属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谷歌向欧盟低头 公民可以要求Google将你被遗忘
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-菩提 法律的长臂
1 | 谋杀一个人对另一个的非法杀害,尤指有预谋的 | The unlawful killing of one human being by another,especially with premeditated malice . | |
2 | 那张魔鬼似的面孔上堆满恶狠狠的微笑,可是长的容貌象她极其熟悉的面孔,不过她熟悉的那面容很少有笑脸,更从来不会是恶狠狠的。 | It was a face fiend-like, full of smiling malice , yet bearing the semblance of features that she had known full well, though seldom with a smile, and never with malice in them. | |
3 | 人们只是出于害怕她那恶毒的舌头才对她客客气气的。 | People were only civil to her at all from fear of the malice of her tongue | |
4 | 闪露凶光的眼睛. | eyes shining with malice | |
5 | 私人之间的笑话,讲究饮食和谈吐,一点自满,甚至还有一点与生俱来的谑意,这些特点在牛津与剑桥也并非罕见。 | Private jokes, the ritualizing of talk and gustation, a hint of self-satisfaction, even a tiny tinge of inbred malice : These are not entirely unknown in Oxford and Cambridge | |
6 | 他的弟弟获胜后,他的嫉妒心和恶意更遏止不住了。 | When his brother prove victorious, his envy and malice knew no bounds | |
7 | 他的话里的些微恶意. | A soupcon of malice in his remark | |
8 | 他的许多肖像画中都透着一股强烈的怨恨。 | There was a strong current of malice in many of his portraits. | |
9 | 他对任何人都没有敌意。 | He had no malice toward anyone. | |
10 | 他对任何人都无恶意。 | He had no malice towards anyone. | |
11 | 他突然对她起了恶意。 | His malice suddenly broke out against her | |
12 | 他做这事出自恶意。 | He did it through malice . | |
13 | 它们并不是居心叵测,没有想把我和我的妻子置于危险境地的恶念。 | It wasn’t moved by malice or design to put me and mine in danger | |
14 | 完全出于好意、恶意、戏弄人的动机等而做某事 | Do sth out of pure kindness,malice ,mischief,etc | |
15 | 我察觉他的话中带有一点恶意。 | I detected a suggestion of malice in his remarks. | |
16 | 我对你没有恶意 | I bear you no malice . | |
17 | 我过去听信了谣言,现在我知道那是恶意中伤。 | I gave my ear to what I now know was the malice of slander | |
18 | 我们对那帮烟薰消毒专家倒没恶意。 | We feel no malice toward these fumigators | |
19 | 我又发现在这个世界上,由误会和懒惰引起的麻烦,远比狡猾和恶意所引起的要多。 | I have again found that misunderstandings and indolence are perhaps the cause of more disturbance in the world than cunning or malice | |
20 | 我知道你对我毫无恶意。 | I know you bear no malice towards me | |
21 | 已经庄严宣布:审判她的法官是贪赃,舞弊,欺诈,恶毒――四大虚妄之罪,样样俱全。 | It is solemnly declared that her judges are full of corruption, cozenage, fraud, and malice . Four falsehoods | |
22 | 已经庄严宣布:宣判她的法官是贪赃、舞弊、欺诈、恶毒--四大虚妄之罪,样样俱全。 | It is solemnly declared that her judges were full of corruption, cozenage, fraud, and malice . Four falsehoods | |
23 | 有时她们不动声色地对她施展阴谋,因为女人们最善于利用日常琐事调制微妙的毒剂 | sometimes through that alchemy of quiet malice , by which women can concoct a subtile poison from ordinary trifles; | |
24 | 怨恨促使说出那番话。 | malice prompted that remark | |
25 | 憎恨的充满怨恨的;憎恨的 | Full of malice ;spiteful. | |
26 | ||1:法院期望能够保护那些被大众误解和仇恨的受害者的这一愿望是可以理解的。||2:但被遗忘的权利将很难实现。||3:即使谷歌在欧洲、在美国被审查其搜索结果,宪法第一修正案的自由言论的规定通常胜过隐私问题。||4:仅仅需要使用谦和的技术诀窍,欧洲的互联网用户将能成为美式的自由网页搜索者。||5:欧洲将很难想建立起一个中国式的防火墙,以防止这一问题的产生。 | ||1:The court’s desire to protect victims of misunderstanding and malice is understandable.||2:But a right to be forgotten would be hard to implement.||3:Even if Google is made to censor its search results in Europe, in America the First Amendment’s free-speech provision usually trumps privacy concerns.||4:With modest technical know-how, European internet users will be able to make American-style searches.||5:Europe will hardly want to build a Chinese-style firewall to prevent that. | |
27 | ||1:迈克尔·富特并不总是备受爱戴。||2:在二战前、中、后的一段时间,他作为一名左翼记者在右翼领袖东马克斯·弗布鲁克旗下工作,他那充满责骂鄙视的文章伤害了一些人的自尊——这些人实际上没有意识到他的文章完全不带有对个人的蓄意伤害。||3:但时间和世故人情消融了他的锐气。||4:“好人,迈克尔”,安东尼·克罗斯兰如是说——20世纪70年代,修正社会主义者安东尼·克罗斯兰在与迈克尔·富特的论战中度过了大部分时光。 | ||1: He was not always so popular. ||2: As a left-wing journalist working for the right-wing proprietor Max Beaverbrook before, during and after the war, the vituperative scorn of his prose injured those who did not realise that it masked a complete lack of personal malice . ||3: But age and familiarity smoothed the sharp edges. ||4: “Sweet man, Michael,” remarked Anthony Crosland, a revisionist socialist who, in the 1970s, had spent most of his time fighting him. | |
28 | ||1:这其中包含了很多不同的趋势。||2:在印度与巴基斯坦,坚定又独立的司法部门有悠久的激进做派传统。||3:相对于公众心目中陈腐,无能,又阴险的政治家,法院的这一形象更受民众欢迎。||4:公益起诉的资格与独立作出裁决的能力使得印度最高法院乐于干预环境与社会政策。||5:它已经让德里的巴士、的士、嘟嘟车都抛弃了落后的燃料,换上液化天然气,并且接管了全印度的树木。||6:法院的绿色诉求或许能取悦自由派,不过他们也为去年十二月印度最高法院推翻了德里高级法院给同性恋禁令松绑的裁决而感到惋惜。||7:巴基斯坦的法院正对打倒穆沙拉夫有功,不过随后的五年总统任期中,他们又盯上了穆沙拉夫那位文职的总统继任者,阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里。 | ||1:Various trends are at work.||2:One, evident in India and Pakistan, is an enduring tradition of activism by a robustly independent judiciary.||3:Often this has made the courts popular by comparison with the perceived lethargy, incompetence or malice of politicians.||4:Public-interest litigation and its ability to make rulings suo moto (off its own bat) have encouraged India’s Supreme Court to meddle in environmental and social policy.||5:It has forced Delhi’s buses, taxis and tuk-tuks to convert to compressed natural gas from dirtier fuels and has taken charge of India’s trees.||6:The court’s green interests might please liberals, but they rued a ruling last December that overturned a Delhi High Court decision lifting a ban on homosexuality.||7:In Pakistan the courts helped bring down Mr Musharraf, but then proceeded to hound his civilian successor, Asif Ali Zardari, through his five-year term. | |
29 | “请不要恨我不能满足你的愿望,”戴维逊说,露出惆怅的微笑。 | "Please don’t bear me malice because I can’t accede to your wish, " said Davidson, with a melancholy smile. | |
30 | 18耶稣看出他们的恶意,他说:“假冒伪善的人哪,为什么试探我?19拿一个上税的钱给我看。” | But Jesus, aware of their malice , said, "Why are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites? 19 Show me the coin used for the tax. " |