1 | (1)战斗准备,次序为:①列营、②吹打、⑦点将、④排队、⑤走队 | (1)Battle preparations, which is again divided into setting up camp, striking up the band, mustering the officers, forming ranks and marching off | |
2 | (齐步走或跳舞时)与他人步子一致[不一致] | (in marching or dancing)putting/not putting one’s correct foot on the ground at the same time as others | |
3 | (在前进通过的士兵敬礼时)行答礼,还礼. | Take the salute, acknowledge with a salute (the salutes of soldiers marching past) | |
4 | “一千里色月中秋/十万军声半夜潮。” | The bright mid-autumn moon casts it light on a thousand miles of land/The thunderous bore at midnight loud as a million marching men | |
5 | 《我们走在大路上》(李劫夫曲)、《社会主义好》(李焕之曲)、《全世界无产者联合起来》(瞿希贤曲)便是其中的代表。 | We are Marching along the Wide Road (music by Li Quefu), Socialism Is Good (music by Li Huanzhi)and Proletarians of the World Unite ( music by Qu Xixian). | |
6 | ××正在以充满生机与活力的蓬勃姿态向“工业强市、畜牧大市、旅游名市、现代化生态园林大城市”迈进。 | ×× is now marching vigorously towards a strong industrial city, a famous tourist city and a big city of animal husbandry and modern ecology. | |
7 | 2006上海宝马展:中国制造走向世界 | Bauma China 2006: Chinese Manufacture Marching Toward the World | |
8 | L型集箱系统并联管组的水动力推进算法 | Marching Solution for the L Style Manifolds | |
9 | Marching Cubes算法改进研究及应用 | Improvement and Implementation of Marching Cubes Algorithm | |
10 | 安迪唱高音部,埃德唱低音部,我俩一起边唱边走,迎着那“狂风的呼号与恶劣的天气”。 | Andy on descant with Ed on bass, forth we went together, marching through ’the rude wind’s wild lament and the bitter weather’ | |
11 | 八十年来,我们党高举中国先进文化的前进旗帜,努力建设和弘扬反映革命、建设和改革要求的新文化, | Over the past 80 years, our Party has held high the marching banner of China′s advanced culture, worked hard to build and carry forward the new culture that reflects the requirements of revolution, construction and reform, | |
12 | 巴基斯坦内政变化与外交调整 | Teadily Marching toward the Peaceful Development of Pakistan’s Domestic and Foreign Policies | |
13 | 白天里,不论什么时候,她总是在洗衣盆和晾衣绳之间来回,嘴里不是咬着晾衣夹子就是唱着情歌。 | There seemed to be no hour of daylight when she was not marching to and fro between the washtub and the line, alternately gagging herself with clothes pegs and breaking forth into lusty song | |
14 | 波前快速推进法起伏地表地震波走时计算 | Traveltime Computation Using Fast Marching Method from Rugged Topography | |
15 | 部队在冰天雪地里前进。 | The troops were marching forward in the world of ice and snow. | |
16 | 从现在起到下世纪的前十年,是我国实现第二步战略目标、向第三步战略目标迈进的关键时期。 | The period from the present to the first decade of the next century will be crucial for China to realize its strategic objective of the second step before marching toward that of the third step . | |
17 | 从性别政治到生态政治:西方女权主义艺术的进路 | From Gender Politics to Zoology Politics: The Marching Way of Western Art of Feminism | |
18 | 但是华盛顿却向河岸挺进。 | But Washington was marching up the riverbank | |
19 | 但是事实却使向导大失所望,原来土王的卫兵,正举着冒烟的火把,拿着脱鞘的军刀,警卫着庙门,并在附近来回巡逻。 | Much to the guide’s disappointment, the guards of the rajah, lighted by torches, were watching at the doors and marching to and fro with naked sabres | |
20 | 道回忆说,“大概有3个月的时间,我们在那儿来回操作进行训练,保持身体健康,然后,我们就被问及是否愿意去加利波利抬担架。 | We spent about three months marching up and down a bit, keeping fit ,and then we were asked if we wanted to go to Gallipoli as stretcher bearers. | |
21 | 电流步进法实现低频区RCS可视化计算 | Visual Computation of Radar Cross Section in Low Frequency Region by the Method of Current Marching Technique | |
22 | 东方武侠传奇:张艺谋跨界出征的悲壮之旅 | Making the Oriental Swordsmen Film-the Hard Way Yimou Zhang Marching into the International Market | |
23 | 对士兵进行前进和使用武器的训练. | The training of soldiers in marching and the manual of arms. | |
24 | 而在经济发展的同时,我市的社会各项事业也取得了长足的进步,全市正在加速向全面小康社会迈进。 | As economy develops, the city’s various social undertakings have also made full-grown advancements. The whole city is now marching for an all-round well-off society with quickened steps. | |
25 | 敢问:“敌众整而将来,待之若何?”曰:“先夺其所爱,则听矣。” | If asked how to cope with a great host of the enemy in orderly array and on the point of marching to the attack, I should say: "Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will." | |
26 | 关于发电企业走向电力市场的探索与实践 | Exploration and Practice for Electrical Enterprises Marching into Open Market | |
27 | 横排行进的步兵 | Ranks of marching infantry | |
28 | 红军第一、四方面军会合后,他坚决拥护党中央北上抗日的方针 | After the rendezvous of the First and Fourth Front Armies of the Red Army, Bocheng firmly supported the Central Committee’s policy of marching north to resist the Japanese invaders. | |
29 | 黄土高原地区老龄苹果园地面蹲靠嫁接技术研究 | Research on Technique of Marching at Bottom Part of Trunk with Long Shoot for Renewal Cultivar in Old Apple Orchards of Loess Plateau | |
30 | 基于Level Set方法的低对比度医学图像分割 | Fast Marching Method Based Segmentation in Low Contrast Medical Images |