属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-苹果 一体化产品
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-土耳其大选 反对票会占多大比例
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-屋漏偏逢连天雨 英镑贬值又遇信誉评级下降
1 | 网络会计的发展与会计假设理论的松动 | The Network Fiscal Shape Attends Meeting to Account the Hypothesis to Loosen Theoretically | |
2 | 为了使煤层松动,矿工们在隔墙上打了炮眼,装进了炸药。 | In order to loosen the coal, the miners made holes in the dividing wall and filled them with explosives | |
3 | 我必须做些运动,以松驰我的肌肉。 | I must take some exercise and loosen up my muscles | |
4 | 我的腰带太紧,我必须放松它。 | My Belt is too tight; I must loosen it. | |
5 | 我伸展身体 | I stretch to loosen up. | |
6 | 想要向前上方倾斜时,请拧松固定螺丝,把螺丝刀插进送布台轴,朝箭头方向转动90°。 | To make the tilt front-up, loosen the set screw, insert a screwdriver into the feed bar shaft, and turn it by 90° in the direction of arrow mark. | |
7 | 新型压电精密步进旋转驱动器研究 | Study on Precision PZT Rotary Step Actuator with Inner Anchor/Loosen | |
8 | 旋松螺丝。 | Loosen the screw. | |
9 | 用锄松土. | loosen soil with a hoe | |
10 | 用沸水烫(如,杏)使之去皮。 | To scald (almonds, for example)in order to loosen the skin. | |
11 | 有助于分离的效应还包括声学脱水,使用音速或超音速效应使固体微孔内持有的水分得以释放 | Other effects to aid separation include acoustic dewatering; the application of sonic or ultrasonic sound to loosen liquid trapped in solid pores | |
12 | 这些新政策使对外贸易有了更大的灵活性。 | These new policies loosen up foreign trade. | |
13 | 这药可减轻你的咳嗽。 | This medicine may loosen your cough. | |
14 | 政府采取的任何措施都还必须减轻由赞成维持现状的官僚、企业和政界大腕人物利益的趋于相同而造成的萧条。 | Any government measures would also have to loosen up the stagnation caused by the convergence of the interests of the bureaucratic, business and political powers who favour the status quo | |
15 | 质子施加的斥力使原子核的结构松弛。 | The repulsive forces exerted by the protons loosen the structure of the nucleus | |
16 | 中欧双方的企业都迫切希望欧方放松对华技术出口限制并尽快取消这种限制政策,以便充分发挥中欧技术合作的潜力。 | The companies of both sides hope eagerly that the EU would loosen such restriction and abolish this restrictive policy as soon as possible so as to give full play to the potentialities of Sino-EU technological cooperation. | |
17 | 准备连接钢瓶时,慢慢地松开阀门排气口密封。 | Loosen the valve outlet seal slowly when preparing to connect a cylinder. | |
18 | 最后侵犯到使牙齿固着的齿槽骨,使牙齿松动,最后脱落。如这时除去所有的菌斑堆积物和被侵犯的软组织尚可制止齿槽的损坏但不能使它复原。 | The process eventually involves the bone anchoring the teeth, which loosen and may fall out. Removal of all plaque deposits and affected soft tissues can arrest but not reverse bone deterioration. | |
19 | ||1:积极投资人瞄准科技公司的一个原因是,很多科技公司跟苹果一样在经济衰退时拥有很大的现金流,但是资金利用不足。||2:金融家希望他们放松自己的财政,放出更多的现金。||3:伊坎先生想要苹果增加并加速其股份回购计划。现在该计划是截止到2015年末,苹果公司返还600亿美元给股东。 | ||1: One reason tech firms have found themselves in activists’ crosshairs is that, like Apple, some built up big cash piles during the economic downturn and have been slow to use the money. ||2: Financiers hope to get them to loosen their purse-strings faster and to pocket some of the cash. ||3: Mr Icahn wants Apple to increase and accelerate a share buy-back programme that is currently set to return $60 billion to shareholders by the end of 2015. | |
20 | ||1:苹果第二项优化便捷性的措施,在于放宽以前对开发者的部分严格限制。||2:开发者们即将能够将不同的应用在苹果商店中进行捆绑折扣销售,能够给用户们播放前瞻视频,以及能够邀请用户下载测试版本的应用。||3:苹果还会允许第三方应用(例如,一款能将特殊效果加到照片上的软件)嵌入苹果自己的应用当中。 | ||1:Apple’s second move towards greater convenience is to loosen some of its tight restrictions on developers.||2:They will be allowed to bundle apps for sale at a discount in Apple’s store, to show video previews and to invite users to test beta versions.||3:Apple will also allow third-party apps—for example, ones that apply fancy effects to photos—to be embedded in its own apps. | |
21 | ||1:亲库尔德人民民主党的好运一部分归功于其联合主席塞拉·德米塔斯,这位来自德亚巴克尔的前任人权律师,一表人才、犀利机智,反倒是埃尔多安显得过气起来。||2:纵观整个土耳其,无论是珠光宝气的贵妇、时尚流行的潮人,还是辛勤劳作的工人都表示自己或许会将选票投给亲库尔德人民民主党,理由要么是“敬仰德米塔斯”,要么是“这是唯一能够阻止埃尔多安的方法”。||3:这是一场席卷的变革。||4:亲库尔德人民民主党长期以来一直被视作库尔德工人党在政治上的左膀右臂,自1984年起便致力于库尔德人自制的斗争中。||5:无人质疑库尔德工人党,其已被监禁的领导人阿布拉杜·奥贾兰仍然拥有举足轻重的地位。||6:2013年3月的停战协定使得亲库尔德人民民主党合法化。||7:在议会中赢得更多的席位将推进库尔德人成为政治主流,解放反叛。||8:如被拒之门外,效果会大大相反。 | ||1:The HDP owes its rising fortunes in part to its co-chair, Selahattin Demirtas. With his youthful looks and biting wit, the former human-rights lawyer from Diyarbakir makes Mr Erdogan seem a has-been.||2:All over Turkey, bejewelled dowagers, hipsters and factory workers say they may vote HDP either because they “like Demirtas” or because “it’s the only way to stop Erdogan.”||3:This is a sea change.||4:The HDP was long seen as the political arm of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the rebels fighting for Kurdish self-rule since 1984.||5:Few doubt that the PKK and its imprisoned leader, Abdullah Ocalan, still hold much sway.||6:But a ceasefire that has held since March 2013 has legitimised the HDP.||7:Winning more seats in parliament would propel the Kurds further into the mainstream and loosen the rebels’ grip.||8:Being shut out would have the opposite effect. | |
22 | ||1:随着持枪人数量的不断膨胀,对持枪者的政治支持也获得了反弹。||2:奈杰尔·法拉吉推进的多数平民誓言中,英国独立党领袖许诺如果当选的话,将放宽枪支管制。||3:保守派的大亨们很可能会认为对持枪者的一小点政府补助是对在他们农村中心地带的选民们一种低代价的慰藉,尤其是考虑到托利党出于担心议员们投票的支持而还没有接受废除猎狐禁令的选票。||4:九月一次由内政部做东的内阁小组会议上阻止了关于提高枪支许可费用的计划。 | ||1:As their ranks have swelled, political support for shooters has rebounded.||2:Among the many populist pledges put forward by Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, is a promise to loosen gun laws if elected.||3:Conservative bigwigs probably think that a small public subsidy for gun owners is a meagre price to placate voters in their rural heartlands—especially given that the Tories have not yet held a promised vote on repealing the ban on fox hunting for fear that MPs would vote to uphold it.||4:In September a cabinet subcommittee blocked a plan, backed by the Home Office, to push up the gun licence fee. | |
23 | ||1:这些天,外汇和政府债券市场进行了一场胶着的竞争,但双方都并未成为投资者看好的投资对象,这算的是一个好消息。||2:但悬而未决的意大利大选却再度唤起投资者对欧元区经济稳定的担忧。但这样的状况对国债而言,还是相对安全的,这样的结论在2011年和2012年都得到了印证。||3:日本和美国都可能会进一步放宽他们的货币政策,并以此来作为对货币进行施压的一种方法。||4:由此可见,英国并不是被麻烦缠身的唯一一个,他并不孤单。 | ||1:The good news is that the foreign exchange and government bond markets are an ugly contest these days, in which few options look attractive.||2:The indecisive Italian election result reawakened investor fears about the stability of the euro zone, and may make gilts appear relatively safe, as was the case in 2011 and 2012.||3:Both Japan and America could loosen their monetary policy further, an approach that may put pressure on their currencies.||4:Britain is not the only country with problems. | |
24 | (松开保险丝或弄丢电源空气开关),没有电视分散你的注意力… | (Loosen the fuses or throw the breaker switches. ) With no TV to tempt you . . . | |
25 | “我们不会对新市场降低质量安全标准。新市场更需要安全的产品。”ZhangJin说。 | "We will not loosen the quality safety standard for our new markets. New markets need safe products even more, " Zhang Jin said. | |
26 | “中国将强力放宽它的金融货币政策以避免经济硬着陆。”威廉斯说。 | "China will be force to loosen its monetary policies to avoid a hard landing, " Williams said. | |
27 | 1月15日是(修改后的)工会和雇主关于怎样放宽法国严厉的劳动法律达成协议的最后期限。 | January 15th is the (revised) deadline for trade unions and employers to reach agreement on how to loosen France’s rigid labour laws. | |
28 | 比赛前我做了一些准备活动。 | I loosen up with a few exercise before the match. | |
29 | 标记后柠松螺栓,再拧紧回初始位置。 | Mark then loosen Bolt. Tighten Back to Original Position | |
30 | 播放一些性感音乐,散发着合适的光线,说一些性爱的话语,会使她身心放松。 | Putting on some sexy music, getting the lighting right and starting out with a massage will get her to loosen up literally and figuratively. |