属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理学 当权者都会腐化 败坏?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欺骗的重要 The importance of tri
1 | 运筹人间冷暖,遥控雅室春秋。 | Manipulate heat and cold in the world | |
2 | 运用ISO10015转换教育训练投资为企业竞争优势 | How to Manipulate ISO10015 to Transfer Training Investment to Enhance the Overall Competitiveness of the Enterprises | |
3 | 运用特殊的缝制技巧和取而代之,这能使操作者在缝纫过程中准确地操作面料。 | It is that instead special techniques are applied and skills developed, which enable the operator to manipulate the fabric accurately while sewing. | |
4 | 在此练习中,我们将了解如何处理表中的列和行。 | In this exercise, we′ll look at how we can manipulate the columns and rows in a table. | |
5 | 在分娩过程中调整胎儿的位置 | Manipulate the position of a fetus during delivery. | |
6 | 在两场比赛中搞假 | manipulate the results of two races | |
7 | 在了解了 GardenCo 数据库的结构后,您会看到一些对象,这些对象用于存储和处理该结构包含的数据。 | After exploring the structure of the GardenCo database, you will look at some of the objects used to store and manipulate the data it contains. | |
8 | 在数据访问页中,可查看、添加到、编辑以及操作数据库中存储的数据。 | In a data access page, you can view, add to, edit, and manipulate the data stored in the database. | |
9 | 诈骗欺骗性地装入或操纵(骰子) | To load or manipulate (dice)fraudulently. | |
10 | ||1:军队并没有改掉总是插手于巴基斯坦政治这个破坏性的恶习。||2:似乎每个十年都发生从攫取政权到试图操控平民领导人的转变。||3:现在巴基斯坦处于后者的掌控中。||4:虽然此书在军民冲突(备忘录门)前已经出版,但其在预测大量阴谋方面的观点都正确,但是几年来没有产生新政权的更替。 | ||1:The army’s destructive habit of meddling in Pakistani politics continues unabated.||2:Roughly every decade this switches from explicit power grabs to unsubtle efforts to manipulate civilian leaders.||3:For now Pakistan is in the latter phase.||4:Though this book went to press before the most recent civilian-military clash, known as Memogate, the authors may well prove largely right in predicting lots of scheming but no new coup for some years yet. | |
11 | ||1:原则上讲,把医疗记录放到“云”里是有其意义的。IT行业的下一个大事件是,批量生产数字服务的工厂,应该是放置、存储并处理病患和诊所数据的理想场所。||2:医生的诊疗室、医院和患者都将可以通过网络远程检索及操作这些数据。||3:IBM的高级执行官Bridget van Kralingen预见到,截至2015年,她的公司将从云计算中获得70亿美元的利润,其中的十分之一有可能来自医疗保健服务。 | ||1:In principle, it makes sense to put health records into the “cloud”; the factories for mass-producing digital services that are the IT industry’s next big thing should be ideal places to store, maintain and process patient and clinical data.||2:Doctors’ surgeries, hospitals and patients would all be able to retrieve and manipulate the data remotely, over the internet.||3:Bridget van Kralingen, a senior executive at IBM, sees health care providing maybe one-tenth of the $7 billion in revenues her firm sees from cloud computing by 2015. | |
12 | ||1:在如何运用他们的权力的实验中,测试对象们被告知在研究结束后会进行一个价值50美元的抽奖活动,无论他们的角色是什么,每个参与者都有权决定他所评判的对象在完成指定动作后是否有资格参加抽奖。||2:Dr Fast还赋予那些权重的测试对象的另一个角色就是,他们能决策哪些"障碍"是必须翻越之后对方才有资格抽奖,他们还控制着对方努力多少次才能赢取50美元。||3:他们同时被告知另一方则没有控制他们的权力。||4:相反的,权轻的测试者则被告知他们也能决定对方必须翻越的"障碍",可最后,如果权重的这一方不喜欢他们要完成的动作,他们可以直接将权轻的测试对象除名。 | ||1:To manipulate their power, participants were told there would be a draw for a $50 bonus prize at the end of the study and that, regardless of their role, each participant would be able to dictate which activities his partner must engage in to qualify to enter the draw.||2:Participants that Dr Fast wanted to imbue with a sense of power were informed that one other element of their role involved dictating which "hoops" their partners would have to jump through in order to qualify for the draw, and that they controlled the amount of effort the partner had to exert in order to win the $50.||3:They were also told that the partner did not have any such control over them.||4:In contrast, low-power participants were informed that while they had the ability to determine the hoops their partner had to jump through, that partner ultimately had more control because he could remove the low- power participant’s name from the raffle if he did not like the hoops selected. | |
13 | 美国进化论生物学家罗伯特·特里沃斯在《愚妄人的愚昧》一书中解释道,最狡诈的人通常都意识不到他们在欺骗。用自欺操纵别人,成功更显轻而易举。特别聪明的人可能也会特别善于欺骗自己。 | In “The Folly of Fools” Robert Trivers, an American evolutionary biologist, explains that the most effectively devious people are often unaware of their deceit. Self-deception makes it easier to manipulate others to get ahead. Particularly intelligent people can be especially good at deceiving themselves. | |
14 | 因为这种行为会产生的是有意义的结果,在某种程度上来讲,模拟这种用户的行为是不切实际的。 | This is partly because it would be impractical to manipulate the behaviour of users in ways that would give meaningful results. | |
15 | 1848年的法国革命体现出了资产阶级操纵工人阶级和主流社会愿望的方式。 | The French Revolution of 1848 illustrates how capital can manipulate the desires of the working class and mainstream society. | |
16 | 24岁的埃里克·约翰森使用计算机程序,把原本的图片修改成令人难以置信的艺术作品。 | Erik Johannson, 24, used a computer programme to manipulate his original pictures into mind-boggling pieces of art. | |
17 | Platypus扩展提供了一个集成了好几个工具的工具栏,这样你就可以便捷控制网站上的对象。 | The Platypus extension provides a toolbar with several tools that allow you to manipulate objects on a site. | |
18 | Sara认为Michael是想用负罪感来打动她,她变得激动起来。 | Sara grows agitated when she thinks Michael is trying to manipulate her with guilt. | |
19 | 安装在机器人头部的视觉传感器,以及其手指上的压力传感器,使得这种机器人能够以接近人类精准性的动作进行操作。 | Vision sensors in the robot’s head, as well as pressure sensors in its fingers, allow it to manipulate parts with near-human precision. | |
20 | 按照传统做法,组织必须利用数据库存储并操作海量信息。 | Traditionally, organizations have turned to databases to store and manipulate large amounts of information. | |
21 | 北约对利比亚的袭击主要是想压制和控制阿拉伯裔对西方霸主地位的挑战和反抗。 | Nato attacked Libya to counter and manipulate a general Arab uprising that took the rulers of the world by surprise. | |
22 | 避免与控制欲强、欺骗别人、欺凌弱小或自甘堕落的人交谈 | avoid conversing with people who manipulate , deceive, bully or condescend | |
23 | 产量大、便宜、易于生产,这使细菌成为了理想的工人。 | They’re also prolific, cheap, and easy to manipulate , which makes them ideal workers. | |
24 | 此外,干扰多巴胺水平的药物会严重影响做梦,但是却不会影响快速眼部活动(REM)睡眠周期。 | Moreover, medications that manipulate dopamine levels strongly affect dreaming while leaving the REM sleep cycle unaffected. | |
25 | 刺激方案通过以来,世界也并未变得简单和容易掌控,反而看起来更加复杂。 | Nor has the world come to look simpler and easier to manipulate since the stimulus passed. | |
26 | 从安然到雷曼兄弟,我们了解到,复杂的经济结构更难分析,也更容易被操控。 | From Enron to Lehman Brothers, we’ve learned that complex business architectures are hard to analyze and easy to manipulate . | |
27 | 第十戒:不可操纵检索结果;“收索引擎优化”乃是微软之流所为之事。 | Thou shalt not manipulate Search Results. Search Engine Optimization is but the work of Microsoft. | |
28 | 对气候变暖持怀疑态度的人对此猛烈抨击,将它们当作操纵研究以支持有关全球变暖预定想法这一阴谋的证据。 | Climate skeptics pounced on them as evidence of a conspiracy to manipulate research to support predetermined ideas about global warming. | |
29 | 各种酶相互作用,切除和联合基因片段,从而完成基因改造,生成新的基因片段。 | These enzymes can manipulate DNA, cutting and joining pieces together in order to modify it and define certain characteristics. | |
30 | 工作记忆是指,我们在一段短时间内掌握和使用有限数量的信息的能力。 | Working memory refers to our ability to hold and manipulate limited amounts of information for a short period of time. |