属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/SMPTE 271-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/SMPTE 254-1992
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/SMPTE 270-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/SMPTE 300-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 17332-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS ISO 17332-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 12222-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS ISO 12222-2001
1 | (十一)经谨慎处理仍未发现的船舶潜在缺陷; | (11)Latent defect of the ship not discoverable by due diligence; | |
2 | 《“锻炼锻炼”》潜文本释义―关于赵树理评价问题 | An Explanation of the Latent Version "Duanlian Duanlian" by Zhao Shuli | |
3 | 《潜夫论》的版本分歧与王符的道气思想 | On the Difference of the Edition of a Treatise on the Latent and Wang Fu’s Thought on Dao and Qi | |
4 | C型肝炎大部分因静脉药物注射共享针头而扩散,经漫长潜伏期后会导致肝硬化;直到最近才有血液测试可以检验出肝炎,许多人是经由输血才验出。 | The hepatitis C virus spreads mostly by shared needles in intravenous drug use and can cause liver cirrhosis and cancer after a long latent period. Until recently there was no test to detect it in blood, and many people were exposed through blood transfusions. | |
5 | EB病毒潜伏膜蛋白1通过蛋白激酶C调节Annexin Ⅰ的丝氨酸磷酸化 | Epstein-Barr Virus-encoded Latent Membrane Protein 1 Mediates Serine-Phosphorylation of Annexin Ⅰ by Activating Protein Kinase C | |
6 | TRMM资料分析热带气旋的降水与水汽、潜热的关系 | Using TRMM Data to Analyze the Relationship between Precipitation and Water Vapor Path, Latent Heat of Tropic Cyclones | |
7 | 白肋烟不同品种香气前体物降解产物及品质的研究 | Effect of Variety on Degradative Product of Latent Aromatic Substances and the Quality of Burley Tobacco | |
8 | 病毒在体内潜伏多年。 | The virus remains latent in the body for many years. | |
9 | 产婆术的有关苏格拉底的,通过引导人们对具有辩证性或逻辑性顺序的一串问题作出回答,来系统地阐释不易觉察的观念的方法的或与此方法有关的 | Of or relating to the aspect of the Socratic method that induces a respondent to formulate latent concepts through a dialectic or logical sequence of questions. | |
10 | 车内导引信息系统影响驾驶者路线移转行为之分析 | Route Switching Behavior under the Influence of In-Vehicle Information with Latent Variable Modeling | |
11 | 成年迟发型自体免疫糖尿病 | Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of the Adult | |
12 | 成人隐匿性自身免疫性糖尿病胰岛素抵抗与β细胞功能的研究 | Relationship between Insulin Sensitivity and the Function of Islet β Cell in Patients with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults | |
13 | 大众传媒还会激发和增强公众的内在态度。例如,大选前人们的政治态度便会被激发和增强。 | The mass media can also activate and reinforce latent attitudes. Political attitudes, for example, are likely to be activated and reinforced just before an election. | |
14 | 但就此认为中国的经济发展将难以为继、中国的财政潜藏着巨大危机是非常片面的。 | But, it is a one-sided view to assert on this basis that China’s economic development faces difficulties and that a tremendous latent crisis exists in China’s finance | |
15 | 但弥尔顿给予我们的是力量--也就是说,运用自己潜在的感应能力,向着无限的领域扩张。 | What you owe is power-that is , exercise and expansion to your own latent capacity of sympathy with the infinite | |
16 | 低阻力降为核心的低温吹风气潜热集中回收系统设计总结 | Sum-Up of Design of System for Centralized Recovery of Latent Heat in Low-Temperature Blown Gas with Low Pressure Drop as Core | |
17 | 第三十四条 对违反海上交通安全管理法规进行违章操作,虽未造成直接的交通事故,但构成重大潜在事故隐患的,港务监督可以依据本条例进行调查和处罚。 | Article 34. With respect to those operations which have violated the regulations concerning maritime traffic safety and have constituted latent threats of potential major accidents although direct traffic accidents have not been caused, the harbour superintendency administration may carry out investigation and mete out penalties according to the provisions of these Regulations. | |
18 | 电传影印:静电印刷的一种。被印物直接充满静电,电荷形成潜影。在潜影上加上色剂,然后用热力凝固。一般传真机都采用这个方法。 | Electrofax: A branch of electrostatic printing , in which the substrate to be printed is charged directly with static electricity to form the latent images.Toner then applied to the images and fused by heat. A method generally adopted by fax machines. | |
19 | 电影 16mm、35mm和65mm电影胶片上厂家印制的潜影标记 规范和尺寸 | Cinematography-Manufacturer-printed, latent image identification on 16 mm, 35 mm and 65 mm motion-picture film-Specifications and dimensions | |
20 | 电影.16mm、35mm和65mm电影胶片上厂家印制的潜影标记.规范和尺寸.技术勘误1 | Cinematography-Manufacturer-printed, latent image identification on 16 mm, 35 mm and 65 mm motion-picture film-Specifications and dimensions; Technical Corrigendum 1 | |
21 | 电影彩印胶片 35mm 电影彩印胶片上厂家印制的潜影标记信息 规范 | Cinematography-Manufacturer-printed latent image identification information for 35 mm motion-picture colour-print film-Specifications | |
22 | 电影胶片(16mm).制片厂发行拷贝潜象识别信息 | Motion-Picture Film (16-mm)-Manufacturer-Printed Latent Image Identification Information | |
23 | 电影胶片(35mm).厂商印制的潜象识别信息 | Motion-Picture Film (35-mm)-Manufacturer-Printed, Latent Image Identification Information | |
24 | 电影胶片(65mm).制片厂发行拷贝潜象识别信息 | Motion-Picture Film (65-mm)-Manufacturer-Printed Latent Image Identification Information | |
25 | 电影拷贝彩色胶片(35mm).生产者印制潜影识别信息 | Motion-Picture Color Print Film (35-mm)-Manufacturer-Printed Latent Image Identification Information | |
26 | 电影摄影.35MM移动摄影胶片上制造商印的识别信息.规范 | Cinematography-Manufacturer-printed latent image identification information for 35 mm motion-picture colour-print film-Specifications | |
27 | 电影摄影.印制在35mm移动彩印胶片的生产商的图像识别信息 | Cinematography-Manufacturer printed latent image identification information for 35mm motion-picture colour-print film-Specifications | |
28 | 电影摄影.在16mm、35mm和65mm电影胶片上,制造厂名的印制和潜在影象的识别.规范和尺寸 | Cinematography-Manufacturer-printed, latent image identification on 16 mm, 35 mm and 65 mm motion-picture film-Specifications and dimensions | |
29 | 电影摄影.在16mm、35mm和65mm电影胶片上制造厂名的印制和潜在影象的识别.规范和尺寸 | Cinematography-Manufacturer-printed, latent image identification on 16 mm, 35 mm & 65 mm film-Specifications and dimensions | |
30 | 沸点升高以及热容和潜热随温度的变化忽略不计。 | Boiling point elevations are negligible as well as the variation of the heat capacities and latent heats with temperature |