1 | 凡根据第(2)款饬令没收之物品或物件,均须依照裁判司所指示之方式予以处置。 | Any article or thing which is ordered to be forfeited under subsection (1)shall be disposed of in such manner as the magistrate shall direct. | |
2 | 凡根据第34或36条扣留之物品或物件而可根据第39条没收者,在扣留之后必须尽快呈交裁判司,以便按照本部之规定处置 | Any article or thing which has been detained under section 34 or 36 and is liable to forfeiture under section 39 shall, as soon as practicable after that detention, be taken before a magistrate to be dealt with in accordance with this Part; | |
3 | 凡据称由主审裁判司签署之文件,载述审裁处之判决或裁定者,在任何聆讯中毋须再加证明,而可接纳为呈堂证据。 | A document purporting to be under the hand of a presiding magistrate stating a decision or determination of a Tribunal shall be admissible on its production and without further proof in any proceedings | |
4 | 古罗马侍从官持捆有斧头的束棒的古罗马侍从官,常随从执政官在公开场合露面 | A Roman functionary who carried fasces when attending a magistrate in public appearances. | |
5 | 官清司吏瘦神灵庙祝肥 | The clerks of a honest magistrate know better than to accept bribes, but a temple keeper by virtue of his position gets unsolicited additional gain | |
6 | 国家主席/总理/副总理/国务委员/部长/省长/厅、局长/县长/处长/科长/乡长/村民委员会主任 | president/premier/vice premier/state councilor/minister/governor/bureau director/county magistrate , county head/department head/ section chief/ head of the township/ chairman of the village committee | |
7 | 海丝特抓住珠儿,强把她拉进自己的怀里,面对着那几乎是满险凶相的清教徒长官。 | Hester caught hold of Pearl, and drew her forcibly into her arms, confronting the old Puritan magistrate with almost a fierce expression. | |
8 | 和地方行政官有关的;师长的 | Of or relating to a magistrate ;magisterial. | |
9 | 或将货品所用之虚假商品说明或伪造商标除去,然后按照法庭或裁判司在命令中指定之条件将货品发还予货主或获其授权之代理人。 | Or any false trade description or forged trade mark applied to the goods be obliterated and thereafter the goods be released to the owner thereof or his authorized agent subject to any condition which the court or magistrate may specify in the order. | |
10 | 获授权人员不得进入及搜查任何住宅楼宇,除非裁判司已根据第(2)款发出令状;或总监已根据第(3)款发出授权书。 | No domestic premises shall be entered and searched by an authorized officer unless a magistrate has issued a warrant under subsection (2); or the Commissioner has given an authorization under subsection (3). | |
11 | 假如有关钻石的那个故事的,确是卡德鲁斯自己瞎编的,而世界上根本就没有布沙尼神甫这么个人,那么,我就没救了,除非能把卡德鲁斯本人捉到,而且能使他自己招供一切。 | Two months passed away in hopeless expectation on my part, while I must do the magistrate the justice to say that he used every means to obtain information of the person I declared could exculpate me if he would | |
12 | 将货品所用之虚假商品说明或伪造商标除去,然后按照法庭或裁判司在命令中指定之方法及条件将货品处置 | Any false trade description or forged trade mark applied to the goods be obliterated and thereafter the goods be disposed of in such manner and subject to any such condition as the court or magistrate may specify in the order | |
13 | 可下令将货品没收,归政府所有;将货品毁灭 | The court or magistrate may order that the goods be forfeited to the Crown; the goods be destroyed | |
14 | 蕾妮惊叫了起来,她本来因激动而变得发红的面颊变得煞白。 | burst simultaneously from all who were near enough to the magistrate to hear his words | |
15 | 李方膺(1695-1755),江苏南通人。曾任县令、知府约二十年 | Li Fangying (1695-1755), a native of Nantong, Jiangsu Province, spent 20 years as a county magistrate . | |
16 | 窃贼被带到地方法官前受审。 | The thief was brought before the magistrate . | |
17 | 任何裁判司或审裁员均可以审裁处成员身分出席,即使其本人乃作出该暂定类别之审裁处成员之一。 | Any magistrate and any adjudicator shall be competent to sit as a member of the Tribunal at that full hearing notwithstanding that he was a member of the Tribunal which made the interim classification. | |
18 | 如法庭或裁判官认为该证明书已遗失或应视作已遗失处理,该法庭或裁判官须就此事而发出命令,并安排将一份该命令送达注册官。 | If the court or a magistrate is of the opinion that the certificate is, or should be treated as, lost, the court or magistrate shall make an order to that effect and cause a copy of the order to be served on the Registrar. | |
19 | 如赔偿申请乃与法庭或裁判司下令发还,或任何有权力发还货品之人发还与货主之货品有关,不得迟于货品发还后六个月 | in the case of a claim for compensation in respect of goods released to their owner by order of a court or magistrate or by any person having authority to release the goods to him, not later than 6 months after the release thereof; | |
20 | 若裁判司认为第(2)款所列明之任何人士,基于任何理由不能寻获或不能确定,可免发传票予该人。 | If the magistrate is satisfied that any person specified in subsection (1)cannot for any reason be found or ascertained, he may dispense with the issue of a summons to that person. | |
21 | 若根据第(2)款所发出之传票,基于任何理由未能送达,而裁判司认为已采取一切适当方法派送传票予传票所指定之人士 | If any summons issued under subsection (1)has not for any reason been served and the magistrate is satisfied that all reasonable efforts were made to serve the summons on the person named in the summons | |
22 | 涉及到DNA证据的一个很著名的案件是United States v.Yee,Eric Lander是该案的专家证人. | A notable example in a case involving DNA was United States v. Yee, where the magistrate called Eric Lander. | |
23 | 审裁处根据第Ⅴ部行使裁判权时拥有裁判司《裁判司条例》(第227章)赋予裁判司之权力;为达成此项目的,凡该条例内有提及裁判司之处,应视作包括审裁处在内 | A Tribunal when exercising its jurisdiction under Part V shall have the powers of a magistrate under the Magistrates Ordinance and for that purpose references in that Ordinance to a magistrate shall be deemed to include references to a Tribunal | |
24 | 审裁处由经历司委任之下开人士所组成2名主审裁判司;及2名或多名从审裁员小组委出之审裁员。 | A Tribunal shall consist of the following persons appointed by the Registrar a magistrate who shall preside; and 2 or more adjudicators selected from the panel of adjudicators. | |
25 | 说这番话的时候,法官那严厉的目光里依旧含有他往常那种骄矜的神气。 | And as he said this, the "eye severe" of the magistrate had lost nothing of its habitual arrogance | |
26 | 他均可于传票指定之日期,出庭向裁判司提出反对将该物品或物件没收之理由。 | He may appear before the magistrate on the day specified in the summons to show cause why the article or thing should not be forfeited. | |
27 | 他受到治安法官的谴责。 | He was reprimanded by the magistrate . | |
28 | 他为康熙秀才、雍正举人,乾隆进士。曾任山东范县、潍县知县 | He was the most successful candidate in the highest imperial examination and had served as a county magistrate in Shandong Province. | |
29 | 他因为开车太快,法官罚了他五十英镑。 | The magistrate fined him £50 for driving too fast. | |
30 | 他因醉酒驾车而被带至法官面前。 | He was up before the magistrate for being drunk while in charge of a car |