属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 6570-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 5456-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASTM D 6662-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 6662-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASTM D 4445-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 5124-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 4688-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 5664-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASTM D 5664-1996
1 | 火炬松种源建筑材抗弯性质的变异及与树龄、晚材率、木材密度的关系 | Variation in Wood Bending Properties of Exotic Loblolly Pine Provenances for Building Lumber and Their Relationships to Tree Age, Tree Growth and Wood Density | |
2 | 机械分级木材指定允许特性的标准实施规程 | Standard Practice for Assigning Allowable Properties for Mechanically-Graded Lumber | |
3 | 减湿式干燥基凖表之订定(三)3cm台湾杉 | Development of a Dehumidification Drying Schedule for 3 cm Taiwania Lumber | |
4 | 结构复合木制品评定的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Evaluation of Structural Composite Lumber Products | |
5 | 锯木厂:树木制成木材在这里储存,木材是制造建筑物和船只的必需品。 | Sawmill: Wood becomes lumber and is stored here. Lumber is essential for buildings and ships. | |
6 | 聚烯烃基塑料废物盖板规范 | Specification for Polyolefin-Based Plastic Lumber Decking Boards | |
7 | 聚烯烃基塑料木材盖板的标准规范 | Standard Specification for Polyolefin-Based Plastic Lumber Decking Boards | |
8 | 勘探木材产量勘查以探明木材产量 | To inspect in order to determine lumber yield. | |
9 | 控制未处理木材的变色和形状用杀菌剂的试验方法(实验室法) | Method for Testing Fungicides for Controlling Sapstain and Mold on Unseasoned Lumber (Laboratory Method | |
10 | 论森林资源采伐权―兼述国有森工企业改制上市过程中采伐权的处置 | On the Right of Cutting Forest Resources-Also on the Handling of Right of Cutting in the Course of Reorganizing and Getting state-owned Enterprises in Lumber Industry into Listed Ones | |
11 | 马尾松速生材的表面强化工艺观察 | Study on the Surface Strengthening Technique of Fast-growing Pinus massoniana Lumber | |
12 | 模糊控制器在木材干燥工艺中的设计研究 | Design and Research of Fussy-controller about Lumber Drying Process | |
13 | 模态分析在板材不同位置孔洞缺陷检测中的应用 | The Application of Modal Analysis in NDT of hole-defect in Lumber | |
14 | 木材超高温热处理技术的研究及应用进展 | Development and Application of Heat-treatment Techniques for Lumber | |
15 | 木材工业过去在水上运输木料时所十分倚重的就是鳄鱼。 | In the movement of logs by water the lumber industry was greatly helped by alligators | |
16 | 木材及木制品模拟中随机编号发动机的使用和检验 | Testing and Use of a Random Number Generator in Lumber and Wood Products Simulation | |
17 | 木材价格上涨,新建房屋的价格势必随着上涨。 | Lumber prices go up, and higher prices for new houses are bound to result. | |
18 | 木材商诋毁用混凝土造房子。 | The lumber dealer decried the use of concrete for houses | |
19 | 木材用作建材的树木;原木 | Wood used as a building material;lumber . | |
20 | 木匠用刨子把木刨平。 | The carpenter trimmed the lumber with a plane. | |
21 | 你当伐木工人可以熬得住吗? | Can you hack it as a lumber jack? | |
22 | 你搞得我和我老板相处尴尬。 | You’ve got me into lumber with my boss. | |
23 | 评定榫接木材粘结用结构胶粘剂的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Structural Adhesives for Finger Jointing Lumber | |
24 | 评定阻燃处理和高温对阻燃处理木材强度性能的影响的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Effects of Fire-Retardant Treatments and Elevated Temperatures on Strength Properties of Fire-Retardant Treated Lumber | |
25 | 评定阻燃处理和高温对阻燃处理木材强度性能影响的试验方法 | Test Method for Evaluating the Effects of Fire-Retardant Treatments and Elevated Temperatures on Strength Properties of Fire-Retardant Treated Lumber | |
26 | 汽相法马尾松脱脂技术研究 | Deresination of Masson Pine’s Lumber with Solvent Distillation Method | |
27 | 全面开发森林资源 | exploit lumber resources in an all-round way | |
28 | 人工椎体在胸腰椎病变中的应用 | Application of Artificial Vertebral Body in Lesions of Thoracic and Lumber Vertebra | |
29 | 溶栓导管刺破腰升静脉进入腰大肌1例 | A Thrombolytic Tube Penetrated into Greater Psoas Muscle via Ascending Lumber Vein | |
30 | 桑德式腰椎牵引与传统式腰椎牵引对腰椎间盘突出症病患之疗效 | The Effects of Saunders’ Traction and Traditional Traction in Patients with Lumber Disc Herniation |