属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-Words and Their Stories: State Nicknames, Part 3
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:美国各州别名
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:美国各州别名 3
1 | 中国木兰科木兰属一新种 | A New Species of Magnolia (Magnoliaceae)from Hubei, China | |
2 | 中国木兰属一新种 | A New Species of Magnolia from China | |
3 | 紫玉兰光合特性的日变化 | Diurnal Change of Photosynthesis Magnolia liliflora | |
4 | 最优组合模型在凹叶厚朴树皮产量预测中的应用研究 | Building of the Optimal Combination Model and Its Application to the Prediction of Magnolia Officinalis Bark Yield | |
5 | ||1:但是奥巴马的医疗保障政策在马格诺利亚州却悄无声息。||2:为了抵抗医保普及政策,反对者不惜铤而走险。||3:要不是立法机关7月1日前没有进行投票表决,不然马格诺利亚的全部医保计划都将暂停。||4:共和党人坚称州政府根本支付不起医保普及政策。||5:据智囊团“城市研究所”预估,若新医保从2013年开始实施,密西西比州政府因此承担的医保资金到2022年要增加7%。||6:而中央政府的医保补贴预计要增加三成。||7:而其他州的的资金投入增幅远远不及7%,主要是因为密西西比目前的基数太小了。 | ||1:But Obamacare’s main provisions have gone nowhere in the Magnolia State.||2:The fight over the Medicaid expansion involved hair-raising brinkmanship.||3:Had lawmakers not voted before July 1st, the state’s entire Medicaid programme would have stopped functioning.||4:Republicans insisted an expansion was unaffordable.||5:State Medicaid costs would have increased by 7% from 2013 to 2022, estimates the Urban Institute, a think-tank.||6:That is much less than the expected 30% increase in Medicaid subsidies from the central government.||7:But the 7% rise would have been bigger than in any other state, mostly because Mississippi’s current Medicaid programme is so skimpy. | |
6 | 密西西比州被称为“木兰之州”。它以生长在密西西比这个炎热的南部州,盛开出美丽白花的木兰树命名。 | Mississippi is the Magnolia State. It is named for a tree with big, beautiful white flowers that grows in that hot, southern state. | |
7 | 密西西比州被称为“木兰之州”。它以生长在密西西比这个炎热的南部州,盛开出美丽白花的木兰树命名。 | Mississippi is the Magnolia State. It is named for a tree with big, beautiful white flowers that grows in that hot, southern state. | |
8 | 密西西比州被称为“木兰之州”。它以生长在密西西比这个炎热的南部州,盛开出美丽白花的木兰树命名。 | Mississippi is the Magnolia State. It is named for a tree with big, beautiful white flowers that grows in that hot, southern state. | |
9 | 9种木兰科种子的场圃发芽率试验 | Experiments on seeds germination rate of 9 species of Magnolia in nursery | |
10 | MINEAGAIN-一款融合巧克力覆盆子和玉兰花的香水。 | A combination of Chocolate Raspberry with a touch of Magnolia creates an addictive fragrance. | |
11 | 埃及吹绵蚧在木兰科植物上的发生危害及防治 | Occurrence and damages of Icerya aegyptiaca on Magnolia plants and its control | |
12 | 凹叶厚朴地径材积方程的研究 | Study on the Magnolia officinalis Ground Diameter Volume Equation | |
13 | 凹叶厚朴人工林材性的研究 | A Study on the Timber Property of the Magnolia officinalis Plantation | |
14 | 凹叶厚朴中生物碱成分的研究 | Studies on the alkaloids of Magnolia officinalis | |
15 | 北京颐和园的春天,玉兰花,中国。 | The spring of Beijing Yiheyuan, Magnolia flower, China. | |
16 | 北外滩白玉兰广场酒店项目建筑外墙工程设计说明 | Design Instructions of Curtain Wall Engineering of North Bund White Magnolia Plaza Hotel Tower | |
17 | 本发明涉及一种玉兰总内酯提取物及其制备方法和应用。 | The invention relates to a yulan magnolia total lactone extract, the preparation method and application thereof. | |
18 | 本发明辛夷提取物包括挥发油部分、水溶性部分和醇溶性部分。 | The extracts of biond magnolia flower comprise a volatile oil part, a water soluble part and an alcohol soluble part. | |
19 | 不同光照对广玉兰1年生移栽苗的生长影响 | Effect of different light intensities on growth of 1-year Magnolia grandiflora transplants | |
20 | 不同林分林冠下天然更新的凹叶厚朴幼树特性研究 | Studies on the Characteristics of the Natural Reproductive Magnolia officinalis Saplings under Canopies of Different Stands | |
21 | 此次缴获的各类发票已在上海火车站白玉兰广场当众销毁。 | The invoices were destroyed in Magnolia Square at a Shanghai railway station. | |
22 | 但是空气中有野蒜和酢浆草的香味,玉兰花正含苞欲放。 | But the fragrant dank beckoned with wild garlic, wood sorrel and magnolia still tight in the bud. | |
23 | 二乔木兰花粉萌发特性及其保存方法的研究 | Study on Germination Property and Storage Conditions of Magnolia soulangeana Pollen | |
24 | 该方法制得的厚朴总酚含量高,成本低,制备工艺简单,且污染小。 | The magnolia P. E. prepared by the method has the advantages of high content, low cost, simple preparation process and small pollution. | |
25 | 观赏木兰在千岛湖适应性及绿化大苗培育的研究 | A Study on the adaptability and cultivation of ornamental magnolia at Qiandao Lake area | |
26 | 广玉兰的离体培养研究 | Invitro Culture of Magnolia grandiflora | |
27 | 广玉兰在北方地区引种驯化与嫁接繁育技术 | Studies of the Introduction and Domestication of Magnolia grandiflora L. And Stock Breeding Techniques in the North of China | |
28 | 合肥市木兰科植物资源及园林应用现状调查 | Current status of magnolia plants’resources and its application in garden: A survey | |
29 | 荷花玉兰组织培养的研究。 | Study on tissue culture of Magnolia grandiflora L. | |
30 | 厚朴对低温条件下大鼠胆汁分泌影响的初步观察 | An Initial Observation on Effect of Magnolia on Biliation of Rats under the Low Temperature |