属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伦敦巫术 激情犯罪
1 | 在我们收到的七年存活者的电子邮件中曾有句话:"没一样疾病上帝无法治疗或引领至一个愉快的终结。 | The e-mail we received from the seven-year survivor had said, "There isn’t a disease or other malady that God can’t heal or take you through to a glorious conclusion." | |
2 | 这个病使我非常痛苦。 | This malady tries me so much | |
3 | 这男孩患了某种奇怪的病。 | The boy is suffering from some strange malady . | |
4 | 这世界在他看来好象是一种漫无边际的病苦,他觉得遍地都是寒热,他四处诊察疾苦,他不想猜破谜底,只试图包扎创伤。 | The universe appeared to him like an immense malady ,everywhere he felt fever, everywhere he heard the sound of suffering, and, without seeking to solve the enigma, he strove to dress the wound | |
5 | 至今她始终跟病魔顽抗,并没就此一病不起。 | Hitherto she had steadily borne up against the pressure of malady , and had not betaken herself finally to bed | |
6 | 重病须用猛药医。 | For the strong malady the strong remedy. | |
7 | ||1:在刚果,霍斯金斯夫妇自己也惨遭了不幸;双胞胎中的一个是死胎,而另一个在两岁前死亡。||2:他承认在他的作品中带给了读者情感上的挑战。||3:但他并没有过度感伤。||4:他写到犯罪学,警察怎样与媒体周旋,怎样应对罪行背后扭曲的信仰。||5:书的大部分是关于kindoki (非洲巫术手册)。||6:霍斯金斯先生把这认为是一种较为仁慈的折磨,用从 nganga(刚果哺果苏木)中提取的植物药剂治疗,这是一种传统治疗物。||7:但在非洲及英国,复兴基督教会的牧师有增加的趋势,布道一种不同的、恶毒的kindoki。||8:他们使得父母们相信自己的孩子被魔鬼蛊惑,必须通过隔离、禁食和鞭打才能除怪。||9:这些将他们的牧师当做“小神”的绝望而易受骗的信徒们,就会付出很多的钱给他们以治愈这种疾病。 | ||1:Mr Hoskins and his wife suffered their own tragedy in Congo; one of their twins was stillborn, the other died before she was two.||2:He admits his work presents emotional challenges.||3:But he is not overly sentimental.||4:He writes about criminology, how the police deal with the media and the perverted beliefs behind the crimes.||5:Much of the book is about kindoki.||6:Mr Hoskins understands this as a benign affliction treated with a potion of plant extracts from a nganga, a traditional healer.||7:But there is a growing trend of pastors in new revivalist Christian churches, both in Africa and Britain, preaching a different, malevolent kind of kindoki.||8:They convince parents that their children are possessed by demons which must be exorcised through isolation, fasting and beatings.||9:Gullible and desperate believers, who consider their pastors to be “little Gods”, will pay good money for them to cure this malady . | |
8 | (白金汉宫)我孙子的病有多少进展了?。 | How far advanced is our grandson’s malady ? | |
9 | 《长日入夜行》这部剧作是奥尼尔借用庄子思想探究并疗救美国社会病根的又一伟大尝试。 | Long Day’s Journey into Night was O’Neill’s another attempt to study and cure the American social malady . | |
10 | 不,以上所说的那些都不是,我所提到的病被称作“毕业倦怠症”。 | No, the malady of which I speak is known as "senioritis" . | |
11 | 不良资产——中国银行业的心腹大患 | Non-performing Assets: A Mortal Malady for Chinese Banking Industry | |
12 | 但是与此同时“捏造谣言这个行为是社会上的歪风,互联网上谣言的散播对于社会是一个巨大的威胁”。 | But "concocting rumors is itself a social malady , and the spread of rumors across the Internet presents a massive social threat. " | |
13 | 服务器整合最常见的好处之一是克服一个IT顽疾:服务器的能力没有得到充分利用。 | One of the most common implementation benefits of server consolidation is to cure the common IT malady of underutilized servers. | |
14 | 交易秩序:我国会计服务市场发育成长的痼疾 | Transaction Order: A Chronic Malady Impeding the Development of China’s Accounting Service Market | |
15 | 进步的病痛是内战,在我们的行程中免不了会遇到。 | With that malady of progress, civil war, we have been obliged to come in contact in our passage. | |
16 | 另外一种照片中经常出现的问题是手腕被弯折。 | Another common malady that shows up in images are broken wrists. | |
17 | 农业科技中介机构存在的弊病分析及完善对策 | Analysis on Malady in Intermediary Organization of Agricultural Sci-tech, and Improvement Measures | |
18 | 贫困绝不是美德,它是意识方面的疾病。你应该即刻治愈你自己的这种心理矛盾或心理病症。 | There is no virtue in poverty. It is a disease of the mind. You should heal yourself of this mental conflict or malady at once. | |
19 | 如果诊断不准确、对病因不了解,你就不可能对症下药。 | You cannot prescribe for a malady unless you diagnose it accurately and understand its causes. | |
20 | 思想一僵化,不从实际出发的本本主义也就严重起来了。 | Once people’s thinking becomes rigid, book worship, divorced from reality, becomes a grave malady . | |
21 | 同样,我们早期的热情、冲动像疾病一样折磨着我们的心灵,只有当它们通晓自己与外部世界的真实关系时,才肯平静下来。 | In the same way do our early passions torment the mind, like a malady , till they realise their true relationship with the outer world. | |
22 | 我报告了凯瑟琳·林惇的病况,他马上就陪我回头走了。 | and my account of Catherine Linton’s malady induced him to accompany me back immediately. | |
23 | 这种病并不是可怕的H1N1病毒,也不是支气管炎,不是急性阑尾炎,更不是扁桃体炎。 | That malady is not the dreaded H1N1 virus, nor bronchitis, appendicitis, or tonsillitis. | |
24 | 最近我被诊断出一种在中年男人中常见的疾病,这病让我有点控制不住膀胱。 | I was recently diagnosed with a fairly common middle-age-guy malady where your bladder gets leaky. |