属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-酒醉以酒解 A Hair of The Dog
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艾滋病的历史 英雄与狗熊
1 | ||1:在2011年,苹果的股价上涨了83%;今年,到目前为止上涨了约50%。||2:苹果市值约为5650亿,轻松成为世界上最大的公司。||3:其市值超过了埃克森美孚公司的市值:仅有4080亿。||4:今年以来,苹果市值增加了1870亿,大致和宝洁、强生、富国银行的总市值相等。||5:苹果市值比全美零售业市值还要高。 | ||1:The company’s share price has risen by 83% in the past year, and by almost 50% so far in 2012.||2:Apple is now easily the largest company in the world by market capitalisation, at some 565 billion dollar.||3:It looms over Exxon Mobil, which is worth a mere 408 billion dollar.||4:Since the start of this year it has added 187 billion dollar to its valuation, roughly equivalent to the entire market caps of companies like Procter Gamble, Johnson Johnson and Wells Fargo.||5:Apple is larger than the American retail sector combined. | |
2 | ||1:在这种情况下,大量的事物将不会按照正常的轨道运行。||2:油价可能再次飙升;银行尤其在欧洲可能会收紧贷款标准,就像他们曾经对待一些商业贷款时做的那样。||3:到2012年末一个更大的威胁甚至会出现:除非国会推翻现存的立法,否则税金将会自动的增长并且消费将会缩水。||4:国会预算局认为那将会使赤字减半,但要以刺激经济为代价。||5:为了个人的资金杠杆得以运行,公共的资金杠杆必须的拖后。 | ||1:Plenty could go wrong with this scenario.||2:Oil prices could spike again; banks, worried about Europe, could tighten their lending standards, as they already have done for some business loans.||3:And at the end of 2012 an even bigger threat looms : taxes will automatically rise and spending shrink unless Congress votes to override existing legislation.||4:The CBO reckons that would slice the deficit in half, but at the cost of pummeling the economy.||5:For private deleveraging to proceed, public deleveraging may have to wait. | |
3 | 在抗击艾滋病的英雄中,比尔·盖茨是最贡献突出的一位。 | Among the heroes, Bill Gates looms large. | |
4 | 在众多英雄好汉之中,比尔?盖茨(Bill Gates)赫然耸现。 | Among the heroes, Bill Gates looms large. | |
5 | 在众多英雄好汉之中,比尔盖茨赫然耸现。 | Among the heroes, Bill Gates looms large. | |
6 | 10月份将迎来另一场争执,届时德国联邦铁路公司将在英吉利海峡隧道上测试ICE-3高速列车。 | Another tussle looms in October, when Deutsche Bahn will test an ICE-3 high-speed train through the Channel Tunnel. | |
7 | 17世纪中叶,里昂有一万四千多架织机在开工,而丝绸行业也喂饱了该城三分之一的人口。 | In the middle of the 17th century over 14, 000 looms were in use in Lyon, and the silk industry fed a third of the city’s population. [33] | |
8 | 标准普尔仍然对Sabre的股票给出了负面的评级,因为该公司的总收入和现金流都低于预期,而且其沉重的债务负担已经日益严重。 | Standard &Poor’s still has a negative rating because revenue and cash flow have been lower than expected, and the large debt load looms . | |
9 | 不然的话,借贷成本就面临增高的危险,后果也是不堪设想。 | Otherwise, a spike in borrowing costs looms , with dire results. | |
10 | 不只是他有这种问题。我们不妨称之为“星期天晚间综合症”,这是周末即将结束、周一近在眼前时打工族们的一种焦虑或沮丧情绪。 | He isn’t alone. Call it Sunday-night syndrome: the anxiety or depression workers feel as the weekend winds down and Monday looms . |