属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新国会 上面施工下面堵塞
1 | 贝壳杉一种贝壳杉属的针叶常绿树,尤指产于新西兰的新西兰贝壳杉,具有宽大的似皮革的叶子 | Any of several coniferous evergreen trees of the genus Agathis,especially A.australis of New Zealand,having broad leathery leaves. | |
2 | 达宏冬青:一种生长于美国东南部的小树(达宏冬青冬青属),有红色,有时是桔黄或黄色的果实,和深绿色的坚韧叶子. | dahoon:a small tree (Ilex cassine)of the southeast United States, having red or sometimes orange to yellow fruit and leathery , dark green leaves. | |
3 | 冯云卿惟恐听错了似的再问一句,同时他那青黑的老脸上已经满是笑意了,他的心卜卜地跳。 | Feng Yunching insisted, fearing that he might have misheard. Even as he spoke his leathery old face was beaming with delight and his heart was pounding violently | |
4 | 柑果如桔子或其它柑橘属水果,有厚厚的、坚韧的革质外皮和分为许多节有多汁果肉的浆果 | A berry having a thickened,leathery rind and juicy pulp divided into segments,as an orange or other citrus fruit. | |
5 | 橄榄树一种地中海地区的常青树(油橄榄木犀榄属)有白色芳香花朵,矛状坚韧的叶和可食的核果 | A Mediterranean evergreen tree(Olea europaea)having fragrant white flowers,usually lance-shaped leathery leaves,and edible drupes. | |
6 | 瓜果任何一种相关植物的果实,例如香瓜、西瓜、黄瓜、南瓜和香瓜,长有硬且坚韧的皮、饱满的果肉和许多扁平的种子 | The fruit of any of various related plants,such as the cantaloupe,watermelon,cucumber,squash,pumpkin,and melon,having a hard or leathery rind,fleshy pulp,and numerous flattened seeds. | |
7 | 龟龟鳖目的各种水生或陆生的爬行动物,有角质无齿的颌,骨质的或似皮革的壳,许多品种的龟可将头、四肢和尾缩进壳中 | Any of various aquatic or terrestrial reptiles of the order Testudines(or Chelonia,having horny toothless jaws and a bony or leathery shell into which the head,limbs,and tail can be withdrawn in most species. | |
8 | 槲寄生一种欧亚寄生灌木,(槲寄生属白果槲寄生),有草质、绿色茎叶和蜡白色桨果 | A Eurasian parasitic shrub(Viscum album)having leathery evergreen leaves and waxy white berries. | |
9 | 角豆树地中海东部地区一种豆科常青乔木(长角豆长角豆属),有羽状复叶和黑色坚韧的大豆荚 | An eastern Mediterranean evergreen tree(Ceratonia siliqua)in the pea family,having pinnately compound leaves and large,dark,leathery pods. | |
10 | 她转动着眼珠,时时撅起嘴,用她那干瘪的瘦脸贴着他那光滑、柔嫩的脸。 | She rolled her eyes and screwed up her mouth and stuck her leathery thin face into his smooth bland one | |
11 | 橘树,臼莓:一种灌木或小乔木(臼梅越桔属)产于美国东南部,叶子象皮革.浆果黑色,种子坚硬. | farkleberry:a shrub or small tree (Vaccinium arboreum)of the southeast United States, having leathery leaves and hard black berries. | |
12 | 可可树在低洼潮湿之热带普遍可见。树干坚实,高可至12公尺,其椭圆形呈皮革状之叶长至30公分,伸展如伞盖。 | The tree is grown throughout the wet lowland tropics, often in the shade of taller trees. Its thick trunk supports a canopy of large, leathery , oblong leaves. | |
13 | 可可一种美国的热带常绿树木(可可树可可树属),果实呈椭球形,有坚韧外壳,壳上有十道棱,果实结在树干上和老的枝条上 | An evergreen tropical American tree(Theobroma cacao)having leathery ,ellipsoid,ten-ribbed fruits borne on the trunks and older branches. | |
14 | 莽吉柿树一种产于马来西亚的常绿乔木(莽吉柿),长有厚实的革状叶片,结硕大可食用的果实 | A Malaysian evergreen tree(Garcinia mangostana)having thick leathery leaves and large edible berries. | |
15 | 美洲悬铃木一种常绿灌木或树木(直立锥果木锥果属),生长于美国和西非的热带红树林中,长有周期性更替的革质叶子和由绿花构成的扣形小花冠 | An evergreen shrub or tree(Conocarpus erectus,growing in mangrove forests of tropical America and western Africa and having alternate leathery leaves and small buttonlike heads of greenish flowers. | |
16 | 鞘翅甲虫或其它相关的昆虫的一对坚韧的或几丁质的前翅,用于保护飞行中薄的、膜状的后翅 | Either of the leathery or chitinous forewings of a beetle or a related insect,serving to encase the thin,membranous hind wings used in flight. | |
17 | 树高18.3公尺,叶呈椭圆形,坚韧如革,花黄色,果实呈星形。坚果曾用于药物和软饮料中,但现在美洲的"可乐"用的是模仿其味道的合成添加剂。 | "The trees grow to 60 ft (18.3 m)in height and have oblong leathery leaves, yellow flowers, and star-shaped fruit. The nut has been used in medicines and in soft drinks, though American "colas" today instead use synthetic flavorings that mimic its taste." | |
18 | 他又高又瘦,皮肤坚韧,饱受风霜,而且强健有力。 | He was rangy, leathery , sun-baked and virile | |
19 | 桃叶珊瑚属产于东亚的一种桃叶珊瑚属常绿灌木,尤指山茶,因其光滑坚韧的叶子可做装饰而被栽培 | Any of several eastern Asian evergreen shrubs of the genus Aucuba,especially A.japonica,grown as an ornamental chiefly for its glossy,leathery leaves. | |
20 | 像皮革一样的嚼不动的肉. | leathery meat | |
21 | 熊莓,熊果:一种熊果属的簇状灌木植物,尤指熊果,原产于北美洲和欧亚大陆,有柔韧的小叶,白色或粉色的坛状花朵和红色的草莓形果实。 | bearberry:any of certain mat-forming shrubs of the genus arctostaphylos, especially a. uva-ursi, native to North america and Eurasia, having small leathery leaves, white or pinkish urn-shaped flowers, and red berrylike fruits. | |
22 | 越橘树,臼莓一种灌木或小乔木(臼梅越桔属)产于美国东南部,叶子象皮革。浆果黑色,种子坚硬 | A shrub or small tree(Vaccinium arboreum)of the southeast United States,having leathery leaves and hard black berries. | |
23 | 沼泽草木一种美洲灌木或小乔木,生长于的沼泽地带,叶子坚韧,有黄色果实,花为白色成长状花序,这种花序从前一个季节的生长物的尖端生出,(总状花序西里拉) | A New World shrub or small tree(Cyrilla racemiflora)of warm swampy areas,having leathery leaves,yellow fruit,and white flowers in clustered racemes that are borne at the tip of the preceding season’s growth. | |
24 | 直翅目直翅目的昆虫,特点为长有折叠的膜状后翅、后翅上覆有狭窄的羽状前翼以及适于咀嚼的口器。这一目的昆虫包括蝗虫、蝉螂、螳螂和蟋蟀 | An insect of the order Orthoptera,characterized by folded membranous hind wings covered by narrow,leathery forewings and mouthparts that are adapted for chewing.Insects of this order include the locusts,cockroaches,crickets,and grasshoppers. | |
25 | ||1:乐观的另一个原因源于白宫发言人约翰·博纳,他处在一个更有力的地位。||2:博纳先生是在1月6日重选中获胜,尽管少数党领袖南希·佩洛西极不情愿,但他还是给了她一个坚韧如皮革般的亲吻,来庆祝自己的任职(见图,该图此后被疯传)。||3:投票前,他的一些同事曾谈道一场政变。||4:该事件中,25名共和党议员曾投票反对他。||5:见到路易·戈摩特,是一件过瘾的事;因为戈摩特在241票中只得了三票。||6:自2011年成为发言人以来,博纳先生常常被迫做他不赞同的事,以此来保证他的成员不越位,也只有这样才能保住饭碗。||7:自1946年以来共和党在白宫中占多数,既然如此,他就有资本表现得更加粗鲁。 | ||1:A further cause for optimism is that the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, is in a stronger position.||2:Mr Boehner was re-elected to the post on January 6th, celebrating with a leathery kiss on the unwilling cheek of Nancy Pelosi, the minority leader (see picture, which went viral).||3:Before the vote, some of his colleagues had talked about a coup.||4:In the event 25 Republicans voted against him.||5:The sight of Louie Gohmert, one of Mr Boehner’s more obstreperous foes, receiving three out of an available 241 votes must have been particularly enjoyable.||6:Since becoming Speaker in 2011, Mr Boehner has often been forced to do things he himself opposed in order to keep his members onside and retain his job.||7:Now that Republicans have their biggest majority in the House since 1946, he can afford to be more robust. | |
26 | (外观或质地)似皮革的;坚韧的,粗硬的 | leathery (adj. ) : 1ike leather in appearance or texture. tough and flexible | |
27 | 病人心脏的调节血液流出的主阀变的硬化,坚韧和收缩。 | The main valve regulating blood flow out of the heart gets stiff, leathery and constricted. | |
28 | 迪奥尼曾在一个牧师的珍藏中发现了一样皮质胎状物品,他驻足其前良久,决心探寻究竟。 | When Dionisstumbled across a leathery fetus-like object in a priest’s collection, he resolved to learn the truth about it. | |
29 | 革质叶片大而绿,出色抗真菌病能力。 | Foliage is leathery , mid-green and large, with a good resistance to fungal diseases. | |
30 | 橘树,臼莓:一种灌木或小乔木(臼梅越桔属)产于美国东南部,叶子象皮革.浆果黑色,种子坚硬。 | farkleberry: a shrub or small tree (Vaccinium arboreum) of the southeast United States, having leathery leaves and hard black berries. |