属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-猎手与猎物 The hunter and his pr
1 | 白天里,不论什么时候,她总是在洗衣盆和晾衣绳之间来回,嘴里不是咬着晾衣夹子就是唱着情歌。 | There seemed to be no hour of daylight when she was not marching to and fro between the washtub and the line, alternately gagging herself with clothes pegs and breaking forth into lusty song | |
2 | 大声的欢呼. | lusty cheers | |
3 | 何况,她年纪轻、力气大,一定会自卫。 | Besides, she was young and lusty and would defend herself | |
4 | 健壮的运动员. | a lusty sportsman | |
5 | 她们歌唱着,歌喉动人的青年们,在旷野间,在清晨的林中奔窜,自由地为所欲为,尤其是自由地谈所欲谈。 | They sang the Wandervogel songs, and they were free. Free! That was the great word. Out in the open world, out in the forests of the morning, with lusty and splendid-throated young fellows, free to do as they liked, and---above all---to say what they liked. | |
6 | 精力充沛的小伙子. | a lusty young man | |
7 | 克莱德心想,这个人对这里的新生活也许太热衷些了吧。 | Clyde began to think of him as perhaps a little too lusty for his new life here, maybe | |
8 | 玛丽是一个活泼的歌唱演员,也是一个极善挖苦模仿别人的人。 | Mary is a lusty singer and a devastating take-off artist. | |
9 | 目睹了这一切,我不禁叹息一番,自言自语道:人不也是一根扫帚把么?当大自然刚把他送到人间时,他是强壮而有力的,精力充沛,头上是满头黑发。 | When I beheld this, I sigh’ d, and said within my self, Surely Man is a Broom-Stick; Nature sent him into the World Strong and Lusty , in a Thriving Condition, wearing his own Hair on his Head | |
10 | 人心的四季--济慈。四季充满了一年的时光,人的心中也有四季的变化:当明彻的幻想在美的世界游赏,蓬勃的春光便来到他的心田。 | The human seasons four seasons fill the measure of the year; there are four seasons in the mind of man: he as his lusty spring, when fancy clear takes in all beauty with an easy spent;-- | |
11 | 是我把美丽的吉苏拉引去顺从那侯爵的意思,不论这可耻的故事传说得怎么样。 | I was the one who coaxed Ghisolabella to serve the lusty wishes of the Marquis,no matter how the sordid tale is told | |
12 | 他店内登子上坐的却都是一些强壮骠悍的小伙子。 | On the benches in his shop were the lusty and valiant young men | |
13 | 他好象搬了一张扶手椅,坐在舞台前部,用他明快有力的英语,娓娓动人地跟我们闲谈。 | He seems to bring his armchair to the proscenium and chat with us in all the lusty ease of his fine English | |
14 | 他们都是身强力壮、拳大臂粗、目光炯炯、饱经风霜的汉子。 | They were all lusty , weather-beaten fellows, hard of hand, bold of eyes | |
15 | 他们由一个神采奕奕的高个子带领着,他摆出一副首领的神气,头发有灰白,脸色棕褐,跟烟熏过的火腿差不多。 | A tall, lusty fellow, somewhat grizzled and as brown as a smoked ham, walked before them with an air of some authority | |
16 | 他虽然年岁渐增,但还是身强力壮,精力充沛。 | Although he is getting on(in years,he is still strong and lusty . | |
17 | 塔茨伯利和斯鲁特正在激烈地争论着,娜塔丽在一边忧郁地看看这个,又看看那个。 | Tudsbury and Slote were in a lusty argument, with Natalie looking sombrely from one to the other | |
18 | 我们自恃身强力壮步履轻捷,那个眼神不好的糟老头子休想抓住我们。 | We think ourselves too lusty and too nimble for that blear-eyed decrepit old gentleman to catch us | |
19 | 雄壮的歌声. | lusty singing | |
20 | 在众多的具体问题的背后,存在着这样一个带有根本性的问题--美国政策的大幅度摇摆不仅使敌人感到迷惑不解,连朋友都为之吃惊,这种代价我们还能承受多久? | Beyond particular issues, however, lies a fundamental question-how long can America pay the price of these lusty swings that confuse adversaries and confound friends? | |
21 | 这便是诗人咏赞的“平畴交远风,良苗亦怀新”的画面。 | This is the picture described by the poet as: Level fields extend wavily to the far horizon/A new life is flowing in lusty young seedlings | |
22 | 正常的婚姻中有幽默,也有争吵,而这些似乎正是你们俩的生活中所没有的。 | You both seem to lack the lusty cut and thrust and the humour a good marriage needs. | |
23 | 壮实的小伙子瞧上了那个未嫁的少女,但他一直不上前直接答话。 | The lusty youth spotted that marriageable girl, but he didn’t speak directly to her | |
24 | ||1:1908年生于巴黎的卡蒂埃·布列松是家境富裕的棉纱制造商的长子,对旅行充满强烈、难以抑制的渴望。||2:满脑子兰波诗作的布列松夹着一本《尤利西斯》,踏上了去西非的探险之旅。(他曾经渴望当一名画家,不过著名画家格特鲁特·斯泰因劝他丢下画笔。)||3:23岁的时候,布列松在象牙海岸买了第一台莱卡相机。||4:这款相机刚刚投放市场,质地轻巧、噪音很小,实在出人意料。||5:这台相机刚好放进他的口袋里,还有几卷胶卷。||6:《亨利·卡蒂埃·布列松:现代百年》摄影展在纽约现代艺术博物馆展出,博物馆的摄影总监彼得加拉西说:“在开发相机的便携性方面,没有摄影者比他做得更好。” | ||1: Born in 1908 in Paris, the eldest son of wealthy cotton-thread manufacturers, Cartier-Bresson had a lusty , rebellious hunger for travel. ||2: With a head full of Rimbaud and a copy of “Ulysses” under his arm, he set off for west Africa in search of adventure. (He aspired to be a painter, but Gertrude Stein suggested he drop the brushes.) ||3: He bought his first Leica in the Cote d’Ivoire when he was 23. ||4: Light and quiet, the camera had just come onto the market, and it was a revelation. ||5: It fitted into his pocket, along with a few rolls of film. ||6: “Nobody took pictures that were better at exploiting the portability of the camera,” says Peter Galassi, the chief curator of photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, where “Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century” is on view. | |
25 | 1908年生于巴黎的卡蒂埃•布列松是家境富裕的棉纱制造商的长子,对旅行充满强烈、难以抑制的渴望。 | Born in 1908 in Paris, the eldest son of wealthy cotton-thread manufacturers, Cartier-Bresson had a lusty , rebellious hunger for travel. | |
26 | 但是他刚走到这条幽暗蜿蜒的街道的下一个弯上,一声强烈的哀号就向他袭来。 | But he had no sooner entered the next bend of that obscure and winding avenue than the most lamentable, lusty cries assailed him. | |
27 | 而那些野兽之所以肉体攻击和防御强悍,这完全是因为它们的肉体本身强。 | But those wild beast of so body onset and defending violent, this completely is because their bodies are lusty . | |
28 | 而且古武技的破绽或许就是武技自身威力的强弱。 | And the flaw of ancient martial skill is probably the lusty alternatively feeble of Wu Ji oneself power. | |
29 | 胡安这样贪欲,充满诱惑力的人也不是典型的加泰罗尼亚人。 | Nor is Juan’s lusty , seductive character typical of a Catalan. | |
30 | 那狂放,不屈,旺盛的样子使我想到我自己 | And its look, rude, unbending, lusty , made me think of myself |