1 | 2001年时,在低地球轨道上安置有九座太空站,运作的时间长短不一。 | As of 2001, nine space stations have been placed in a low Earth orbit and occupied for varying lengths of time. | |
2 | 4根钢缆中的每根由26,108股钢绳组成。 | Each of the four cables contains 26,108 lengths of wire. | |
3 | 八分音符、四分音符和二分音符在乐谱上是不同长度的三个音符 | Quavers, crotchets and minims are three of the different lengths of note in written music | |
4 | 包藏在沸石孔道中的TEA+、TPA+可能发生部分分解;模板分子的烷基链长与分子筛孔道长度的匹配对于其在分子筛合成中所能起的模板作用影响很大。 | Some TEA+, TPA+ in the channel may decompose. It is important for the formation of the channels of zeolite that the sum of lengths of two neighboring alkyl chains matches with the distance of two consecutive cages in the channel. | |
5 | 必须检查接缝线,如:肩缝、侧缝,确保精确性。 | Seam lines such as shoulder and side must be checked fro accuracy and lengths . | |
6 | 不齐排式:内文排字,字行长度参差不齐的排法。它可以“齐左”,让右边不齐;也可以“齐右”,让左边不齐。 | Ragged setting: Text set with irregular line lengths . It may be "ragged left" which have an uneven left margin but an even right marhin; or "ragged right" which have an uneven right margin but an even left margin. | |
7 | 不遗余力的证明他的观点 | Went to great lengths to prove his point. | |
8 | 差速齿轮:机动车辆机械学中,能将引擎产生之动力转至一对驱动轮上之齿轮装置,其动力平分于二驱动轮上,但于转弯或于路面不平时,二驱动轮所经之路线长度可不同。 | Differential gear: In automotive mechanics, a gear arrangement that transmits power from the engine to a pair of driving wheels, dividing the force equally between them but permitting them to follow paths of different lengths , as when turning a corner or traversing an uneven road. | |
9 | 长丝是极长的纤维,包括天然丝和化纤丝。大多数天然纤维的长度很短,而化学纤维也可切成整齐的短纤维。 | Filament is very long fibre, including the natural fibre silk and the synthetic fibres. Most fibres that occur in nature are fairly short, or staple, and synthetic fibres may be cut into short, uniform lengths to form staple. | |
10 | 承压管用带弹性密封圈型接头的硬聚氯乙烯(PVC)管件 安装长度的测定 公制系列 | Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC)fittings with elastic sealing ring type joints for pipes under pressure; Dimensions of laying lengths ; Metric series | |
11 | 承压管用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC)和金属的接头管件安装长度和螺纹尺寸 公制系列 | Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC)and metal adaptor fittings for pipes under pressure; Laying lengths and size of threads; Metric series | |
12 | 承压管用硬聚氯乙烯平承口管件 安装长度 公制系列 | Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC)fittings with plain sockets for pipes under pressure; Laying lengths ; Metric series | |
13 | 承压管用硬聚氯乙烯平承口管件 安装长度 公制系列 补充1 | Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC)fittings with plain sockets for pipes under pressure; laying lengths ; metric series; addendum 1 | |
14 | 尺,直尺,划线用木头或金属等制成的直角的条,用于划直线和测量长度 | A straightedged strip,as of wood or metal,for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths . | |
15 | 此过程可称为用往复卷绕长度卷绕纬管,此往复运动叫做步进式往复运动。 | This is called building a quill by chase lengths or chasing a quill, and the traverse is called a progressive reciprocating traverse. | |
16 | 从物理学的观点来看,有多少种不同的波长,就有多少种颜色。 | From a physical standpoint, here ought to be as many colors as there are different wave lengths . | |
17 | 从新娘的花束上垂下来的丝带 | Lengths of ribbon hung from the bride’s bouquet | |
18 | 醋酯短纤维可以通过切断连续长丝而获得。短纤维的长度应能适于与其它纤维混纺制成混纺纱线。 | Acetate staple is now produced by cutting the continuous filaments into short lengths . The staple length is chosen to blend suitably with other fibers in making mixed yarns. | |
19 | 带传动 标准的和窄V带 标准长度 | Belt drives; classical and narrow V-belts; lengths in datum system | |
20 | 带传动.窄V带.截面9N/J, 15N/J和25N/J(有效长度系列) | Belt drives-Narrow V-belts-Sections 9N/J, 15N/J and 25N/J (lengths in the effective system) | |
21 | 带纺织物绕线架的输送带.宽度和长度 | Conveyor belts with textile carcass-Widths and lengths | |
22 | 第二是纱线因素,纱线的重量,特别是纱线输送距离较短时,是可以忽略不计的。 | The second factor is the yarn itself. In theoretical discussions, yarn weight, especially for short lengths of yarn, is neglected. | |
23 | 电码发送的形式是不同长度的电脉冲,或相似的机械式信号,或可见信号(如闪光)。 | It is transmitted as electrical pulses of varied lengths or analogous mechanical or visual signals, such as flashing lights. | |
24 | 阀杆延长件长度可达10英尺。如果阀杆延长件长度超过10英尺请与我们联系。 | Stem extensions are available in lengths up to 10 feet. For stem extensions in excess of 10 feet consult us. | |
25 | 复合材料的力量来自包埋于树脂中的玻璃纤维和碳纤维,广泛运用于国防和航天事业。 | Composites, which derive their strength from the lengths of glass or carbon fibre embedded in the resin, are widely used in the defence and aerospace industries. | |
26 | 改变这些杆的相对长度,这种四杆连杆机构就成为一种实用的机械装置,可以把等速转动转变为非等速转动,或者把连续转动转变成振荡运动。 | With various relative lengths of the links, this four-bar linkage becomes a useful mechanism for converting uniform rotary to non-uniform rotary motion or continuous rotary to oscillatory motion. | |
27 | 高强度栓接结构用大六角头螺栓(螺纹长度按ISO 888)产品等级C级 性能等级8.8 和10.9级 | Hexagon bolts for high-strength structural bolting with large width across flats (thread lengths according to ISO 888); Product grade C; Property classes 8.8 and 10.9 | |
28 | 给我记一下我游一个来回的时间. | Time me while I do/Time how long it takes me to do two lengths of the pool. | |
29 | 公司竭尽全力让我们从实干中学。 | The company went to great lengths to give us hands-on experience | |
30 | 管道的等量长度中的摩擦损失即构成弯管中的压力损失。 | Friction losses in the equivalent lengths of ducts constitute the pressure loss in the elbow |