属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-欧洲和日本联合发射的太空飞船开始为期7年的水星之旅
1 | 在他的影片《水的世界》里,科斯特纳扮演航海者,一个孤独地航行在500年以后的世界上的人。 | In his film, Waterworld, Costner plays the Mariner , a loner who sails across a world 500 years from now. | |
2 | 这名水手在海上工作了50年之久。 | The mariner followed the sea for fifty years. | |
3 | 这时我们已经不像是一个到俱乐部去玩的人,而像是一个航行遇险的海员在九死一生之际,终于得救,并且受到一群以前非常淡漠而这时却非常激动的侍者们的热烈欢迎。 | One is not a man going into his club, but a mariner saved from shipwreck at the last gasp, to be greeted with emotion by erst indifferent waiters. | |
4 | 这位水手航海达五十年之久。 | The mariner followed the sea for fifty years | |
5 | 准许水手存放所带私货的地方(旧时船上常以划出这种地方来代替付给水手的工资) | the mariner ’s portage | |
6 | ||1:但是他觉得他们饶了过去,因为海洋的颜色从从暗绿色变成浅绿色,后来又变成深色——一位老水手曾告诉他,那就是大西洋的颜色。||2:通过白雪覆盖的安第斯山脉吹来的北风,突然吹来一阵冰冷的气息,他也觉得他们饶了过去。||3:风总是一个有用的指示信号。||4:离开开普梅后,克雷默将寒冷的西北风甩在正后方,向东南方向驶往塞内加尔。||5:他在赤道无风带漂浮了几天,没有方向。突然,舱门上吱吱作响的刮指甲声告诉他,有一阵干燥的风正从南极吹来。 | ||1:But he thought they had because the sea had gone from a dark transparent green to a lighter green and then turned dark again—the colour, an old mariner had told him, of the Atlantic.||2:He guessed they had, too, from the sudden icy breath of a north wind coming off the snow-covered Andes.||3:The wind was always a useful indicator.||4:Leaving Cape May, he had set course south-east for Senegal by keeping the freezing north-westerly at the midpoint of the back of his neck.||5:After days in the doldrums, floating with no direction, the sudden nail-scraping squeak of a hatch told him that a dry wind was blowing up from Antarctica. | |
7 | 科学家们是基于美国航天局(NASA)的信使号(Messenger)探测器获得的信息。信使号探测器在绕水星轨道4年之后,于2015年结束了它的使命。另一颗前往水星的航天器只有美国宇航局的水手10号(Mariner 10,)探测器,它于20世纪70年代中期掠过了水星。 | The scientists are building on the knowledge gained by the American space agency NASA’s Messenger probe. It ended its mission in 2015 after a four-year orbit of Mercury. The only other spacecraft to visit Mercury was NASA’s Mariner 10, which flew past the planet in the mid-1970s. | |
8 | (在飞机上,努南有个六分仪)。 | (Noonan had a mariner ’s sextant on board. ) | |
9 | “水,到处是水,但没有一滴可以喝的,”古代水手感叹到。 | "WATER, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink, " lamented the becalmed Ancient Mariner . | |
10 | 采用非线性舵控制的海上船舶拖带稳定性和安全性动态模拟 | Dynamic Simulation of Stability and Security on a Towed Mariner with Nonlinear Rudder Controller | |
11 | 船员劳务市场前景分析及营销对策 | Prospects analysis on mariner labour service market and its marketing strategy | |
12 | 卡蒂埃是一位受人尊敬的海员,他提出了向北航行的计划来看其是否能到达亚洲。 | Jacques Cartier was a respected mariner , he proposed a trip to the north to investigate whether Asian lands could be reached from the North. | |
13 | 柯伊伯陨石坑是用荷兰-美国天文学家柯伊伯(GerardKuiper)命名的,他同时也是“水手10号”的成员。 | Kuiper crater is named for Gerard Kuiper, a Dutch-American astronomer who was also a member of the Mariner 10 team. | |
14 | 美国海洋能源公司 | the American company Mariner Energy | |
15 | 人类首次在普罗克特环形山内看到类似沙丘是在35年前,由“水手9号”飞船发现的。 | Similar dunes were first seen in Proctor Crater by Mariner 9 more than 35 years ago. | |
16 | 詹其雄确实在公海上遭遇了很不愉快的事情,不过并不是海难营救。 | Zhan had endured a trial on the high seas all right, but his was no tale of a shipwrecked mariner ’s rescue. |