属类:文学表达-童话-Maid Maleen
1 | “我是你的新娘呀!因为我害怕大伙笑话我,就让那厨房中的丫头穿上我的衣服,替我去了教堂。” | I am your betrothed bride, but because I feared lest the people should mock me when they saw me out of doors, I commanded the scullery-maid to dress herself in my clothes, and to go to church instead of me. | |
2 | “我似乎觉得自己象被链子锁着般的生活,同时,我又很清楚自己很软弱,我甚至怕去挣断那捆绑住我的锁链,深恐我会因此而陷入极端无力和无助的境地。 | I seem to myself as though living a life of bondage, yet at the same time am so conscious of my own weakness that I fear to break the restraint in which I am held, lest I fall utterly helpless | |
3 | …“从杂乱无章的睡梦中”把那久埋地下的美人和亡故的家庭成员的面孔找到,洗净“坟墓的不光彩”,召回光天化日之下。 | …and“from the anarchy of dreaming sleep,”cal lest into sunny light the faces of long-buried beauties ,and the blessed household countenances, cleansed from the“dishonours of the grave.” | |
4 | 爱啊,要不然,这双紧握著的手;就不会接触;这热热的亲吻,一旦 | Lest these enclasped hands should never hold | |
5 | 把它藏起来,免得他看见。 | Hide it lest he see it. | |
6 | 保安措施甚到涉及于食物:撤换了承办筵席的人,以防他在食物里做手脚。 | The security extended even to the food; they had replaced the caterer lest our food be tampered with | |
7 | 不过尽管如此,她始终忧心忡忡,生怕威廉自作主张做错了事。 | Nevertheless, the load of anxiety scarcely ever left her heart, lest William should do the wrong thing by himself | |
8 | 不然;以防;避免 | Lest .. should; in case .. should | |
9 | 不要往过高的地方砍,以防碎渣落人你的眼睛(勿好高务远)。 | Hew not too high lest the chips fall in your eye. | |
10 | 此事尚无先例,希望尽量避免任何额外开销。 | Please avoid any extra charge lest this give precedence | |
11 | 从古以来,只有“杞人忧天”[1],就是那个河南人怕天塌下来。 | From time immemorial no one but "the man of chi worried lest the sky fall"[1], meaning that only one man from Honan, was afraid it might happen | |
12 | 但是,我的技艺,我的头脑,我的心灵,我的身体,若不善加利用,都将随着时间的流逝而迟钝,腐朽,甚至死亡 | But my skills, my mind, my heart, and my body will stagnate, rot, and die lest I put them to good use | |
13 | 到今年为止,美国农业部已经批准了近100项实验作物栽培,这些作物通过改变基因而具有了诸如抗虫害和和除草剂等特性。 | So far this year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved nearly 100 lest plantings of crops that have been genetically altered to give them traits such as pest resistance and tolerance to weed killers | |
14 | 踮起脚趾走路,以免守卫发现她 | Tiptoed lest the guard should hear her | |
15 | 踮起脚趾走路,以免守卫发现她;唯恐他生病而感到焦虑 | Tiptoed lest the guard should hear her;anxious lest he become ill. | |
16 | 冬天里的某一天,主人想用黑香肠款待客人,于是把它从烟囱里取了出来。女主人在切香肠时,大拇哥小心翼翼,不敢把头伸出去看,唯恐被切掉一块。他终于找到机会,给自己清出一条路逃了出来。 | At length in winter he was taken down again, as the black-pudding had to be set before a guest. When the hostess was cutting it in slices, he took care not to stretch out his head too far lest a bit of it should be cut off, at last he saw his opportunity, cleared a passage for himself, and jumped out. | |
17 | 对象你这样的一个艺术家,我不愿意作详细的数字解释,你甚至怕走进我的书房,恐怕染上反诗意的印象和感触。 | I do not willingly enter into arithmetical explanations with an artist like you, who fears to enter my study lest she should imbibe disagreeable or anti-poetic impressions and sensations | |
18 | 发现大河有大鱼,可得注意别溺毙 | In a great river great fish are found; But take heed lest you be drowned | |
19 | 凤姐因怕通灵玉失落,便等宝玉睡下,命人拿来塞在自己枕边. | For fear lest the precious jade might disappear while Baoyu was asleep, Xifeng had it fetched and put it under her own pillow. | |
20 | 感此伤妾心,坐愁红颜老。 | And, because of all this, my heart is breaking And I fear for my bright cheeks, lest they fade. | |
21 | 古古密陀一边走一边用眼睛瞟着卡烈尼,深怕会遭他暗算,但卡烈尼这方面却毫无敌意的表示。 | Cucumetto departed, without losing sight of Carlini, for, doubtless, he feared lest he should strike him unawares; but nothing betrayed a hostile design on Carlini’s part | |
22 | 过去,我从来没有明白过过我对你的萌生的爱究竟是怎么回事,我不相信会有这种爱,很怕去想它,怕它使我燃烧起来。 | I never knew before what such a love as you have made me feel was; I did no believe in it; my fancy was afraid of it, lest it should burn me up. | |
23 | 海丝特·白兰返回监狱之后,便陷入一阵神经质的激动之中,必须有人片刻不离地看守着她,以防止她作出自戕之举,或在一时狂乱之中对可怜的婴儿有所伤害。 | AFTER her return to the prison, Hester Prynne was found to be in a state of nervous excitement that demanded constant watchfulness, lest she should perpetrate violence on herself, or do some half-frenzied mischief to the poor babe. | |
24 | 好好照顾你自己,以免受凉。 | Take good care of yourself lest you catch cold. | |
25 | 鸿渐只担心自己要生盲肠炎。 | Hung-chien was worried lest he get appendicitis | |
26 | 花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。 | If a bud open, gather it--. Lest you but wait for an empty bough. | |
27 | 她本来毫无把握,提心吊胆,怕亚瑟认不出她,结果这种忧虑是多余的,至少并不那么严重。 | She had had a great doubt and terror lest Arthur should not know her, but that pang was spared to her, in part at least. | |
28 | 她不得不日夜不停地苦练,以免使她的母亲失望。 | She had to learn and practice day and night without any breathing space, lest she should disappoint her mother. | |
29 | 她担心他会淹死 | She was afraid lest he might drown | |
30 | 她事事忍让,确实是一位殉道者,但她不准自己为敌人祈祷--她尽管宽宏大量,却唯恐自己用来祝福的语言会顽强地扭曲成对他们的诅咒。 | She was patient-a martyr, indeed-but she forbore to pray for her enemies; lest , in spite of her forgiving aspirations, the words of the blessing should stubbornly twist themselves into a curse. |