1 | 在你会死掉之前,两脚兽会冻着 | Your Tauntaun’ll freeze before you reach the first marker | |
2 | 在永久性测量标志安全控制范围内,不得采矿、取土、挖沙、采石、爆破、射击以及进行其他危害测量标志安全和使用效能的活动。 | Within the security control area of a permanent surveying marker , no mining, earth-gathering, sand-excavating, quarrying, demolition, shooting and other activities which endanger the safety and effective utilization of the surveying markers shall be allowed. | |
3 | 在这样一块墓碑下埋葬着一个名叫马丁·特雷普托的年轻人,他于1917年离开了在一座小镇里理发馆的工作,随同著名的彩虹师一道到了法国。 | Under one such marker lies a young man-Martin Treptow who left his job in a small-town barbershop in 1917 to go to France with the famed Rainbow Division | |
4 | 在针杆最下点,让针杆下金属部件1对准针杆的刻线,然后拧紧针杆套筒3紧固螺丝2。 | Tighten needle bar connection screw 2 in needle bar connection 3 so that the marker line of the needle bar aligns with the bottom end of needle bar lower bushing 1 at the lowest position of the needle bar. | |
5 | 针杆上升时,趟针杆下金属部件1对准针杆的刻线(DB×1用往下数第3刻线C,DP×17用最下方刻线D)。 | Adjust so that the specified marker line (third line C from the bottom for a DB x 1 needle, or line D at the bottom for a DP x 17 needle)on the ascending needle bar aligns with the bottom end of lower bushing 1. | |
6 | 终于,我们走到了干路上--真是让人喜出望外呀--路边有简明实用、完全值得信赖的正规的公里数标志, | Finally we came to the main roadswheres-joy of joys-there by the roadside was an honest-to-goodness, totally officially reliable kilometre marker | |
7 | 转基因植物中标记基因的剔除 | Excision of Selectable Marker Gene from Transgenic Plant | |
8 | 紫苏属药用植物的rDNA ITS区SNP分子标记与位点特异性PCR鉴别 | SNP Marker and allele-specific Diagnostic PCR for Authenticating Herbs of Perilla | |
9 | 最为重要的是,一个传导器便能让你们都返回 | Most importantly, one marker will bring all of you back | |
10 | 作物抗旱节水相关基因的标记和克隆及转基因研究进展 | Advance on Study of Molecular Marker and Gene Cloning and Transgenes in Drought Resistance and Water Saving in Crops |