属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-烹饪学徒 生活与烹饪的独特关系
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-津巴布韦将人民币作为其储备货币
1 | 我在街道对面的连锁商店里买了这只面包 | I bought this loaf of bread in the chain store opposite the street | |
2 | 我在面包店里买了一大块面包。 | I bought a loaf of bread at the baker’s. | |
3 | 一个意大利工人进来买一只白面包。 | An Italian laborer came in and asked for a loaf of white bread | |
4 | 一条(片、块)面包. | a loaf (slice,piece) of bread | |
5 | 一条黑面包. | a brown loaf | |
6 | 一条两磅重的面包. | a two-pound loaf | |
7 | 一条切片面包 | A loaf of sliced bread | |
8 | 一位朋友从一个一文不名但喜欢家事的嫂子那儿获得的结婚礼物是这样的:她的嫂嫂许诺在她结婚的第一年,每个星期为她烤一块特制的美味的全麦面包。这位嫂嫂也确实这样做了。 | So is the wedding present a friend got from a broke but domestic sister-in-law: she promised to bake her a loaf of special, delicious wholemeal bread every week for the first year of her marriage, and did so | |
9 | 有比没有好. | Half a loaf is better than no bread. | |
10 | 有焦皮的白面包 | A white loaf with a crisp brown crust | |
11 | 与此同时,餐厅的背景有更多的地方应该"谴责":牌子上写的中饭特供是"法式蘸汁三明治"(一种法式小面包中间夹上很厚一层的烤牛肉薄片,可以蘸着碗里的稀牛肉汤吃) | In the background, meanwhile, there is more to condemn: the lunchtime special is "French dip sandwiches" (a thick layer of thinly sliced roast beef on a small loaf of French bread that one dips in a bowl of light beef gravy) | |
12 | 再切下一片面包 | Cut another slice off the loaf | |
13 | 再说, 你们中间谁的儿子要个面包, 能给他一块石头吗? | Or what man of you, if his son asks him for a loaf , will give him a stone? | |
14 | 在台湾,如果一名新加坡人开口要买roti的话,所得到的将是迷惑的眼神,而不是一条面包。 | And if a Singaporean asks for roti in Taiwan, he is likely to be given a blank stare instead of a loaf of bread. | |
15 | 在这里搞点大麻比买一个面包还容易。 | Scoring grass here is easier than buying a loaf of bread. | |
16 | 这块面包够吃到明天吗 | Will this loaf of bread last until tomorrow? | |
17 | 这种可即食的切好的香料火腿肉(spam是各取"加了香料的"与"火腿"两个英文单词的一部分合并而成)被压成很实的肉块然后罐装, | Ready-to-eat chopped SPiced hAM (’spam’)was pressed into a firm loaf and canned | |
18 | 整个队伍立刻向前移动,每个人依次拿上面包,就各走各的路了。这一次,这位前经理边走边吃,默默地拖着沉重的脚步走过夜色中的街道,回去睡觉。 | The whole line at once moved forward, each taking his loaf in turn and going his separate way. On this occasion, the ex-manager ate his as he went, plodding the dark streets in silence to his bed. | |
19 | ||1:但是一旦伊万结婚了,成为两个小女孩的母亲,她能草草地写下一行字或者一个点子就已经很开心了,可那不是她的生活。||2:她的生活现在围绕着做饭,洗碗,换尿布和喂食;把水壶放到煤气灶旁,把裙子搭在椅子上,这样早上就不会有褶皱了。||3:这些事充满着小的凌乱和疏忽,都很重要,比如把面包忘在收银台前面,或者东西没有洗干。 | ||1:But once she was married and the mother of two small daughters, happy if she could jot down just one line or one image, that was not her life.||2:Her days now revolved round cooking, washing up, nappies, feeds; lifting the kettle to the gas stove, setting her skirt over a chair to have it without creases for the morning.||3:They were full of small untidinesses and oversights which assumed huge importance, like the loaf forgotten by the cash register, or washing left wet. | |
20 | ||1:经过靠近合恩角的德雷克海峡时,那把“坚不可摧”的钢舵折断了,尽管克雷默是一个足够优秀的机械师,可以再装配一个。||2:他们曾不止一次地在岩石嶙峋、没有灯光的海岸上遭遇不幸。||3:经过塔斯马尼亚时,天气非常恶劣,肩膀脱臼的他不得不拉下湿帆。||4:厨房里的火几乎把船和他正在烤的面包烧成灰烬。||5:挫折不断,但这是意料之中的事。 | ||1:Going through Drake Passage near the Horn broke the “indestructible” steel tiller, though he was a good enough mechanic to rig up another.||2:More than once they nearly came to grief on rocky, unlit coasts.||3:Passing Tasmania, in the worst weather of the trip, he had to haul down wet sails with a dislocated shoulder.||4:A galley fire almost incinerated the boat, as well as the loaf he was baking.||5:Frustrations, but par for the course. | |
21 | ||1:中右派智库“曼哈顿研究会”的马莉?格里芬,曾提交一项败方赔付的提案,她说,德州推行的政策“远远不达到应有的水平”,而佛罗里达州在面对问题时退缩得太快。||2:马莉认为,那些实行败诉赔付制度的国家需要有法律保险,比如,在英格兰,如果指控提出,当事人可在立案之前,花100-200英镑(150-300美元)来购买法律保险。||3:律师也可以预付保险费并将这笔费用加在他们的账单中。||4:在德国等其他国家,许多家庭将法律保险并入到每月缴纳的保险费中。||5:格里芬女士认为,在“败诉赔付”制度比较成熟的国家,那些小额的“骚扰”官司和大额的“彩票”官司对律师吸引力都会减小。 | ||1:Marie Gryphon of the Manhattan Institute, a centre-right think-tank, who is author of a loser-pays proposal, says that Texas got “much less than half a loaf ”, and that Florida was spooked too quickly.||2:She argues that loser-pays countries need legal insurance, which can be bought (for example) in England for just £100-200 ($150-300) after an alleged loss, but before a suit is filed.||3:Lawyers can advance the premiums and add them to their bills.||4:In other countries, such as Germany, many households carry standing legal insurance with a small monthly premium.||5:Ms Gryphon argues that in such a mature loser-pays market more small-value but high-merit cases would be brought, while both small “nuisance” suits and big “lottery” suits would be less attractive to lawyers. | |
22 | ||1:作者研究烹饪中的动物,植物和微生物,钻研历史,文化和化学,就像个博物学者一样。||2:在行家的帮助下,他掌握了如何制作烤猪,长条面包,使用锅子。||3:他描述了发生在炖锅中的奇妙转变,锅中食物的纤维被破坏,种子被煮软,变得可以食用,植物食材的去毒以及多种不同时才一起烹饪带来的奇妙味道。 | ||1:Mr Pollan explores the same way a naturalist might, by studying the animals, plants and microbes involved in cooking, and delving into history, culture and chemistry.||2:With help from experts he masters the “whole hog” barbecue, a loaf of bread and the cooking pot.||3:He describes the remarkable transformations that take place in the humble saucepan, where fibres are broken down, seeds softened and rendered edible, plants detoxified, and flavours brought together from far-flung taxonomic kingdoms. | |
23 | 虽然央行印制了100万亿元的钞票,它也买不到什么东西。一个面包就要3千亿元。该货币在2009年被废除。 | Although the central bank printed a 100-trillion-dollar bill, it didn’t buy much. A loaf of bread cost $300 billion. The currency was done away with in 2009. | |
24 | 传统肉糜卷的变种,这种肉糜卷让你走出厨房享受夏季的阳光。 | A twist on traditional meat loaf , this meat loaf lets you get out of the kitchen to enjoy the summer sun. | |
25 | 大约一年之后,如果一切顺利,一个面包般大小的小方盒将会由火箭发射到距离地球500英里的太空中。 | About a year from now, if all goes well, a box about the size of a loaf of bread will pop out of a rocket some 500 miles above the Earth. | |
26 | 当第二条面包接近我站的岸边时,我用一根长棍子捞了起来。 | When the second loaf came near the shore where I was, I got it with a long stick. | |
27 | 第一次来搏击会的人,屁股如同白面包一般松软。 | You see a guy come to fight club for the first time, and his ass is a loaf of white bread. | |
28 | 恩,在做《面包房生死对战》时,平均每个动画师每周会获得5秒的镜头。 | Well on average, on Loaf and Death, each animator may have gotten an average of five seconds a week. | |
29 | 工作人员如对待面包一般将大脑切成一厘米厚的切片。 | Technicians slice the brain as if it were a loaf of bread into slabs up to about a centimeter thick. | |
30 | 火车晚点了三小时,乔就来我们饭馆呆一会儿,等候火车的到来。 | The train was three hours late and Joe came into our place to loaf about and to wait for its arrival. |