1 | 亚麻有色织带在简单的窄织机上织出来的有色纱带,用于装饰 | A colored linen tape woven on a simple,narrow loom and used for trimmings. | |
2 | 一般的片梭都相当短小,如果在穿过织机时遇到较大的障碍,会容易改变飞行方向,最严重时会飞出织机,这是非常危险的。 | The normal projectile is rather short and if it were to meet a substantial obstruction in passing across the loom , it could quite easily be deflected; at worst it could fly out of the loom, which could be very dangerous. | |
3 | 一场更大的经济危机的阴影笼罩着世界上大多数发达国家。 | The shadow of a greater economic crisis loom large in most of the developed countries in the world. | |
4 | 一匹有一定长度的,尤指当其从织机上卸下来时的一卷布 | A large roll of cloth of a definite length, especially as it comes from the loom . | |
5 | 由于剑杆带是柔软的,可以弯曲并放置在织机的下方,这就节省了占地。 | Since the tapes are flexible, they can be bent so as to fit under the loom , thus conserving space. | |
6 | 由于纬纱卷装不运动,也就不能形成常规的布边。通常片梭携带纬纱总是沿一个方向飞行,而不是像有梭织机的梭子那样往复运动。 | Since there is no moving package, there can be no normal selvages and it is usual for the projectile always to travel in the same direction when carrying the yarn rather than to reciprocate as in a normal loom . | |
7 | 有梭织机存在的问题是:需要卷纬工序,还有由于投梭和制梭机构带来的动力学问题,所有这些都是促使织机生产厂去探寻和开发各种其它的引纬方式。 | The inherent problems of pirn-winding of shuttle looms and the dynamic problems created by the picking and checking mechanisms in these looms have encouraged loom makers to investigate and develop various alternative means of weft insertion | |
8 | 有梭织机具有两个由凸轮控制的投梭机构,分装在织机的两侧。每个投梭机构每隔一个织造循环投梭一次。 | A shuttle loom has two cam operated picking mechanisms, one on either side, each of which operates every other weaving cycle. The lay completes one cycle of its movement in one weaving cycle. | |
9 | 与有梭织机的筘座相比,苏尔寿片梭织机往复运动构件的质量较小。 | The mass of the reciprocating parts is small compared with that of the sley in a shuttle loom . | |
10 | 在多数情况下,这种织机的转速并不比有梭织机高,这是因为在打纬之前剑杆必须退出梭口,在剑杆退出时,并不携带纬纱。 | In most instances this loom is not as fast as a shuttle loom because the rapier must be withdrawn from the shed prior to beat-up and, during this withdrawal, no filling is carried. | |
11 | 在该机构中,织机通过齿轮系统直接驱动织轴,将经纱按既定速度送出来 | In this system the loom physically drives the warp beam through a gear system to feed warp yarns at a predetermined rate. | |
12 | 在该系统中,经纱被送入织机。 | In this system, the warp yarns are fed to the loom . | |
13 | 在剑杆带穿越织机时,可以沿直梭板行进,走梭板的尺寸比有梭织机要小得多。 | As the rapier head traverses the loom , it is allowed to rest on the raceboard, which is much reduced in dimensions from that found on a shuttle loom. | |
14 | 在将纱线伸长时,具有回缩的倾向,由此引起的张力可能会压坏或损伤部分织轴。 | The yarns constantly try to return to their original length, when held in a stretch condition, and may crush to otherwise damage a section of loom beam on which they are wound. | |
15 | 在喷气织机上,高压气流携带纬纱穿过梭口。 | In an air jet loom , high pressure air carries the filling yarn through the shed. | |
16 | 在喷水织机上,纬纱被高压水流携带前进。 | In a water jet loom , the filling yarn is carried by a high pressure jet of water. | |
17 | 在漆黑的夜中一轮巨大战舰一声不响地熄灯前进,逼近船尾。 | A great battleship, forging silent and unlighted through the dark night, loom close astern. | |
18 | 在确定织机速度时,梭子穿过梭子口时的初始速度是很重要的参数。 | The speed at which the shuttle is projected through the shed is very important in determining the loom speed. | |
19 | 在使用刚性单剑杆时,织机的占地至少应为筘幅宽的两倍,以便使剑杆从梭口中退出。 | When a rigid rapier is used, the space required by the loom must be at least double that of the reed space to allow the rapier to be withdrawn from the shed. | |
20 | 在纬纱用完后使织机停车是不方便的,也是不经济的,在这种情况下,织机必须保持停车状态,直至挡车工更换了纬纱重新开车。 | It is inconvenient and uneconomical to have the loom stop when the filling runs out. The loom must remain idle until the operator is able to replenish the filling supply and start it up once again. | |
21 | 在已开发的多种类型的片梭织机当口,第一次出现的是苏尔寿公司的多片梭织机,迄今为止,这也是在同类织机中唯一被广泛使用的织机 | Of the many various types of projectile looms developed, the multiple projectile Sulzer weaving machines was the first, and to date it is the only loom of its type to become widely established. | |
22 | 在有梭织机上护经机构的作用是,在由于某种原因梭子未能完全穿过梭口或未在规定时间内进入梭箱时,使织机停车。 | The purpose of the protector motion found on a shuttle loom is to stop the loom when, for any reason, the shuttle does not completely pass through the shed or does not enter the shuttle box at the proper time. | |
23 | 在这种情况下,可以使用一只刚性剑杆,也可以采用两只剑杆从两侧进入织机,在接近织机中部的地方交接纬纱。 | In this case they will be of a rigid construction, or alternatively two rapiers may enter the shed from opposite sides of the loom and transfer the weft from one rapier head to the other at a point near the center of the loom. | |
24 | 在织物下机并充分松弛后,纱线的屈曲会进一步调整,使经纱、纬纱的屈曲趋于相同。 | A further redistribution of crimp, tending towards an equalization of warp and weft crimps, will occur when the cloth is allowed to relax off the loom . | |
25 | 在直接式卷取机构中,织物被卷绕并存放在一个称为卷布辊的辊上,要取下织物,即取下卷布辊,必须使织机停车。 | In the direct the fabric is taken up and stored by wrapping it around a single beam called the cloth roll. To remove the fabric, i. e. to doff the cloth roll, the loom must be stopped. | |
26 | 造纸毛毯织机 | paper making felt loom | |
27 | 这对于单剑杆织机来说,有明显的占地浪费现象,但对于双剑杆织机,特别是筘幅相对较窄时,占地的浪费并不明显。 | This is a very apparent space waste with the single rapier loom , but it is less obvious with the double rapiers, especially when the reed space is relatively small. | |
28 | 这个问题在1785年得到了解决。当时,肯特郡一位传教士爱德蒙·卡特莱特设计了一种动力织布机,它是用水力推动的,能顺利地织出布来。当卡特莱特初次研究这个问题时,他对于机械学还是一无所知。 | This problem was solved in 1785 when Edmund Cartwright, a kentish clergyman who knew nothing of machinery when he first tackled the problem, constructed a power loom propelled by water which wove cloth successfully | |
29 | 这是因为常规有梭织机在正常的织机宽度外,梭箱还要占据空间,在这种情况下,剑杆织机的机宽要稍大于有梭织机。因此,在占地是重要因素时,应该首选挠性剑杆。 | This is because the latter type of loom requires space for the shuttle boxes outside the normal weaving width. Rapier looms are usually wider than this, and thus flexible rapiers must receive preference if space is at a premium. | |
30 | 这些图案是由两种或两种以上的基础组织结合在一起而形成的,织机具有多达32页综来控制开口运动。 | These designs are produced by the combination of two or more basic weaves, and the loom may have up to 32 harnesses to control the shedding operation. |