属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-苏联旧事 斯大林和他可憎的事业
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-摇篮将覆 The cradle will rock
1 | 恶毒的表现出极其邪恶的;倾向于做坏事的 | Showing great malevolence ;disposed to do evil. | |
2 | 发泄表示或使满足(愤怒、恶意或憎恨);发泄 | To express or gratify(anger,malevolence ,or resentment;vent. | |
3 | 他一连好几个钟点尽思量着一桩事,如今可有一团郁结不解的恶念,一股根深蒂固的报仇心理,在他心里越胀越大了。 | By this time, after long hours of continued reflection upon one subject, a sombre brooding malevolence , a deep-seated desire of revenge, had grown big within his mind | |
4 | 我常常觉察到,在他温文尔雅的下面掩藏着一种恶意。 | I had always been aware of a frame of malevolence under his urbanity | |
5 | 在他的表情里流露出报复的恶意. | a vindictive malevolence in his expression | |
6 | ||1:除首要的反面人物外,西方领导人也受到虽克制的但应得的蔑视。||2:富兰克林罗斯福和哈里S杜鲁门都没能洞悉与他们的对手斯大林的恶毒。||3:邱吉尔随意就达成了协议:导致数以百万计的人遭受奴役和折磨。||4:这个外国人认为斯大林是个易被哄骗和劝诱的,脾气暴躁的同盟者。||5:他对他们就像瞒骗敌人。||6:西方列强不愿挑起斯大林的不必要敌意,更谈不上对他采取强硬态度。 | ||1:Aside from the chief villain, Western leaders too come in for quiet but deserved scorn.||2:Both Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman failed to grasp their counterpart’s malevolence .||3:Winston Churchill made casual deals that consigned millions of people to slavery and torment.||4:The foreigners thought Stalin was a curmudgeonly ally to be coaxed and cajoled.||5:He treated them as enemies to be outwitted.||6:Far from provoking Stalin into unnecessary hostility, the Western powers were not nearly tough enough. | |
7 | ||1:富特似乎天生不谙世故。||2:作为一位大臣,他曾经在没有一分外币的情况下,仅携带一本黑兹利特的皮面装订书籍,就登上一架飞机,去欧洲出席一个“国际社会主义者”会议。||3:但在某种意义上说,他又老于世故。||4:他对民众悲喜如天才般洞若观火。||5:他文笔优美,而且在克服口吃后成了优秀的演说家,他幽默诙谐、自嘲自谦、善解人意。||6:他也会恨人的—— 如果还有谁看不到富特所撰写的传记中的主人公安奈林·贝文的天才的话, 那可就要小心点——不过他虽然会恨人, 恨意却从不长久。 | ||1:He could seem unworldly.||2:As a minister, he once boarded a plane to a Socialist International conference in Europe without a penny in foreign currency, carrying only a leather-bound volume of Hazlitt.||3:Yet in one sense, he was entirely worldly.||4:He had an instinctive understanding of people.||5:He wrote beautifully and, after overcoming a stammer, was a wonderful orator: humorous, self-deprecating, empathetic.||6:He could be a hater—anyone who failed to perceive the genius of his hero Aneurin Bevan, whose biography he wrote, had best look out—but he was incapable of sustained malevolence . | |
8 | ||1:还有什么能比一个被自己亲生孩子憎恶的母亲更令人忌讳的呢?这就是《凯文怎么了》一书的精髓。它是莱昂内尔·施赖弗(本报的前任文学评论家)的一部杰出小说,讲述了一位母亲在自己十几岁的孩子犯下屠杀大罪后勉强度日的生活。||2:故事随着伊娃·卡查度瑞安写给丈夫的一连串信件展开,她追溯了他们共同生活的那些阶段——从一段美好婚姻走向了一个毒性家庭,还有那个让一切都变得灰暗的萦绕于心的事件。||3:然而即使伊娃重新搜集了她儿子幼年时狠毒本性的证据,读者仍然会被一个恼人的问题所困扰:如果他的母亲曾多爱他一些的话,凯文会不会好很多。 | ||1:What is more taboo than a woman who is repulsed by her own child? This is the genius of “We Need to Talk About Kevin”, a remarkable novel from Lionel Shriver (a former literary critic for this paper), which considers the life of a reluctant mother after her teenage son commits mass murder.||2:The story unfurls as a stream of letters from Eva Khatchadourian to her husband as she retraces the steps of their lives together—the happy marriage that morphs into a toxic family, and the haunting event that casts everything in shadow.||3:Yet even as Eva recounts evidence of her son’s malevolence at a young age, the reader is left with a galling question: would Kevin have fared better if his mother loved him more. | |
9 | 出于恶意,苏联帝国被描述为庞氏骗局,依赖于不断增长的金钱来运行。 | For all its malevolence , the Soviet empire was like a Ponzi scheme, dependent on ever-increasing amounts of money. | |
10 | 对于我错乱的理智来说更是恐惧,因为对于盲目且不小心的恶意束手无策。 | to my disordered reason all the more terrifying for that, as the approach of some blind and mindless malevolence to which is no appeal. | |
11 | 如果造化弄人,没有让托尼·布莱尔弄到那个我们英国人从没见过的肥缺的话,那真是一场悲剧。 | It would be such a tragedy if TB, by some malevolence of fate, turned into the greatest President of Europe we never had. | |
12 | 这场悲剧引发的恶意根植于中国巨大的贫富差异之中。 | The malevolence this tragedy generated grows out of deep divisions within China. |