属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-川普计划削减移民接收人数至历史新低
属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-美国政府提出历史新低的难民安置人数
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-3D技术应用于乳腺癌检查拯救生命
1 | 半岛狮子会银禧纪念耆年中心〔香港路德会社会服务处〕 | Peninsula Lions Club Jubilee Centre for the Elderly, The [HK Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church--HK Synod] | |
2 | 彩虹耆年中心〔香港路德会社会服务处〕 | Choi Hung Lutheran Centre for the Elderly [Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church--Hong Kong Synod] | |
3 | 凤德安老院〔香港路德会社会服务处〕 | Fung Tak Lutheran Home for the Elderly [HK Lutheran Social Service--Lutheran Church--Hong Kong Synod] | |
4 | 基督教香港信义会山景耆年中心〔基督教香港信义会社会服务部〕 | Shan King Estate Social Centre for the Elderly [Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service HK] | |
5 | 抗议者支持德国路德教诸候国对恢复天主教特权的法案提出的抗议的人 | One who supported the protestation presented by the German Lutheran states against the revocation of the decree of the Diet of Speyer(1529. | |
6 | 可以查明的不同的路德会派别就有二十多个,其中有许多是根据语言而自成一派的。 | More than twenty different lutheran groups may be identified, many of which are separated on the basis of language | |
7 | 葵涌老人中心〔基督教香港信义会社会服务部〕 | Kwai Chung Elderly Service Centre [Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service-Hong Kong] | |
8 | 路德会梁季彝夫人安老院〔香港路德会社会服务处〕 | Mrs Leung Kwai Yee Lutheran Home for the Elderly [HK Lutheran Social Service--HK Synod] | |
9 | 路德会马头围耆年中心〔香港路德会社会服务处〕 | Ma Tau Wai Lutheran Centre for the Elderly [HK Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church--HK Synod] | |
10 | 路德会晒草湾耆年中心〔香港路德会社会服务处〕 | Sai Tso Wan Lutheran Centre for the Elderly [HK Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church--HK Synod] | |
11 | 路德会石篱耆年中心〔香港路德会社会服务处〕 | Shek Lei Lutheran Centre for the Elderly [HK Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church--HK Synod] | |
12 | 路德会小西湾安老院〔香港路德会社会服务处〕 | Siu Sai Wan Lutheran Home for the Elderly [HK Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church--HK Synod] | |
13 | 路德会新翠耆年中心〔香港路德会社会服务处〕 | Sun Chui Lutheran Centre for the Elderly [HK Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church--HK Synod] | |
14 | 路德会友安耆年中心〔香港路德会社会服务处〕 | Yau Oi Lutheran Centre for the Elderly [HK Lutheran Social Service, Lutheran Church--HK Synod] | |
15 | 路德教(信义会). | the Lutheran Church | |
16 | 马丁·路德的信徒. | the Lutheran follower | |
17 | 虔诚主义17和18世纪时德国路德教派的宗教改革运动,旨在努力恢复新教中奉献的典范 | A reform movement in the German Lutheran Church during the17th and18th centuries,which strove to renew the devotional ideal in the Protestant religion. | |
18 | 山景耆年宿舍〔基督教香港信义会〕 | Shan King Estate Hostel for the Elderly [Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong] | |
19 | 天水围儿童及青年综合服务队〔基督教香港信义会社会服务部〕 | Tin Shui Wai Children and Youth Integrated Team [Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service--HK] | |
20 | 为了和王储成婚,她不得不放弃了澳大利亚和英国国籍,并改信路德教。 | In order to marry the crown prince, she has had to give up her Australian and British citizenship and convert to the Lutheran Church | |
21 | 在社会上,教会不仅是一种宗教力量,而且也是一种社会力量,但长老会、卫理公会、路德会、罗马天主教会和犹太教会等教派教徒在社会生活中并不各成体系。 | The church has become a social as well as a religious force in the community, but community life is not broken up into Presbyterian, Methodist, lutheran , Roman Catholic, and Jewish groups | |
22 | 克里希·维格纳拉贾表示:“我们谈论的是数以百万计的绝望家庭,他们无处可去,在短期内也没有希望会得到保护。”他领导了路德教会的移民和难民局,这是一家旨在帮助在美国安置难民的非营利组织。 | "We’re talking about tens of millions of desperate families with no place to go and having no hope for protection in the near term," said Krish Vignarajah. He heads the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, a non-profit organization that helps resettle refugees in the United States. | |
23 | ||1:似乎是为了加强这种印象,绿党刚刚选举了卡特琳·格林-埃卡尔德担任总理的联合候选人。来自东部的卡特琳·格林-埃卡尔德是路德教会的领导人,按照绿党标准,她是一个保守派。||2:(另外一个候选人尤尔根·特利汀,这几乎是内定的,因为绿党习惯于推选男女候选人各一名。||3:)格林-埃卡尔德的入选是对虚张声势的左派克劳迪娅·罗斯的有力回击。||4:这个选择很快就被认为是向基督教民主联盟(CDU)抛出的橄榄枝。 | ||1:As if to reinforce this impression, the Greens have just elected Katrin Goring-Eckardt, a leader in the Lutheran church who is from the east and is by Green standards a conservative, as their co-candidate for chancellor.||2:(The other candidate, Jurgen , was almost preordained, for the Greens always pair a woman and a man.||3:) Ms Goring-Eckardt’s selection was a rebuff to Claudia Roth, a flamboyant leftist.||4:The choice immediately renewed speculation about an olive branch to the CDU. | |
24 | 她出生于以强硬和原则著称的路德教部长家。 | SHE was born to Lutheran ministers known to be both tough and principled. | |
25 | 克里斯·奥玛拉·维格纳罗加是路德教会移民和难民服务处的负责人。她不赞同川普的行政命令,并称移民是一个联邦问题。 | Krish O’Mara Vignarajah is president of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. She disagreed with Trump’s executive order and said that immigration was a federal issue. | |
26 | 莎拉·弗里德瓦尔德(Sarah Friedewald)是美国伊利诺伊州路德总医院的一位医生。她领导一项研究比较了近50万患者的3D和2D乳房X光检查的结果。 | Sarah Friedewald is a doctor at Lutheran General Hospital in the U.S. state of Illinois. She led a study to compare the results of three-D and two-D mammography from nearly a half million patients. | |
27 | 不久肯尼联系上路德教友会的伊利诺伊儿童家庭服务中心。 | "Kenny" was soon in touch with Lutheran Child Family Services of Illinois. | |
28 | 大约86%的当地居民是挪威的福音路德教教徒(国教)。 | Approximately 86% of the inhabitants are members of the Evangelic Lutheran Church of Norway (state church). | |
29 | 对于路德教友会儿童家庭服务中心在这个事件中的行为,耶稣将会有何评论呢? | What would Jesus say about the message Lutheran Child Family Services is sending in this situation? | |
30 | 关于这段骇人的痛苦经历,一位瑞典军队中路德教会的随军牧师,是许多留下生动描述的人之一: | A Lutheran pastor with the Swedish army was one of those who left a vivid record of the appalling suffering: |