属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则( 2000 )
1 | (3)经本国外交部(或外交部授权机关)和我国驻该国使、领馆认证的由本国公证机关出具的婚姻状况证明;或该国驻华使、领馆出具的婚姻状况证明。 | (3)marital status certification issued by the notary office of the applicant’ s country and confirmed by both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (or a department authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)of the applicant’s country and the Chinese embassy or consulate in the said foreign country;or marital status certification issued by the embassy or consulate of the said foreign country in China. | |
2 | (二)婚前卫生咨询:对有关婚配、生育保健等问题提供医学意见; | (2)pre-marital health consultation: medical advice on matters relating to marriage and child-bearing, etc.; and | |
3 | (三)婚前医学检查:对准备结婚的男女双方可能患影响结婚和生育的疾病进行医学检查。 | (3)pre-marital medical examination: medical examination conducted for both the male and female planning to be married to see whether they suffer from any disease that may have an adverse effect on marriage and child-bearing. | |
4 | (一)从事婚前医学检查、遗传病诊断、产前诊断或者医学技术鉴定的; | (1)to engage in pre-marital medical examination, genetic disease diagnosis, prenatal diagnosis or medical technical appraisement; | |
5 | (一)婚前卫生指导:关于性卫生知识、生育知识和遗传病知识的教育; | (1)pre-marital health instruction: education in sex, human reproduction and genetic diseases; | |
6 | (一)婚姻、收养、监护、扶养、继承争议; | (1)marital , adoption, guardianship, support and succession disputes; | |
7 | 保留终止婚姻状况的管辖权; 婚姻状况结束日期; | Reserving jurisdiction over termination of marital status; Date marital status ends; | |
8 | 北京市人工流产妇女婚育与避孕状况调查分析 | Study on the Marital and Contraceptive Status of Women with Induced Abortion in Beijing. | |
9 | 本人户口所在地县级人民政府或工作所在单位的县级以上机关出具的本人姓名、性别、婚姻状况、职业、工作性质、申请与何人结婚的证明。 | certificate signed and issued either by the people’ s government at the county level which is stationed in the locality where the applicant has his/her residence registration, or by a government department at the county level or above, which is the applicant’s place of work; the certificate indicates the applicant’ s name, sex, marital status, occupation, nature of work, name of the person to marry. | |
10 | 出生性别比与婚姻挤压问题分析 | The Analysis of Marital Pressure from the Ratio of Sexes | |
11 | 此外,该法规还规定:申请结婚的男女双方。还须提交婚姻登记机关指定医院出具的婚前健康检查证明。 | In addition, the regulation stipulates that both the man the woman applying for marriage registration shall also present the pre-marital health check-up report signed and issued by a hospital designated by the marriage registration department. | |
12 | 从国内将婚伴侣的婚姻承诺谈婚前教育 | From Marital Commitment of Engaged Couples to Look at Premarital Education in Taiwan | |
13 | 从女性主义观点协助一位遭受婚姻暴力个案的护理经验 | Helping a Victim of Marital Violence, from a Feminist Point of View | |
14 | 从事本法规定的婚前医学检查、施行结扎手术和终止妊娠手术的人员以及从事家庭接生的人员,必须经过县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门的考核,并取得相应的合格证书。 | Personnel engaged in making pre-marital medical examination, performing ligation operations or operations for termination of gestation as provided by this Law and persons engaged in home delivery must pass the examination of the administrative department of public health under the people’s government at or above the county level, and obtain a corresponding qualification certificate. | |
15 | 从系统观点看婚姻适应的研究 | A Systems Framework for Marital Adjustment Study | |
16 | 大多数书都说重要的是夫妻间的矛盾要公平解决,然而69%的婚姻矛盾因为夫妻性格的差异造成,永远都无法解决。 | Most books say it’s important for couples to fight fair-but 69 percent of all marital conflicts never get resolved because they are about personality differences between couples | |
17 | 带有婚姻权利和亲密行为的关系。 | A marital relationship with its rights and intimacies. | |
18 | 第八条 婚前医学检查包括对下列疾病的检查: | Article 8 Pre-marital medical examination shall include the examination of the following diseases: | |
19 | 第二十五条 县级以上地方人民政府可以设立医学技术鉴定组织,负责对婚前医学检查、遗传病诊断和产前诊断结果有异议的进行医学技术鉴定。 | Article 25 The local people’s governments at or above the county level may establish institutions for medical technical appraisement which shall be responsible for making medical technical appraisement when dissenting views arises on the results of pre-marital medical examination, genetic diseases diagnosis or prenatal diagnosis. | |
20 | 第九条 经婚前医学检查,对患指定传染病在传染期内或者有关精神病在发病期内的,医师应当提出医学意见;准备结婚的男女双方应当暂缓结婚。 | Article 9 Physicians shall, after pre-marital medical examination, give medical advice to those who are in the infective period of any target infectious disease or who are in the morbid period of any re-levant mental disease; both the male and female planning to be married shall postpone their marriage for the time being. | |
21 | 第七条 医疗保健机构应当为公民提供婚前保健服务。 | Article 7 Medical and health institutions shall provide citizens with pre-marital health-care services. | |
22 | 第十二条 男女双方在结婚登记时,应当持有婚前医学检查证明或者医学鉴定证明。 | Article 12 Both the male and the female shall, in making marriage registration, hold their certificates of pre-marital medical examination or certificates of medical technical appraisement. | |
23 | 第十三条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府根据本地区的实际情况,制定婚前医学检查制度实施办法。 | Article 13 The people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, on the basis of the actual conditions of their respective areas, formulate measures for implementing the pre-marital medical examination system. | |
24 | 第十一条 接受婚前医学检查的人员对检查结果持有异议的,可以申请医学技术鉴定,取得医学鉴定证明。 | Article 11 Those who have received pre-marital medical examination hold dissenting views on the results of the medical examination may apply for a medical technical appraisement and obtain a certificate of medical appraisement. | |
25 | 多姓聚居与联姻关系-华北村落的另一种形态 | Multi-surname Communal Habitation and Marital Relations-The Alternative of Villages in North China | |
26 | 风格即人―张艺谋婚恋剧创作新探 | The Man is Style-A New Perspective on Zhang Yimou’s Marital Movies | |
27 | 夫妻传统性/现代性的契合与婚姻适应之关联 | The Relationship of Congruence in Psychological Traditionality/Modernity to Marital Adjustment | |
28 | 夫妻间深深的裂痕 | A deep marital rift; a deep nuptial breach | |
29 | 父母婚姻暴力对儿童问题行为影响研究 | Effects of Parental Marital Violence on Children’s Problem Behaviors | |
30 | 高等教育新的入学改革使中国长达20年之久的对应试者年龄和婚姻状况的限制画上了句号。 | New recruitment reforms for higher education put an end to China’s 20 year old restrictions on the age and marital status of people able to sit college entrance examinations |