverted eyelashes. | |
29 | 当你卸眼睫毛时,拿块化妆棉垫在上面,向上擦拭,这样你不给周围皮肤上施加多余的力。 | You can clean your lashes by holding the pad under them and wiping upwards so you are not putting any excess stress on the surrounding skin. | |
30 | 黑色睫毛膏是极其神奇的,它会使你的眼睫毛变黑、延长,眼睛更加漂亮迷人。 | Black mascara darkens and lengthens your eye lashes , framing your eyes beautiful. Black mascara is dramatic. |