属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老主题 新故事
1 | 真诚--深刻真挚发自内心的真诚,是真正高尚的人性的一种品质 | Sincerity, a deep genuine, heart-felt sincerity, is a trait of true and noble manhood | |
2 | 中华男儿. | the manhood of China | |
3 | 壮年期的失望接替青年期的幻想。 | The disappointment of manhood succeeds to the delusion of youth. | |
4 | ||1:在韩国,每逢周日,有五分之一的家庭会专心致志地观看电视真人秀《真男人》。这档节目会把明星和演员送进军队。||2:这个国家理论上仍处于与朝鲜的战争状态,需要该国每位身体达标的男子服役21个月,因此这档节目确实广受欢迎。||3:女子不用服役,她们说,这档节目使她们得以一瞥儿子兄弟成长为男子汉的过程。||4:在节目里,她们看到的是严格的训练,荣誉精神,兄弟情谊。 | ||1:EVERY Sunday, one in five families in South Korea settles down to “Real Men”, a reality television show that thrusts pop stars, comedians and actors into the country’s armed forces.||2:It has proved wildly popular in a country that is still technically at war with North Korea and that requires all able-bodied men to complete at least 21 months of military service.||3:Women, who do not serve, say it is a peek into their sons’ and brothers’ transition to manhood .||4:What they see is rigorous training, pride and plenty of brotherhood. | |
5 | 在这座遥远的渔村,男子气概意昧着每年花超过半年的时间驾船游弋在阿拉斯加附近,从冰冷的白令海深处,用绞盘绞起虾笼。 | In this remote fishing village, manhood means spending half of every year on a boat near Alaska, winching up crab pots from the freezing depths of the Bering Sea. | |
6 | “这些男性,像钢铁侠,利用女人,炫耀珠宝,并且用高能枪械来表达他们的男子汉气概。” | These men, like Iron Man, exploit women, flaunt bling and convey their manhood with high-powered guns. | |
7 | 《发展型文化:成年男女在新政公共艺术和剧院》1991。 | Melosh, Barbara. Engendering Culture: Manhood and Womanhood in New Deal Public Art and Theater. 1991. Pells, Richard. | |
8 | 不,m今天的男子气概是指有关我们自己,有关于尽我们最大可能地过上充实和满意的生活。 | No, manhood today is about us, about living our own lives as fully and satisfyingly as we can. | |
9 | 当然了,我知道,我也许无法看到他长成一个男子汉,结婚生子。 | I realise, of course, that I may not see him grow to full manhood , or marry, or have children. | |
10 | 两件最近发生的事令我决心要动笔写写今日之下的男子气慨。 | Two recent events prompted me to write about manhood today. | |
11 | 曼胡德护士转弯抹角地问:“你怎么知道他们打了电话?” | Sister Manhood rounded, "how do you know they rung? " | |
12 | 曼胡德为了方便自己作了这样的安排--从她的角度来说在经济上是最划算的。 | Manhood made the arrangement to suit herself economically most desirable from her point of view. | |
13 | 朋友关系是一种教育,有好有坏,男人关系或者女人关系,高品位或者身份低微, | Companionship is education, good or bad; it develops manhood or womanhood, high | |
14 | 青壮年猝死综合征窦房结肽能神经支配的定量分析 | A quantitative analysis of peptidergic innervation in sinoatrial node in cases of sudden manhood death syndrome | |
15 | 如果我们粗暴草率地对待你那“男儿身”,你会怎么想? | How would you like it if we were rough on your manhood ? | |
16 | 似乎这些年轻小伙子们对男子汉气概有歪曲的理解。 | It’s as if these young men have developed a warped idea of manhood . | |
17 | 所有男士均可投票(成年男性普选权) | All men to have the vote (universal manhood suffrage) | |
18 | 为了挫败各种文化屠杀,黑人必须直起腰来宣布自己高贵的人格。 | To upset this cultural homicide , The Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood . | |
19 | 我长大了,这个癖性也随之而发展,一直到我成人,这点还是我的主要乐趣。 | This peculiarity of character grew with my growth, and in my manhood , I derived from it one of my principal sources of pleasure. | |
20 | 我开始听节目之后,发现我对基督和真正的男人都达到了新的认识高度。 | As I began to listen to FamilyLife Today, my understanding of Christ and real manhood reached new levels. | |
21 | 学术上的女权主义者认为他们的书呆子丈夫是人类男子气概的最理想模式。 | The academic feminists think their nerdy bookworm husbands are the ideal model of human manhood . | |
22 | 有位智者说过,最坏的人是让恶念在心里扎根的人,因为他会丧失人性。 | A wise man said that the worst of men is he who allows an evil desire to take root in his heart; for he shall lose his manhood . | |
23 | 在别人苛刻的统治下,我们变得更强,更优秀 | We are stronger, and are better, Under manhood ’s sterner reign; | |
24 | 在听了亲爱的老母亲一段鼓舞人心的话以后,他迈出了找回自己男子汉气概和作为狠毒的领导者地位的第一步。 | After a pep talk from dear old mom, he took the first step towards reclaiming his manhood and his position as a vicious leader. | |
25 | 自16世纪在土耳其民族统治的美索不达米亚地区残存的伊拉克,浓密的胡子早已被视为男子气概的体现。 | Bushy mustaches had been synonymous with manhood in Iraqsince the 16th century, a remnant of Ottoman rule in Mesopotamia. |