1 | 减速齿轮箱润滑油重力柜 | reduction gear lubricating oil gravity tank | |
2 | 减速齿轮箱润滑油贮存柜 | reduction gear lubricating oil storage tank | |
3 | 金属皂比钠重,可溶性不高。在硬水冷凝过程中产生的凝结物是肥皂中的脂肪酸产生的钙盐或镁盐。重金属皂常被用于动物脂肪润滑剂、替代凝胶加稠剂以及被用于绘画中。凝汽油剂是一种铝皂。 | Soaps of metals heavier than sodium are not very soluble; the curdy precipitate made by soap in hard water is the calcium or magnesium salt of the fatty acid in the soap. Heavy-metal soaps are used in lubricating greases, as gel thickeners, and in paints. Napalm is an aluminum soap. | |
4 | 开卷机由Z4型直流电机通过齿轮箱传动,配有液压系统和润滑系统。 | The uncoiler is driven by DC motor through gearbox and equipped with hydraulic and lubricating system. | |
5 | 壳牌多宝T涡轮机油采用ISO等级32、46、68和100,均可作为以下领域中使用的主轴承和机械齿轮的润滑油。 | Shell Turbo T oils, available in ISO grades 32, 46, 68 and 100, are suitable as lubricating oils for main shaft bearings and mechanical gears for application in the following areas | |
6 | 壳牌多宝润滑油被广泛地认可为蒸汽、气体、联合循环和液压涡轮机的润滑性能方面的行业标准。 | Shell Turbo Oils are widely regarded as setting the Industry standard in performance for lubricating steam, gas, combined cycle and hydro turbines. | |
7 | 壳牌多宝润滑油被广泛地认为确定了蒸汽、气体、联合循环和水轮机润滑方面的行业标准。 | Shell Turbo Oils are widely regarded as setting the Industry standard in performance for lubricating steam, gas, combined cycle and hydro turbines. | |
8 | 壳牌公司已在天津的塘沽和浙江的乍浦建立了两个润滑油调配厂 | Shell has started supplying the Chinese market from two new lubricating oil blending plants (LOBPs), located in Tanggu, Tianjin Harbour and in Zhapu, Zhejiang Province. | |
9 | 壳牌加适达链条油是特别为传动链条润滑而研制的高性能抗磨润滑油。 | Shell Cassida Chain Oils are high performance anti-wear oils, specifically designed for lubricating drive chains. | |
10 | 壳牌加适达在食品行业中表现出卓越的滑脂润滑性能,可延长设备使用寿命,提高生产效率。 | Superior grease lubricating performance for the food industry-Shell Cassida greases prolong machine life and enhance the performance of your operation. | |
11 | 理想的发动机润滑油必须具有某些特性:必须具有一定的粘性(粘稠度和流动性),并且必须具有抗氧化、防止碳膜生成、防腐、防锈、抗极压和防泡沫等作用。 | A satisfactory engine lubricating oil must have certain characteristics, or properties. It must have proper viscosity (Body and fluidity)and must resist oxidation, carbon formation, corrosion, rust, extreme pressures, and foaming. | |
12 | 美国润滑脂学会 | NLGI National Lubricating Grease Institute (USA) | |
13 | 内燃机台架性能试验方法标准环境状况及功率、燃油消耗和机油消耗的标定 | Performance test methods for reciprocating internal combustion engine--Standard ambient conditions and declarations of power,fuel consumption and lubricating oil consumption | |
14 | 囊一种囊或囊状物,尤指任何含有粘性润滑液且位于肌腱和骨头间或运动部位之间摩擦点的小液囊 | A sac or saclike bodily cavity,especially one containing a viscous lubricating fluid and located between a tendon and a bone or at points of friction between moving structures. | |
15 | 汽轮货汪泵润滑油柜 | turbine driven cargo oil pump lubricating oil tank | |
16 | 汽油、煤油、燃料油、润滑油、石蜡、沥青以及诸如此类的产品不属于石化产品。因为,从严格意义上说,它们不是化合物,而是烃类的均质混合物。 | Gasoline, kerosine, fuel oils, Lubricating oils, waxes, asphalts, and the like are excluded from the definition of petrochemicals, since they are not, in the true sense, chemical compounds but are in fact intimate mixtures of hydrocarbons. | |
17 | 氢化锂是氢气的一个来源;氢氧化锂也用作碱性蓄电池电解质的添加剂和二氧化碳的吸收剂。锂的卤化物可用作吸湿剂,而锂盐(肥皂)用作润滑油的增稠剂。碳酸锂还是治疗抑郁症和躁郁症的重要药物。 | Lithium hydride is used as a source of hydrogen; lithium hydroxide is used as an additive in storage batteries and to absorb carbon dioxide. Halides of lithium are used as moisture absorbents, and lithium soaps are used as thickeners in lubricating greases. Lithium carbonate is an important drug for treating depression and bipolar disorder. | |
18 | 然后,通过真空蒸馏或蒸汽蒸馏,常压重油可以分离成高沸点润滑油组分而没有分解的危险。这种分离在高温状态下进行(>350oC,660oF)。 | The reduced crude may then be processed by vacuum or steam distillation to separate the high-boiling lubricating oil fractions without the danger of decomposition, which occurs at high (>350oC, 660 oF)temperatures. | |
19 | 人工合成油基润滑脂,含极高粘度基础油,可润滑高温环境下操作的轴承和齿轮,最高工作温度可达220?C。 | Synthetic oil-based grease with an exceptionally high viscosity base oil, capable of lubricating bearings and gear systems operating at temperatures up to 220C. | |
20 | 任何矿物油自身都不具备所有这些特性。因此,润滑油厂家在制造润滑油的过程中,加入了许多添加剂。 | Any mineral oil, by itself, does not have all these properties. Lubricating -oil manufacturers therefore put a number of additives into the oil during the manufacturing process. | |
21 | 润滑剂极压性能测定法(四球法) | Standard test method for measurement of extreme--Pressure properties of lubricating fluids(Four--Ball method) | |
22 | 润滑系统中的油泵把机油从油中抽上来,送到发动机的各个活动部件。机油再流下来回到油盘。 | The oil pump in the lubricating system draws oil from the oil pan and sends it to all working parts in the engine. The oil drains off and runs down into the pan. | |
23 | 润滑油的氧化(由于氧化而在油内生成沉淀) | oxidation of lubricating oil | |
24 | 润滑油及燃料油中总氮含量测定法(改进的克氏法) | Lubricating oils and fuel oils-Determination of total nitrogen-Modified kjeldahl method | |
25 | 润滑油中含有大量的水份会造成什么有害影响? | What are the detrimental effects of high water presence in lubricating oil? | |
26 | 润滑脂和润滑油蒸发损失测定法 | Petroleum products--Lubricating greases and oils--Determination of evaporation loss |