属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-应敌之策 Dealing with the enemy
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社交网站与职位 就业市场"高清"图
1 | ||1:列维先生在以注意力转瞬即逝著称的行业中长期占据高层领导的位置实属罕见。||2:但是阳狮集团也是一个非比寻常的企业。||3:自从这家总部在巴黎的公司由莫里斯.布朗谢于1926年创建以来,它只有过两位老板:创始人和于1987年掌权的列维先生。||4:今年二月份就满70岁的列维先生,已计划年底退休。但是最近董事会将其成员的退休年限提高到了75岁。||5:11月29日,阳狮集团声称所有的董事会成员将再任职四年。 | ||1: Mr Lévy’s longevity at the top is unusual in a business known for short attention spans. ||2: But Publicis is unusual, too. ||3: Since the Paris-based firm was founded by Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet in 1926, it has had only two bosses: the founder and Mr Lévy, who took over in 1987. ||4: Mr Lévy, who turns 70 in February, had planned to retire at the end of this year, but the board recently raised the age limit for its members to 75. ||5: On November 29th Publicis said that all of them had been reappointed for four years. | |
2 | ||1:自两人会面后的几十年里,如今已古稀之年的约翰·加迪斯已经习惯了让他的学生们“严肃地预测一下我们两个谁会先走一步“。||2:即便是乔治·凯南也对约翰·加迪斯心怀愧疚;2003年他曾为自己的“超然长寿”带来的“不堪重负”而悲叹不已。||3:2005年,101岁的乔治·凯南终于等到了生命的终点,也是从那时起,约翰·加迪斯才可以开始考虑出版这本经历了漫长等待的传记了。 | ||1: Decades of interviews later, Mr Gaddis, who is now 70, had become accustomed to his students “speculating sombrely about which of us might go first”. ||2: Even Kennan felt sorry for “poor John”; in 2003 he lamented the “serious burden” of his own “unnatural longevity ”. ||3: It was only in 2005, when death finally claimed Kennan at the age of 101, that Mr Gaddis could begin thinking about publishing this long-awaited biography. | |
3 | 但若论调查的连贯性和持久性,无人能胜过政府。 | But for consistency and longevity , you can’t beat the government. | |
4 | 锻炼与长寿 | Exercise and longevity | |
5 | 头脑冷静的她已经选择了戴维斯先生建议的事业路线。“做乐坛的常青树,这就是一切。” | Hard-headed, she had chosen to build her career the way Mr Davis advised her: “Longevity ,that’s what it’s all about.” | |
6 | “让军官在调动方面有更多话语权既能延长服役期又能提高效率,”它作出这样的结论。 | "Giving officers greater voice in their assignments increases both employment longevity and productivity, " it concludes. | |
7 | “人们都希望延年益寿,”已经在夫妇争吵对健康的影响议题上研究了30多年的哈勃格说道。 | "We’re all interested in longevity , " says Harburg, who’s studied the health effects of spousal sparring for over 30 years. | |
8 | “这些线虫在摄入这个剂量的锂之后平均寿命延长了,”里斯托补充说。 | "The average longevity of the worms is higher after they have been treated with lithium at this dosage" , Ristow added. | |
9 | “这一词汇不仅在目前得到广泛通用,也有长期使用下去的潜质。”牛津词典美国项目组的语言研究员克里斯汀林德伯格说。 | "It has both currency and potential longevity , " said Christine Lindberg, a language researcher for Oxford’s U. S. dictionary program. | |
10 | 《长寿的三个标准:时间趋势与记录价值》,弗拉迪米尔•卡努达斯—罗默 | Three Measures of Longevity : Time Trends and Record Values Vladimir Canudas-Romo |