属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-寻医问药 In need of therapy
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利 路漫漫其修远兮
1 | 我已经乘这条老爷船在海上航行了四个倒霉的星期。 | I’ve been at sea for four lousy weeks in this tub. | |
2 | 我这一天多么糟呀! | What a lousy day I’ve had! | |
3 | 有人拿刀抵着你的喉咙,你居然还不愿意舍弃你那几个钱! | A man ’s holding a knife to your throat and you tell him you will not give him the few lousy dollars you have! | |
4 | 幼年这些相反而又相辅的话音,若干年来,一直萦绕耳际--绝妙…糟透…绝妙…糟透--像两股强大而顺逆不同的风,冲击着我。 | Those conflicting but complementary voices of my childhood echo down through the years-wonderful…lousy …wonderful…lousy-like two powerful, opposing winds buffeting me. | |
5 | 糟糕透了。 | They’re very lousy . | |
6 | 这讨厌的雨真是打乱了我的计划。我今天本来准备和我女朋友一起去海边玩的。 | The lousy rain has certainly loused up my plans to take my girl friend to the beach today. | |
7 | 这位老人在这么冷的早上把自己拽出来竟然就为了一块廉价的松糕和一根香蕉。多么令人遗憾的失误。 | The old man had dragged himself into the Denver morning for a lousy muffin and a banana. What a sorry mistake that was! | |
8 | 这糟糕的饭菜使我肠胃不适。 | The lousy food upsets my stomach. | |
9 | 这真是个下流的诡计,我要是失去了听觉就要控告他这个鸟公司。 | That was a lousy trick to pull, and if I’ve lost my hearing I’ll sue the goddamned utility | |
10 | ||1:然而,不管怎么说,金融巨头和为他们代言的分析师们为何连本职工作都难以做好?梅奥给出了再平常不过的答案:腐败,内幕交易,付给无能的经理们毫无道理可言的报酬,同样无能的监管者,以及无处不在的利益冲突。||2:梅奥在引述举证时将当事人的姓名和事件发生的具体日期都写进了书中,并以特写方式聚焦那些贪赃枉法的现象,凭这点,《流放华尔街》这本书就值得一读。||3:自金融危机后,梅奥在1999年发布的报告已然成了一部宝书,如果想再次引起关注,他要多提一些建设性的意见才行。 | ||1:But why, overall, aren’t the big financial firms, and the analysts who cover them, better at the job? Mr Mayo offers the usual reasons: corruption, lousy disclosure, ridiculous compensation packages for incompetent managers who are overseen by incompetent regulators, conflicts of interests that are little short of rife.||2:All of this he illustrates with names and dates, a close-up view of venality that, by itself, makes “Exile on Wall Street” a story worth reading.||3:Since the financial crisis, Mr Mayo’s 1999 report has become the conventional wisdom.To create another stir, he may need to become positive. | |
11 | ||1:总之,意大利结构上的深层次症结——失效的政治系统,老化的社会人口,没落的公立大学,效率奇低的法院系统——所有这些,都需要很长的时间去一一解决。||2:欧元危机已经昭示了改革的迫在眉睫,然而滞缓的国内发展困境又让改革举步维艰。||3:如今在意大利,原本拥护改革的人,现已所剩无几了。 | ||1:Above all, the deep structural failings of Italy—an inefficient public sector, a poor demographic outlook, lousy universities, a calamitously slow judicial system—will take years to put right.||2:The euro crisis has shown the urgent need for reforms, but by stunting growth it has also made them harder.||3:And Italy has few liberals who genuinely believe in reform. | |
12 | 韩国巨头新年出师不利 | The South Korean giant has a lousy start to the new year | |
13 | 青岛市政府的这次豪赌收到了成效,随后这家濒临倒闭的工厂一跃成为世界上最大的家电制造商。 | The gamble worked. Since then a lousy local firm has turned into the world’s biggest appliance-maker. | |
14 | 这一点显得颇为神秘,因为和铅特性差不大多的锡,无法用来做电池。 | This is a particular mystery because tin, which shares many of the features of lead, makes lousy batteries. | |
15 | “进过了这么多年,我们一直是合伙人,而且一起打球,”约恩说,“你既然就为了那么五十美元而跟我耍诈?” | " Jon says, " you’d cheat me out of a lousy 50 bucks? ’’ | |
16 | “我是个烂赌鬼,”他耸耸肩,“这样也许反而更好,因为我没什么可再失去的了。” | "I’m a lousy gambler, " he said with a shrug. "But maybe I’ll do better now, knowing there’s nothing to lose. " | |
17 | 埃塞俄比亚与梅莱斯母亲诞生地——厄立特里亚之间仍然龃龉不断。 | Ethiopia’s relations with Eritrea, his mother’s birthplace, remain lousy . | |
18 | 肮脏的劳动市场笼罩着整个国家,只有几个州幸免于难。 | Lousy labor markets span the country, except in a handful of states with almost no people. | |
19 | 不是故意失礼,但很明显的是,糟糕的管理已成为信息技术行业的通病。 | No disrespect intended, but it appears that lousy management has reached epidemic proportions in the Information Technology industry. | |
20 | 超级巨蛋作为避难所始于1998年期间的乔治飓风,并留下了很糟糕的纪录。 | The Superdome has had a lousy track record as a refuge since it was first used in 1998 during Hurricane Georges. | |
21 | 除此之外,第三方党派和独立参选人在选举历史上都曾有很糟糕的记录。 | Besides third parties and independent candidates have had a lousy record. | |
22 | 除了以前把判定自己在销售方面没有天赋之外,我曾经还常常认定自己是一个差劲的舞者… | Besides judging myself previously for lacking the talent in sales, I used to think I was a lousy dancer. . . hehehe. | |
23 | 从CEO的观点来看,长期的研发投入简直得不偿失,花费巨大,败多胜少。 | From a C. E. O. ’s perspective, long-term R. and D. is a lousy investment. | |
24 | 待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。 | When wait until the mountain spent lousy , she smiled in the cluster. | |
25 | 但确实表明美国的CEO们知道如何在当前糟糕的经济环境中保护利润:降低存货量、削减成本、实行裁员。 | But it does mean American CEOs know how to protect profits in this lousy economy: cut inventories, slash costs and fire workers. | |
26 | 但是,谁愿意参加这种官僚主义充斥的项目呢? | But who wants to participate in a project lousy with bureaucrats? | |
27 | 但是对于我们,不管是婚姻还是工作,如果那很差劲,我们会选择离开。 | For us, whether a bad marriage or a bad job, we’ll leave it if it’s lousy . | |
28 | 但它似乎能理解为让你感觉不好的经历。 | But it seems to have been your experience, which understandably makes you feel lousy . | |
29 | 当你对自己感觉糟糕如何才能感觉更好呢?。 | When you’re feeling lousy about yourself, what can you do to feel better? | |
30 | 当他得知考试不及格后,他的心情糟透了。 | He felt lousy when he was told that he failed in this exam. |