属类:文学表达-童话-Mouse and Cat in Partnership
1 | 它直接去了教堂,偷偷爬到猪油罐那里,开始舔呀舔,把顶上一层猪油舔得精光。 | She went straight to the church, stole to the pot of fat, began to lick at it, and licked the top of the fat off. | |
2 | 我们队很得意,因为我们打败了冠军队。 | Our team licked its lips because we had beaten the champions | |
3 | 我舔了舔信封盖口,把它封好。 | I licked the flap of the envelope and sealed it. | |
4 | 我一想到有那么一大笔红利就垂涎三尺。 | I licked my chops when I thought of that huge bonus. | |
5 | 小猫舔光了牛奶。 | The kitty licked up the milk | |
6 | 小男孩舐着冰淇淋蛋卷。 | The little boy licked the ice-cream cone | |
7 | 新兵不久便被教育班长训练得象样了。 | The recruits were soon licked into shape by the drill sergeants | |
8 | 新兵一经训练就是好样儿的 | The new recruits will be fine once they’ve been licked into shape | |
9 | 盐碱地裸露有天然盐的地方,路过的动物常去舔食 | A deposit of exposed natural salt that is licked by passing animals. | |
10 | 因为东西非常好吃,小孩子舐光了他的盘子。 | The child licked off his plate for the food was so good. | |
11 | 又有一个讨饭的,名叫拉撒路,浑身生疮,被人放在财主门口,要得财主桌子上掉下来的零碎充饥,并且狗来舔他的疮。 | And at his gate lay a poor man named Laz’arus, full of sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man’s table; moreover the dogs came and licked his sores | |
12 | 真正的勇气是在你开始之前就受到打击,但无论如何你还是开始了,并且不管什么情况都坚持到底。--李 | Real courage is when you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.--Harper Lee | |
13 | “他说他有位女友,并且希望能看到她舔我,”达达里奥在公布的录音里如是说。 | "He said that he has a girlfriend and would like to have me licked by this girlfriend, " D’Addario says, according to the posted recordings. | |
14 | “这是爱,”老虎说道,然后他用粗糙的红色舌头舔着香桂公主掌心的血,还舔了娇嫩的棕色脸庞。 | "Love, " said the tiger, and with its rough red tongue it licked the blood from Cinnamon’s palm, and licked her soft brown face. | |
15 | 但是,在这一切发生之前,还有大量技术难题得攻克。 | Before any of that can happen, though, a lot of technical problems will have to be licked . | |
16 | 当我想起来该干什么事儿时,我就舔嘴唇;当我想起看到别人舔嘴唇时,我也舔我的。 | When I remembered what I was doing, I licked my lips. Every time I remembered that I saw people licking their lips I would lick my lips. | |
17 | 当一觉醒来发现还是婴儿的弟弟正在舔你的首饰时,你可能认为贝拉的反应是合理的。 | One may think Bella’s response reasonable upon waking up to find your jewelry being licked by a baby brother. | |
18 | 德国女学生安妮卡·埃姆勒用她7厘米长的大舌头把自己“舔”进了《吉尼斯世界纪录》。 | German schoolgirl Annika Irmler has licked her way into the Guinness Book of Records with her whopping seven centimetre tongue. | |
19 | 没得到报酬的狗会舔自己的嘴,打哈欠,搔痒,它们还会表现出其他受到压力的特征,并且它们会停止表演,瑞治说。 | Dogs not given a treat licked their mouths, yawned, scratched and showed other signs of stress and stopped performing the task, Range said. | |
20 | 那头狮子转过头,用巨大的金色眸子注视着她,然后舔了舔她的手指。 | The lion had turned his head to stare at her with huge golden eyes. Then he licked her fingers. | |
21 | 那些仅仅是用他们的舌头舔着水喝的人必须离开,只有那些将水装起来的人才能留下来战斗。 | The men who licked the water with their tongues would have to leave and the men who cupped their water would stay for the battle. | |
22 | 虽然氢气运输的问题通过上面的方法得到少许解决,但是储存仍是个大问题。 | Although hydrogen’s distribution problem might then have been licked , the storage problem remains. | |
23 | 他又舔了舔干燥的嘴唇,当他继续说的时候,泪水早已模糊了她的脸。 | He licked his dry lips again, in counterpoint to the tears that started to stream down her face, as he continued. | |
24 | 我不怎么偏向于让我的双唇都去舔或者吸吮,但是我很喜欢对我的女朋友这么做。 | I’m not so much partial to having my own lips licked and sucked, but I’m a big fan of doing it to my girlfriend. | |
25 | 我们现在吃的都是从窗户上舐下来和冲刷到泔水桶里的垃圾。 | All we eat is scraps from t’ compost bin washed down with condensation licked off t’ windows. | |
26 | 我舔舔手指头,在污处摁了摁,摁得更脏了。 | I licked my finger and pressed it against the smudge, which made it worse. | |
27 | 我要舔光你:芝加哥布鲁克菲尔德动物园,一只非洲狮利用大块的冰块来恢复精神。 | I’ve got this licked : An African lion in Brookfield zoo, Chicago refreshes himself with a block of ice | |
28 | 小狗试探性的摇了摇尾巴,伸出粉红色的舌头,舔了舔我的手。 | He wagged his tail tentatively and his soft pink tongue darted out and licked my hand. | |
29 | 有些记者把麦克尔斯的修改意见带回家,休闲时分就拆开看看,就像在舔着自己的伤口一样,从而努力找出他们撰写的新闻题材怎样才能提高到这样的高水平。 | Some took his edits home, unpicking them at leisure, as they licked their wounds, to try to see exactly how their copy had been so improved. |