1 | “小姐”,他说,“您的美貌的名声早就传到我这儿了,可是对这样的美貌我从来不敢希翼。 | “Madam,” said he, “the fame of your beauty had reached me, but I did not dare to expect such loveliness .” | |
2 | Love是lovely,loveliness及loving的词根。 | Love is the radical of lovely, loveliness , and loving. | |
3 | 必须记住,这里没有理智的作用。当她第一次看见芝加哥时,她发觉这个城市有着她平生所见过的最多的可爱之处,于是,只因为受到感情的驱使,她就本能地投向它的怀抱。 | And it must be remembered that reason had little part in this. Chicago dawning, she saw the city offering more of loveliness than she had ever known, and instinctively, by force of her moods alone, clung to it. | |
4 | 超凡的美妙. | supernal loveliness | |
5 | 呆滞的眼睛依稀剩有一点悦目的蓝色。 | The sodden eye had kept something of the loveliness of their blue | |
6 | 富丽堂皇的宫廷中举行的隆重仪式和豪华盛会,震天动地的刀枪铿锵声响,倾国倾城的绝色丽人,教我不由神醉。 | The pomps and pageantries of a stately court, and the mad clangour of arms, and the radiant loveliness of woman, bewildered and intoxicated my brain | |
7 | 她长着一头金发,真是可爱极了。 | She is a vision of loveliness with her golden hair. | |
8 | 她是个可爱的美人儿. | She was a vision of loveliness . | |
9 | 她一头金发,可爱极了。 | She is a vision of loveliness with her golden hair. | |
10 | 看惯旧世界城市可爱迷人之处的旅客,早已看出美国城市的千篇一律和丑陋了。 | Travellers being used to the loveliness and charm of Old World cities have long noted the sameness and ugliness of American cities | |
11 | 可爱,并不需要外来的装饰,天然的可爱远比雕饰的更可爱--J·汤普森 | Loveliness , needs not the foreign aid of ornament, But is when unadorn’d, adorn’d the most. --James Thompson | |
12 | 乐园,极美的所在理想中美丽或可爱的地方 | A place of ideal beauty or loveliness . | |
13 | 露西是个非凡的美女,就象一件精巧的,让人爱不释手的工艺品。 | Lucy was a remarkable creation, as full of loveliness and subtlety as any work of art | |
14 | 然后她便为他弹琴唱歌。他怀着一腔饥渴注视着她,饱饮着她的美丽,心里纳闷:怎么会没有一百个追求者像他一样在那儿听她弹唱,恋爱看她呢? | Then she played and sang to him, while he gazed with hungry yearning at her, drinking in her loveliness and marvelling that there should not be a hundred suitors listening there and longing for her as he listened and longed | |
15 | 诗使万象化成美丽;它使最美丽的东西愈见其美。 | Poetry turns all things to loveliness , it exalts the beauty. | |
16 | 他们的美丽和圣洁也与他们的崇高地位相称。 | Their loveliness and holiness in accordance with their exalted station. | |
17 | 他正在青春少年,他的内心对于一切迷人而又可爱的东西还在温存地搏动。 | He was in his fresh youth, with soft pulses for all charm and loveliness | |
18 | 我由衷地相信她有使他神魂颠倒的力量,相信她有令人眼花缭乱的姿色。 | I believed devoutly in her power to fascinate him, in her dazzling loveliness | |
19 | 有掌声,也有名声。这些在过去遥不可及、至关重要的东西,现在却变得微不足道、无足轻重了。她还有她那种类型的美貌,可她却感到寂寞。没有事做的时候,她就坐在摇椅里低吟着,梦想着。 | Applause there was, and publicity--once far off, essential things, but now grown trivial and indifferent. Beauty also--her type of loveliness --and yet she was lonely. In her rocking-chair she sat, when not otherwise engaged--singing and dreaming. | |
20 | 在那晦暗的茅屋的地面上,简直象有一轮圣洁的光环围绕着她--当然,这也是珠儿自身有恰到好处的美丽的光彩,若是把这身灿烂的袍子穿到一个不那么可爱的孩子身上,反例会骤然失色的。 | And such was the splendour of Pearl’s own proper beauty, shining through the gorgeous robes which might have extinguished a paler loveliness , that there was an absolute circle of radiance around her, on the darksome cottage floor. | |
21 | 在其幽深之处,保有光与大气之奥秘的山峦所呈现的庄严肃穆之美;从不模仿或重复、永远以一种出人意表的新鲜的美丽来冲击人类想象力的风景变幻无穷 | The majesty of the hills, holding in their recesses the secrets of light and atmosphere; the infinite variety of landscape, never imitative or repetitious, but always appealing to the imagination with some fresh and unsuspected loveliness | |
22 | 这天可爱的阳光和清爽的空气使我精神振奋。 | The day cheer me by the loveliness of its sunshine and the balminess of the air. | |
23 | ||1: 不过,世人最终熟悉阿黛尔是因于古斯塔夫·克里姆特(Gustav Klimt)于1907年为她作画。 ||2:克里姆特为她作画耗去了四年时光,比他作的任何其它画所花的时间都长。||3:画面上,克林姆特把阿黛勒包裹在长裙旋转之中,四周用无数金光闪烁的长方、螺旋和埃及象征图形点缀。在此背景下,她呈弥望状,具有迷离的美感,成为维也纳黄金时代的缩影。||4:她的双手奇怪地呈弯曲状,奥特曼夫人知道,那是因为她有一根手指残了,她总是想法掩住这一残指。||5:奥特曼也十分肯定,姨妈阿黛尔和体格强劲、性欲狂野的克里姆特曾有过一段火热的私情;虽然奥特曼的母亲愤怒地对此予以否认,说那只是“精神柏拉图行为”。||6:然而,你审视了她姨妈阿黛尔那双黑色温柔、隐含微笑的眼睛后,你会不得不生出别样想法来。 | ||1: But the Adele the world came to know was as Gustav Klimt had painted her in 1907. ||2: It took him four years, longer than he spent on any other painting. ||3: He placed her in a swirling gown within a blaze of gold rectangles, spirals and Egyptian symbols from which she looked out in nervous loveliness , the epitome of Vienna’s Golden Age. ||4: Her hands were strangely bent because, Mrs Altmann knew, she had a crippled finger, which she always tried to hide. ||5: She was also fairly sure that Aunt Adele and Klimt, with his satyr face and wild sexuality, had had a mad affair; her mother angrily denied it, said it had been just “an intellectual thing”. ||6: But you only had to look at her aunt’s dark, languorous, faintly smiling eyes to think otherwise. | |
24 | “我最爱的爱人,我爱你,就像爱我的生命,”他在1988年12月郑重地宣誓说。 | ’My supreme loveliness , I love you as I love life, ’ he pronounced dramatically in December 1988. | |
25 | 和印度城市相比,中国大城市很是可爱。 | Compared to Indian cities, China’s major cities are a vision of loveliness . | |
26 | 可爱的人 | a vision of loveliness | |
27 | 妈妈——可爱的本质,像玫瑰一样美丽,露珠一样闪耀,像夕阳一样宁静 | Mother- the essence of loveliness , The Beauty of a rose, The sparkle of a dewdrop And sunset’s sweet repose. -Lydia M. Johnson | |
28 | 难道您们看不出死亡使生命显得可爱吗? | "Don’t you see that death gives loveliness to life" ? | |
29 | 它们的美好姿态掩饰了飞行时引力对巨大身体的沉重拖累和日常生活的艰辛不易。 | Yet their loveliness masks the toll exacted by the gravitational pull of their large bodies and the strain of daily survival. | |
30 | 形状象泪滴或梨子,或伊甸园里第一颗低垂的禁果,质朴而美丽。 | and a shape of simple loveliness , like a tear-drop or a pear, or that first forbidden fruit hanging low in the Garden of Eden. |