属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:聚光灯下
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:聚光灯下
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:聚光灯下
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:聚光灯下
1 | “Limelight”和“spotlight”这两个词都来自于剧场。 | Both "limelight " and "spotlight" come from the world of theater. | |
2 | 安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)是一位美国艺术家。他在上世纪六七十年代成为了波普艺术运动的焦点。沃霍尔曾经说过:“每个人都有机会成名十五分钟。”他在社交媒体和Youtube网站出现很久以前就这么说了。 | Andy Warhol was an American artist. He was in the limelight of the pop art movement in the 1960s and 1970s. Warhol once said that "everybody will be famous for 15 minutes." And he said this long before the arrival of social media and YouTube. | |
3 | 词汇掌故:聚光灯下 | Put Your English Studies in the ’Limelight ’ | |
4 | 看看卡戴珊家族。真人秀节目让卡戴珊一家光靠做自己就出名。该家族每个人都喜欢在镜头前面,这点亦颇有助益。她们喜欢在聚光灯下,而且她们在聚光灯下的时间远远超过了15分钟。 | Just look at the Kardashian family. Reality television made the Kardashians famous for just being themselves. It helps that nearly every member of the family seems to like being in front of the camera. They enjoy being in the spotlight. And they have been in the limelight for a lot longer than 15 minutes. | |
5 | 如果明斯基终其一生保持远离焦点,这至少部分是因为他的途径有意回避了学术惯例。 | If Minsky remained far from the limelight throughout his life, it is at least in part because his approach shunned academic conventions. | |
6 | “福尔摩斯”不可避免的成了聚光灯的焦点(也是麻烦的焦点!),这两个人也必须一起为政府解决了一个案件。 | Inevitably, "Holmes" hogs the limelight but (spoiler alert! ) the pair must work together to solve a mystery for the government. | |
7 | “我不认为,[其他领导人]会对于不能和美国总统一起露面感到高兴。” | "I don’t think [other leaders] will enjoy the prospect of not being able to share the limelight with the US president. " | |
8 | MDR是指多药物抗药性,这个问题也是肺结核又重新受人们关注得原因之一。 | MDR stands for multi-drug resistance, and it is one of the reasons why TB is back in the limelight . | |
9 | 成为引人注目的中心我姐姐就喜欢受人关注。 | My sister enjoys being in the limelight . | |
10 | 臭名昭著、自私自利的奥贾兰先生无法忍受远离公众关注中心又将是一个麻烦。 | The trouble is that the notoriously egocentric Mr Ocalan cannot bear to remain out of the limelight . | |
11 | 此外电鳗一般生活在黑暗里,我不知道暂时的聚光灯下的生活是否会影响到它的健康。 | And eels generally live in darkness, so I wonder how this eel’s temporary fame in the limelight will affect its health. | |
12 | 从去年9月开始,朝鲜最高领导人金正日的最小儿子金正恩开始走入了公众的视线。 | The youngest son of leader Kim Jong-Il, burst into the limelight in September. | |
13 | 当回到众人瞩目的中心时,他却面临新的风暴。 | As he has returned to the limelight he has faced new storms. | |
14 | 躲开聚光灯的莫言希望大肆的媒体报道可以在一个月后逐渐沉寂,那时他可以继续写作。 | A man who shuns the limelight , Mo Yan hoped that the hype would die down in a month so he could return to writing. | |
15 | 该系统集成了LimeLight内容分发网络以及通过此网络选择服务更快的分发文件。 | The system is integrated with LimeLight content delivery network & files can be selected to be served faster via this network. | |
16 | 将军们仍然明白从侧翼下鼓动的好处,而这是在踏入聚光灯之下所没有的。 | The generals are still aware of the advantages of prompting from the wings, as opposed to stepping into the limelight . | |
17 | 她的就任也激起了19个委员会主席的欲望,因为他们在经历了12年的下野时间里都渴望着这引人注目的一瞬间。 | She will also bring with her 19 powerful committee chairmen who are itching for the limelight after 12 years in the dark. | |
18 | 她害怕新的演员会抢走她的光彩。 | She’s afraid this new actor will steal the limelight from her. | |
19 | 她害怕新演员会抢走她的光彩。 | She’s afraid this actor will steal the limelight from her. caution n. | |
20 | 她没有卢拉的明星风范,因此处事一直低调。 | Lacking his star quality, she has shunned the limelight . | |
21 | 科技行业依然风头最健,但曾连续四年位居榜首的谷歌(Google)已经被苹果超过。 | The technology sector continues to hog the limelight , but Google, the top- ranking brand four years running, has been usurped by Apple. | |
22 | 李在镕曾经负责培养与索尼(Sony)等客户的关系,如今他从幕后角色向聚光灯下迈出一步。 | Mr Lee is taking a step into the limelight from his backstage role building relations with customers such as Sony. | |
23 | 联合国秘书长潘基文已经任职十个月了,却几乎没有引人注目。 | BAN KI-MOON has hardly been a limelight -stealer during his 10 months as secretary-general of the United Nations. | |
24 | 领袖的行为以模板为指导,但是他们并不需要聚光灯或者注意。 | Leaders always lead by example, but they don’t always need the limelight or attention. | |
25 | 曼奇尼的球队即使周六获胜,也只能分享媒体的聚光灯。 | Roberto Mancini’s side may have to share the limelight on Saturday even if they win. | |
26 | 那么在2010年谁将经历在聚光灯下的特别时期呢? | What about the country that will enjoy a special period in the limelight in the year ahead? | |
27 | 那时,戴安娜似乎被这些镁光灯吓到了,显得沉默寡言。相比之下,米德尔顿在镜头面前则看起来很自在。 | At that time, Diana seemed frightened of the limelight and withdrawn ; by contrast, Middleton seemed at ease in front of the cameras. | |
28 | 任天堂最受欢迎的吉祥物现在已不再惧怕台前的聚光灯了,是不是? | Nintendo’s favourite mascot isn’t exactly afraid of the limelight now, is he? | |
29 | 色情录像带改变了这一切,公众对电线修理工渴望已久使得整个录像机规格问题成为全城焦点。 | Porn on videotape changed all that, and the public desire for cable repairman schlong pulled the entire format into the limelight . | |
30 | 事实证明,假如有人以为比尔·克林顿会因为夫人竞选总统就不会再抛头露面,那就大错特错了。 | ANYONE who thought that his wife’s run for the presidency would cause Bill Clinton to avoid the limelight has been proved utterly wrong. |