属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-菩提 法律的长臂
1 | 最后的那一声喊叫拖得很长,后来就愈来愈弱,渐渐地变成了呻吟,这一声喊叫一下子把我从迷迷糊糊的昏睡状态中唤醒了。 | A cry more prolonged than the others and ending in a series of groans effectually roused me from my drowsy lethargy | |
2 | ||1:这其中包含了很多不同的趋势。||2:在印度与巴基斯坦,坚定又独立的司法部门有悠久的激进做派传统。||3:相对于公众心目中陈腐,无能,又阴险的政治家,法院的这一形象更受民众欢迎。||4:公益起诉的资格与独立作出裁决的能力使得印度最高法院乐于干预环境与社会政策。||5:它已经让德里的巴士、的士、嘟嘟车都抛弃了落后的燃料,换上液化天然气,并且接管了全印度的树木。||6:法院的绿色诉求或许能取悦自由派,不过他们也为去年十二月印度最高法院推翻了德里高级法院给同性恋禁令松绑的裁决而感到惋惜。||7:巴基斯坦的法院正对打倒穆沙拉夫有功,不过随后的五年总统任期中,他们又盯上了穆沙拉夫那位文职的总统继任者,阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里。 | ||1:Various trends are at work.||2:One, evident in India and Pakistan, is an enduring tradition of activism by a robustly independent judiciary.||3:Often this has made the courts popular by comparison with the perceived lethargy , incompetence or malice of politicians.||4:Public-interest litigation and its ability to make rulings suo moto (off its own bat) have encouraged India’s Supreme Court to meddle in environmental and social policy.||5:It has forced Delhi’s buses, taxis and tuk-tuks to convert to compressed natural gas from dirtier fuels and has taken charge of India’s trees.||6:The court’s green interests might please liberals, but they rued a ruling last December that overturned a Delhi High Court decision lifting a ban on homosexuality.||7:In Pakistan the courts helped bring down Mr Musharraf, but then proceeded to hound his civilian successor, Asif Ali Zardari, through his five-year term. | |
3 | “前内阁毫无生气”,一位执政的资深人民民主党成员承认。 | "Lethargy had begun to set in" , admits a senior member of the ruling People’s Democratic Party. | |
4 | “无瑕号事件将迫使美国一改其昏昏欲睡的状态,开始关注这个问题。” | "The Impeccable incident will cause the US to drop its lethargy and start to focus on the issue. " | |
5 | 并且,这些多巴胺减小的过程会让人无生气、郁闷和消沉。 | And diminishing levels of dopamine produce lethargy , despondency and depression. | |
6 | 不过,冷漠情绪也在普遍地侵染着政治领域。 | But lethargy also infects politics in general. | |
7 | 大量出汗,昏昏欲睡,头晕目眩,口渴难耐,以及肌肉痉挛都是中暑的迹象,此外,你可能还会觉得恶心。 | Sweating large amounts, lethargy , dizziness, thirst and muscle cramps are all trouble signs. You may also feel sick. | |
8 | 而深绿色和深蓝色也许需要更深的色调来形成对比,以便维持放松的氛围。 | Dark shades of blue and green, though, may need sharper contrast to prevent a sense of lethargy . | |
9 | 分开或者慎重考虑分手,甚至可能会造成身体上的症状,比如坐立不安、睡眠失调或者丧失食欲。 | A separation or contemplated separation may even produce physical symptoms such as restlessness, lethargy , or loss of appetite. | |
10 | 患有毕业倦怠症的学生会经常有强烈的倦怠感。 | Students in the throes of senioritis often feel a profound sense of lethargy . | |
11 | 获得了足够的食物补给(还有马丁的啤酒)后,我们慢慢恢复了体力,又可以重新出发了。 | After we had all taken on enough food (and Martin his beer) our lethargy began to recede and we were able to head off again. | |
12 | 猫咪中毒的表现包括:呕吐、没精神及食欲减退。 | Be aware of symptoms of lily poisoning which include vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite. | |
13 | 砌体结构墙体抗侧承载时的剪切滞后初探 | Discussion About Shear-Lethargy of Masonry Wall Under Lateral Loading | |
14 | 瘦素决定身体要储存或者消耗脂肪,困倦无力还是精神抖擞。 | Leptin decides whether fat should be stored or used, resulting in lethargy or energy. | |
15 | 死气沉沉,慵懒和沉默已经不行了。 | Lethargy , laziness, and inactivity is not okay. | |
16 | 他们仅仅拥有所谓的“自我意识”,并以此掩饰着自身既稚气但又极其真实的肤浅和懒散。 | They only had what passed for self-awareness, cloaking a flightiness and lethargy that was both childish and very real. | |
17 | 他仍然身体健康,并没有显示出昏睡的迹象。 | He remains fit and healthy and shows no sign of lethargy . | |
18 | 他为公务员的昏庸无能和忠于腐败政客的规定感到烦恼。 | He was upset by the "lethargy of the city employees" and the requirement of loyalty to corrupt politicians. | |
19 | 头痛、腿痛、发热、喉咙痛、咳嗽、昏睡和流鼻涕。 | Symptoms Headaches, aching limbs, fever, sore throat, cough, lethargy , runny nose. | |
20 | 脱水是疲倦的一大起因。如果你的眼皮开始打架,给脸上泼点冷水吧。 | Water Dehydration is a big cause of tiredness and if your eyes are showing signs of lethargy splash some cool water on your face. | |
21 | 用于治疗抑郁、抑郁性精神病、嗜睡症、痴呆症等。 | The colors are applicable to depression, depressive psychosis, lethargy , dementia, etc. | |
22 | 有一回他努力想把自己从昏沉里唤醒过来,便到水手舱去和水手们见面。 | Once, he tried to arouse himself from his lethargy , and went forward into the forecastle with the sailors. | |
23 | 再加上疲沓的特性,两个交易所不指望他们的新构架能在2013年之前正常运转。 | And with characteristic lethargy , the bourses do not expect their new structure to be in place until 2013. | |
24 | 症状:疲劳、昏睡、心跳不规律。 | Symptoms: Tiredness, lethargy , irregular heartbeat. |