属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-流感研究 让禽流感飞起来
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国工会组织 查特奴加
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 马克龙发表致欧洲公民书 欧盟否决"逃
1 | 在经编和纬编工艺中,形成线圈的主要机件是针,在经编和纬编中最常用的针是舌针。 | In both warp and weft knitting, the principal mechanical elements used to form loops are needles. The most common type of needles, used in both warp and weft knitting, is the latch needle. | |
2 | 在起针位置,被握持的线圈停在打开的针舌上面。 | In the running position the held loop rests on the top of the open latch . | |
3 | 在针向上运动时,被握持的线圈从针舌上滑到针杆上,为退圈。 | Clearing occurs as the held loop slips off the latch and onto the stem as the needle moves upwards. | |
4 | 这句话请你再说一遍好吗?我没完全听懂。 | Would you mind repeating that? I didn’t quite latch on. | |
5 | 这门门闩拴不上。 | The door won’t latch | |
6 | 这门是用锁锁住的。 | The door fastens with a latch . | |
7 | 这门闩不牢。 | The door won’t latch properly. | |
8 | 这门闩怎么用? | How does this latch work? | |
9 | 针的基本类型有两种:舌针和钩针。 | There are two basic types of needles, latch and beard. | |
10 | 主教早已叫人把那些铁件取去了,因而那扇门,无论昼夜,都只用一个活梢扣着。 | The Bishop had had all this ironwork removed, and this door was never fastened, either by night or by day, with anything except the latch | |
11 | ||1:河冈义裕对一种叫做血凝素(HA)的蛋白质在禽流感传播中所起的作用而感兴趣。||2:血凝素是病毒中一种类似于爪钩的物质:它通过抓住一种位于细胞表面受体中称作唾液酸的物质而使病毒与细胞相黏附。||3:一旦黏附过程完成,病毒就开始以其自身DNA感染细胞。||4:但由于鸟类细胞中唾液酸的化学成分不同于哺乳动物,且演化的禽流感病毒只能识别鸟类细胞,因而禽流感病毒无法轻易地粘附于哺乳动物细胞上,使得其感染人类的能力大大受限。 | ||1:Dr Kawaoka was interested in the role a protein called haemagglutinin (HA) plays in the transmission of avian influenza.||2:HA is the viral equivalent of a grappling hook: it lets the virus latch onto a cell by binding to substances called sialic acids that are found in receptors on the cell’s surface.||3:This done, the virus infects the cell with its DNA.||4:But because the sialic acid found in birds is chemically different from that in mammals, and because bird flu has evolved to recognise only the avian variety, it cannot stick easily to mammalian cells, limiting its ability to infect people. | |
12 | 弗里曼说,这意味着工会必须从此“在人们失望时抓住危机期”。 | Mr Freeman says this means that unions must therefore “latch on to a crisis period when people are upset”. | |
13 | 伦敦一名男子可能成为全球第二名艾滋病治愈者。一次治疗淋巴瘤的干细胞移植意味着其免疫系统细胞现在被阻碍艾滋病病毒附着的蛋白质所覆盖。2007年接受过类似治疗的一名美国人至今没有感染艾滋病病毒。 | A man in London may become only the second person in the world to be cured of HIV infection. A stem-cell transplant to treat lymphoma means his immune-system cells are now coated with proteins that HIV cannot latch onto. An American who had similar treatment in 2007 still remains free of the virus. | |
14 | 它通过绑定受体细胞表面的唾液酸,使得病毒抓紧细胞。 | it lets the virus latch onto a cell by binding to substances called sialic acids that are found in receptors on the cell’s surface. | |
15 | 投资者比教授们更快地领会了他的观点。 | Investors were faster than professors to latch onto his views. | |
16 | DD-1型制粉系统锁气器的改进 | Researching and betterment on DD-1 type gas-latch of milling system | |
17 | sys.dm_os_latch_stats不跟踪被立即授予的或失败而不等待的闩锁请求。 | Sys. Dm_os_latch _stats does not track latch requests that were granted immediately, or that failed without waiting. | |
18 | 本发明还涉及闩锁件(3)和将电缆连接器从板连接器(30)释放的方法。 | The invention further relates to a latch 3 and a method of releasing a cable connector (1) from a board connector (30). | |
19 | 本发明涉及一种锁存器及液晶显示源极驱动装置。 | The invention relates to a flip latch and a liquid crystal display source drive device. | |
20 | 本发明提供了一种万向旋转锁闩防盗锁,属于锁技术领域。 | The invention provides an antitheft lock with a universal rotary latch and belongs to the technical field of locks. | |
21 | 本实用新型可广泛用于石油、天然气钻井工程取岩心作业中。 | The quick latch jack can be widely used in the coring operation in the oil and gas drilling engineering. | |
22 | 必须等待授予的闩锁请求的平均等待时间(毫秒)。 | Average latch wait time (in milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait. | |
23 | 不,事实上,性只是其中很小的一部分……看到大家如此死扣字面意义真是很有意思。 | No, in fact, sexuality is just one very small part of it . . . it’s so interesting to see how people latch on to words. | |
24 | 除此之外这种薄膜光滑的表面也使得细菌难以附着在上面。 | The membrane’s smooth surface is also expected to make it harder for bacteria to latch onto. | |
25 | 但其他人认为最终的抛售信号是当媒体开始将其编入专题的时候。 | But others say the ultimate sell signal is when the media latch on to a story. | |
26 | 但主流的新教徒似乎因音乐节而感到高兴,他们可能对“新兴”运动稳定教徒人数的做法很感兴趣。 | Mainline Protestants, however, seemed delighted by the festival, and may well latch on to the emergents to shore up their shrinking numbers. | |
27 | 等待用于数据库ID%d中的页%S_PGID的缓冲区闩锁类型%d时发生超时。 | Time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch type %d for page %S_PGID, database ID %d. | |
28 | 底部构件包括一对接受闩锁缘的上下斜靠槽沟以固定座椅构件在底部构件上。 | The bottom member comprises a pair of leaning troughs that receive latch edges, so as to fix the seat member on the bottom member. | |
29 | 吊钩情况是否良好,包括旋转和安全闩 | Is the hook in good condition including swivel and safety latch | |
30 | 而且此间隙空间不会改变沉降片和位于沉降片另一侧上的舌针之间的距离。 | The clearance space furthermore does not change the distance between the sinker and the latch needle on the other side of the sinker. |