1 | …湖用于湖的名字中,一些湖名的特定组成部分;如,伊利湖;卢斯米湖;伦蒙湖 | For the names of actual lakes,see the specific element of the name;for example,Erie,Lake;Lucerne,Lake of;Lomond,Loch . | |
2 | 根据最近公布的数字,主要因传奇的尼斯湖怪兽而知名的苏格兰是我们星球上不明飞行物目击率最高的地区。 | The country better known as the home of legendary Loch Ness monster has the highest concentration of UFO sightings on the planet, according to figures released recently | |
3 | 海湾水波不兴,宛如一个湖泊,只有一些海鸥在海边上空旋转,啼叫,整个地区是一片肃静、荒凉。 | The loch lay as still as a lake, only the gulls were crying round the sides of it, and the whole place seemed solemn and uncouth | |
4 | 你相信内斯湖有水怪吗? | Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster? | |
5 | 人们为追踪假定存在的尼斯湖水怪做了许多努力。 | There have been many attempts to track down the putative Loch Ness monster. | |
6 | 在亚林湾的出口处,我们发现那儿停泊了一艘出海的大船。 | In the mouth of Loch Aline we found a great seagoing ship at anchor | |
7 | 这里游人如织的另一个原因则是充满传奇色彩的洛赫·尼斯湖的怪兽。 | Another attraction here is a legendary monster: the Loch Ness Monster | |
8 | ||1:当然,他本可以拒绝相信眼前看到的一切。||2:很多人都认为他看到的其实是别的东西,如一段树干、一只巨大的鳗鱼、一只海豹、一只水獭、一只翻了的小船,或是风在水面上掀起的一道波浪。||3:而且这只生物是在傍晚时分出现的,这是一天当中容易引发错觉的时候。||4:并且莱恩斯已经预备自己会在湖上看到什么东西。||5:前一年,他半带着怀疑参加了一项科学实验,用水中麦克风收集水下深处“鸟叫似的啾啾声”,他甚至合成了一种香水来吸引害羞的“小尼斯”来到他的船边。||6:他那时最喜欢读的书是康斯坦斯·怀特的《不只是传说》,该书用她从目击者那里得来的证词来肯定水怪的存在。||7: 莱恩斯同意她的讲法——这是“一本真正超级无敌的‘whodunit’式的侦探小说[这个类型的侦探小说只有到了结尾才知道谁是凶手。——译者]”;在这场凶案中,“目击者看到了被害人的尸体, 却拿不出证据来。” 也许他能。 | ||1: He could have refused to believe his eyes, of course. ||2: Plenty of others suggested that he had really seen a tree trunk, a huge eel, a seal, an otter, an upturned boat or a ripple of wind on water. ||3: The creature had appeared at dusk, an illusory time of day. ||4: More pertinently, Mr Rines was already primed to see something in the loch . ||5: The year before he had taken part, half-sceptically, in experiments with underwater microphones that had picked up “bird-like chirps” in the deeps, and he had even had a perfume concocted to draw shy Nessie to his boat. ||6: His favourite reading then was Constance Whyte’s “More than a Legend”, which argued for the creature’s existence with testimony from witnesses she knew. ||7: With her, he agreed that this was “a really super ‘whodunit’”—a murder in which “the witnesses have seen the corpse, but cannot produce it.” Perhaps he could. | |
9 | ||1:莱恩斯认为这个拉丁文学名已经抓住了水怪的特点,但是他能够拿出的证据还是太少。||2:二战期间,他研制出一种可以透过云层探测200公里以外飞机的雷达;1985年,他的发明的声纳帮助找到了北大西洋的泰坦尼克沉船;第一次海湾战争中,他的专利技术引导爱国者导弹找到了目标。||3:但是他却在幽暗深邃的尼斯湖水面前受了阻。||4:麻省理工学院的科学家朋友给他提供了专业技术,但只是点到为止。他听到最清楚的一次是1997年声纳接受到的回声,类似鲸叫。||5:他从湖中钓出最大的战利品是2008年的一只旧轮胎(那年,他几乎去了30次,钓出轮胎的是最后一次,他当时认为水怪已死,于是寻找它的尸体),被切掉了一点,所以在水面上才呈现圆丘状。 | ||1: Mr Rines thought the Latin moniker had clinched it. But his evidence was still too sparse. ||2: During the war he had developed a radar that could detect aircraft at 200 miles through cloud; in 1985 his inventions in sonar helped to find the drowned Titanic in the North Atlantic; during the first Gulf war his technology guided Patriot missiles to their targets. ||3: But he was stumped by the gloomy profundities of Loch Ness. ||4: Scientist friends from MIT lent their expertise, at arm’s length. The most he heard, from sonar echoes in 1997, was very like a whale. ||5: The most he ever fished up—in 2008, on the last of almost 30 trips, when he supposed that the creature was dead and was looking for its carcass—was an old tyre cut about a bit, which could have looked quite humpish on the surface. | |
10 | ||1:目击者的证词在法庭上倒是很好使,但是到了科学家那里却不管用了。||2:罗伯特·莱恩斯深知这一点,因为他自己就是一名科学家,还是名不错的科学家。||3:在研制雷达、声纳和超声波装置的过程中,他不仅做了必要的试验,还提供了必需的实验证据。||4:但是当一个灰色发亮的圆丘突出于尼斯湖面之时,他就只是一个兴奋的水怪目击者了——兴奋得喉咙都哽住了,径直朝那个方向跑去,眼睛紧贴着单筒望远镜观瞧,后又换上双筒望远镜。||5:科学在这个时候不情愿地退居到了次席。 | ||1:Eyewitness evidence may be all very well in a court of law, but it cuts no ice with scientists.||2:Robert Rines knew that perfectly, because he was a scientist himself, and a good one.||3:In his work to develop radar, sonar and ultrasound he performed all the necessary tests and provided all the proofs required.||4:But when a shining grey hump appeared from the waters of Loch Ness, bringing a hectic lump to his throat and causing him to run across the road, jamming first a telescope and then binoculars to his eyes, he was simply a man who knew he had seen a monster.||5:Science trailed uncomfortably behind. | |
11 | ||1:苏格兰一旦分离出去,英国在国家上的地位将一落千丈:一个连自己国民都避之不及的国家还有何声誉可言?||2:而英国一直是自由世界和国际秩序维护的支持者,这样的局面对整个世界来说,也非常不利。||3:英国作为一个拥有核能源的国家地位也将备受质疑:英国的核潜艇基地就设在苏格兰,不可能在短期内完成转移。||4:英国也可能离开欧盟,因为苏格兰比英国更愿意加入欧盟,他们也不会投票给准备在明年赢得大选后举办对欧元公投的保守党。||5:英国将脱离欧盟的可能比苏格兰分离出英国的前景更会吓走投资者。 | ||1:The rump of Britain would be diminished in every international forum: why should anyone heed a country whose own people shun it?||2:Since Britain broadly stands for free trade and the maintenance of international order, this would be bad for the world.||3:Its status as a nuclear power would be doubtful: the country’s nuclear submarines are based in a Scottish loch and could not be moved quickly.||4:Britain would also be more likely to leave the European Union, since Scots are better disposed to Europe than are the English (and are less likely to vote for the Conservatives, who are promising a Euro-referendum if they win next year’s general election).||5:The prospect of a British exit from the EU would scare investors much more than a possible Scottish exit from Britain . | |
12 | ||1:他在1972年8月用水下声纳摄影机拍摄了几张很有名的照片,上面显示的似乎是水怪巨大的下腹部,一个钻石状的菱形鳍状肢附在其上。||2:这些未经处理的图片整体呈暗绿色,颗粒感很重,看起来更像是搅起一阵沙浪的湖底。||3: 尽管如此,《自然》杂志刊登了这些图片,国会专门为此举行了听证会,著名的博物学家彼得·斯科特爵士还为它起了一个拉丁语学名:Nessiteras rhombopteryx(具有菱形鳍的尼斯巨兽)。 ||4:据说这是蛇颈龙的一种,六千五百万年前由于某种原因在此搁浅。彼得爵士还画了一幅两只水怪拖着胖墩墩的身子、在水里游泳的画(和博物学比起来,彼得爵士更有名的是他画鹅的画)。 | ||1: Instead he produced some famous photographs. They were taken in August 1972 by an underwater camera triggered by a sonar beam, and seemed to show a diamond-shaped flipper attached to a large underbelly. ||2: Everything was greenish and grainy, and the unretouched prints looked more like the lake-bed with a flurry of stirred-up sand. ||3: But they were published in Nature, and on the strength of them hearings were held in Parliament and a Latin name, Nessiteras rhombopteryx, was attached to the creature by Sir Peter Scott, a prominent naturalist. ||4: It was said to be a sort of plesiosaur, somehow stranded in the loch from 65m years ago. Sir Peter, better known for geese, painted a picture of a pair of them plumply swimming. | |
13 | 除了众多的湖泊外,公园里还有长达63公里的狭长海湾。 | In addition to its many lochs, the park boasts 39 miles (63 kilometers) of salty sea loch coastline. | |
14 | 此类照片中的经典当属爱丁堡外科医生于二十世纪三十年代所拍摄的尼斯湖水怪照。 | The classic of the genre is, of course, this 1930s shot of the Loch Ness monster, which was taken by a surgeon from Edinburgh. | |
15 | 但是他却在幽暗深邃的尼斯湖水面前受了阻。 | But he was stumped by the gloomy profundities of Loch Ness. | |
16 | 倒映在湖中的树与云(byidg) | Loch Tree Clouds Reflections (by idg) | |
17 | 更确切的说,{莱恩斯}先生已准备在湖中发现点什么了。 | More pertinently, Mr {Rines} was already primed to see something in the loch . | |
18 | 海洋生物学家拍摄并记录了大范围的野生动物,包括这种顶着海葵的海湖马蚌。 | Marine biologists photographed and documented a wide range of wildlife, including this sea loch anemone-covered horse mussel. | |
19 | 很多人声称见过这个怪兽,还在尼斯湖的边上特设了一个尼斯湖水怪展览中心供游人参观。 | Many people claim to have seen it, and there is a special Loch Ness Monster Exhibition Center for tourists on the edge of the lake. | |
20 | 尼斯湖是苏格兰北部高地的一个狭长深湖。 | Loch Ness is a long, narrow and deep lake in the northern Highlands of Scotland. | |
21 | 谁又敢说尼斯湖水怪不是古代海狸实验的失败产物呢? | Who’s to say the Loch Ness Monster isn’t an ancient beaver experiment that got out of hand? | |
22 | 他们在狭长海湾里钓鲑鱼。 | They fished the loch for salmon. | |
23 | 这是苏格兰最深的湖,非常有利于他们战舰的驶入 | This is the deepest loch in Scotland, perfect for their troopships |