属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国第41任总统乔治·H.W.布什逝世 享年94岁(2
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-餐饮业 The restaurant business
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-缅因州培训渔民进行水产养殖
1 | 我听见它在讲--‘你们把我烤得太黄, | ’Tis the voice of the lobster ; I heard him declare | |
2 | 我喜欢吃龙虾,但它不适宜于我的健康。 | I like lobster but it does not like me. | |
3 | 我喜欢吃龙虾,但它不适宜于我的健康。 | I like lobster but it does not like me. | |
4 | 我喜欢吃龙虾,但它不宜于我的健康。 | I like lobster , but it doesnt like me | |
5 | 我喜欢吃龙虾,然而吃了身体会出毛病(吃了不利于我的健康). | I like lobster but it doesn`t like me. | |
6 | 我喜欢吃龙虾喝酒。 | I would relish a lobster and a bottle of wine | |
7 | 我最喜欢吃龙虾,但是它太贵了,我不能常常吃。 | What I like best is lobster , but it’s too expensive for me to eat very often. | |
8 | 细菌型豆豉提取物抗凝血作用的初步研究 | Research on Actions Anti-cruor of Distilling Composition from Lobster Sauce | |
9 | 虾或蟹的螯节肢动物有关节、适抓握的虎钳牙,如龙虾 | The articulated,prehensile claws of certain arthropods,such as the lobster . | |
10 | 虾米纽堡;海鲜纽堡 | lobster Newburg;seafood Newburg. | |
11 | 一盘[一些]凉拌鸡肉、火腿、龙虾等色拉. | A/some chicken,ham,lobster ,etc salad | |
12 | 一种贵州豆豉酶提取物的溶栓活性及溶栓机理研究 | A Preliminary Study on Fibrinolytic Activity of an Enzyme Extraction from Guizhou Lobster Sauce and Its Mechanism | |
13 | 医生特别叮嘱你不要吃龙虾. | You were specifically warned by your doctor not to eat lobster . | |
14 | 乙:赛美多龙虾或纽堡蟹肉。 | C: Lobster Thermidor or crabmeat Newburg | |
15 | 有刺的龙虾. | a spiny lobster | |
16 | 有甲壳的有鳞片状、棘状突起或者角质小片状的硬壳,例如象犰狳或者龙虾 | Having a hard covering of scales, spines, or horny plate, as an armadillo or a lobster | |
17 | 这龙虾做得不好。 | The lobster is badly cooked. | |
18 | 这些色素是高度不饱和的烃类(具有许多双键和三键),属于异戊间二烯类化合物。有数种同分异构体都统归为胡萝卜素化合物。在植物中胡萝卜素使花(蒲公英、金盏草)、果实(番瓜、杏)和根(胡萝卜、甘薯)呈黄、橙或红色。在动物中可见于脂肪(奶油)、蛋黄、羽毛(金丝雀)和贝壳(龙虾)。 | They are pigments that give orange, yellow, or sometimes red colours to, for example, dandelions, apricots, carrots, sweet potatoes, butter, egg yolks, canary feathers, and lobster shells. | |
19 | 中国传统豆豉溶栓活性的初步研究 | Primary Studies on Fibrinolysis Activity in Chinese Lobster Sauce | |
20 | ||1:人们通常也认为他在其他方面与众不同:生来优越,父母称之为“Poppy”,高中毕业于菲利普斯学院,还是耶鲁大学的优等毕业生,1992年竞选中被谣传(不实)从未通过超市的扫描仪买过一品脱牛奶。||2:他是美国北方贵族,本可追随父亲脚步进入华尔街,但却成为德克萨斯州的石油大亨(仅有的德州发言人吉姆·怀特吃着麻辣小龙虾,咆哮着表示),之后当选国会议员,代表着休斯顿最时髦的形象。||3:所有这一切,还有肯尼邦克港打网球的夏天,让他看起来和一般叫乔治的人不同,尽管大家知道他是一位最爱吃猪皮、禁止(之前母亲逼他吃的)西兰花进入白宫的总统。 | ||1:People often supposed him out of the loop in other ways, too: a boy born to privilege, called “Poppy” by his parents, product of Phillips Academy and Phi Beta Kappa at Yale, who was (falsely) rumoured in the 1992 campaign never to have passed a quart of milk through a supermarket scanner.||2:He was a Yankee aristocrat who could have followed his Daddy on to Wall Street but instead became a Texas oil man (the only Texan, growled Speaker Jim Wright, who ate lobster with his chilli), and went on to represent the toniest bit of Houston in Congress.||3:All this, as well as the tennis-playing summers in Kennebunkport, seemed to set him firmly apart from the average Joe, though he let it be known as president that his favourite food was pork rinds, and banned from the White House the broccoli his mother had made him eat. | |
21 | ||1:在巴黎的Il Vino餐厅里,没有菜单,也没有酒单。顾客们的食物和酒都是老板恩里科·伯纳多认为是合他们的胃口并因此安排的;有时是一瓶雷司令酒和牛肉泥,或是一瓶沙文尼亚酒和布列塔尼酸模龙虾。||2:有些酒甚至要用不透明的玻璃杯送上。||3:兰德尔曾目睹一位顾客对这些规矩大为火光,但最后为老板的风度所倾倒,都带着感激一一接受了。 | ||1:In Il Vino in Paris (no menu, no wine list) customers are given the food and wine that Enrico Bernado thinks they will enjoy, such as Riesling with beef tartare, or a Savennières and Brittany lobster with sorrel.||2:Some wines are even served “blind” in opaque glasses.||3:Mr Lander witnesses a patron angrily protest against these principles, only to be charmed into grateful acceptance by the proprietor. | |
22 | 他和他的儿子是今年8月首批毕业的4个学生之一。比尔·朱尼尔(Bill junior)现年39岁,一生中大部分时间都是渔民。他潜水以捕捉海胆及龙虾。但他要养活妻子及4个孩子。 | He and his son were among the first four students who graduated in August. Bill junior is thirty-nine and has been a working fisherman for most of his life. He dives for urchins and traps lobster . But he has a wife and four children to support. | |
23 | “为了向你表示谢意,我送你一只龙虾。”说着他便给老板一只活蹦乱跳的大龙虾。 | "As a token of my appreciation, I’d like to give you this lobster . " And the animal lover handed over a live, wriggling crustacean. | |
24 | “我们全年都在卖龙虾,而现在我们能以更便宜的价格采购龙虾,”她表示。 | "We sell lobster all year round but at the moment we can get it cheaper, " she said. | |
25 | “中国比其他任何国家都更意识到澳洲龙虾的价值。他们称之为澳龙,他们愿意支付高价,”他表示。 | "China has recognised value in Australian lobster more than anyone. They call it the spiny dragon and they will pay a lot for it, " he said. | |
26 | 北京烤鸭德州扒鸡潮洲鱼丸广式龙虾 | Dezhou stewed chicken Fish balls of chaozhou style Lobster of Guangdong style | |
27 | 捕虾渔民已经开始收网,缅因沿海地区是虾业最大的商业场所。 | The lobster men are already out hauling in their traps; lobstering is big business in coastal Maine. | |
28 | 常见的用法是把捣碎的龙虾壳或黄油这类食材放在筛面上,然后用研磨杵来搓压。 | The ingredients, such as pounded lobster shells and butter, are placed on the screen and rubbed through ir with the pestle. | |
29 | 大部分渔民带着捕龙虾器和新鲜饵走出来。 | Most Sorrento fishermen head out with lobster traps and fresh bait. | |
30 | 大青龙(刺身,葱姜焗,上汤,椒盐) | big green lobster (Stab, Sauteed with Ginger and Cheese, soup, salt and pepper) |