属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新书出炉 祸不单行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁主沉浮 Man of the moment
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-蒙古铜矿 半程去何方?
1 | 只见一个高大的,脸刮得很光的秃头男人轻轻地走了进来。他长着一张大红脸,腮帮子下垂,道貌岸然,但那凶残险恶的嘴巴却破坏了他这副神态。 | A big, clean-shaven bald-headed man stepped lightly into the room. He had a large red face, with pendulous cheeks, and a general air of superficial benevolence which was marred by a cruel, vicious mouth | |
2 | ||1:本书的故事背景虽是1887年,却与现今的英国颇为相似。||2:当时,维多利亚女王五十周年大庆①的喜悦气氛被经济危机、突然爆发的罢工、特拉法加广场的暴动和堕落的新闻媒体等所破坏。||3:在这样一片动荡中,爱德华激进的社会主义观使其国会议员的地位受到威胁,而且,玛丽贝尔的过往也开始影响她现在的生活。||4:同时,一个狡猾多变的记者假装成一个社会主义崇拜者,开始与爱德华套交情。但不久,他就翻脸,并且暗示自己已经知道了很多秘密。||5:担心秘密曝光,夫妻俩惶惶不可终日。 | ||1:The book is set in 1887, which draws parallels with Britain today.||2:Celebrations for Queen Victoria’s Jubilee are marred by economic crisis, prompting strikes, riots in Trafalgar Square and a corrupt press.||3:Amid the turmoil Edward’s passionate socialist views jeopardise his seat in Parliament and Maribel’s past begins to infiltrate her present.||4:Meanwhile, a mercurial newspaperman appears to be a friend and a socialist sympathiser, but he soon changes tack, hinting that he knows too much.||5:Fear of exposure lies at every turn. | |
3 | ||1:他是在寒冬的一天在华沙一家咖啡厅里等他老婆和朋友的时候萌生了这样的想法,当时他不耐烦地看着钟表,一下下敲着桌子要把时间敲走。||2:可是完成这样的想法也要他奉献一生的时间,从他写下1开始,直到他逝世的那天,他已经写到5500000了,他的作品没有一个分隔的逗号,他每天的任务就是写下数字,说那个数字,记录在录音带里。||3:因此,开始的那一刻,他强烈的情绪,正是他的“宇宙大爆炸”,是他自己的创世纪。 | ||1:The idea came easily enough, while he was waiting one winter day in a cold café in Warsaw for his wife and his friends to come, glancing impatiently at clock and watch, drumming the moments away on the table.||2:But it demanded nothing less than the sacrifice of his life.From the moment of painting the figure 1 until the day he died, when he had reached well past 5500000 (no commas marred his work), his daily task was painting numbers and whispering their names, eventually into a tape recorder.||3:Hence his extreme emotion when he began: his own “big bang”, signalling his own creation of space-time. | |
4 | 拉各斯的合著者是《对外政策》杂志的记者,他们轻松活泼的美国风偶尔给《南虎》投下了败笔。不过他们与拉各斯通力合作,写出了一部有关拉丁美洲巩固民主的书,值得一读。可惜的是,本来该书可以写得更深刻些。 | “The Southern Tiger” is occasionally marred by the breezy Americanisms of Mr Lagos’s co-writers, journalists at Foreign Policy magazine. But between them they have produced a readable book about the consolidation of democracy in Latin America. The pity is that it could have been a much more profound one. | |
5 | 这次庆祝并没有受到在首都乌兰巴托的蒙古政客们的不满抱怨影响。 | Celebrations were hardly marred by rumblings of discontent back in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, from Mongolian politicians. | |
6 | 这些庆祝几乎没有受到来自首都乌兰巴托的蒙古政治家们不满叫嚣的干扰。 | Celebrations were hardly marred by rumblings of discontent back in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, from Mongolian politicians. | |
7 | 2010年的黎巴嫩正试图摆脱战乱、刺杀和与以色列冲突的阴影,恢复1960年代的繁荣。 | Lebanon is reliving that glamour in 2010, trying to shed a past marred by civil wars, assassinations and conflict with Israel. | |
8 | 暴力、恐吓、低到场人数以及传的沸沸扬扬的舞弊事件破坏了选举过程。 | The process was marred by violence, intimidation, a low turnout and widespread fraud. | |
9 | 当然,北京奥运会不太可能是第一届因政治化争议而蒙上阴影的奥运会。 | The Beijing Olympics will hardly be the first to be marred by disputes over politicisation, of course. | |
10 | 风险摧毁了对美好未来的承诺,大多数药品大公司的股票如今在市场上折价交易。 | The shares of most big drug firms now trade at a discount to the market, as promises of bright times ahead are marred by risk. | |
11 | 关于经济问题,关于腐败,以及自战争结束后就一直困扰科索沃的暴力犯罪问题。 | About its economic viability, about the corruption and violent crime that have marred Kosovo since the end of the war. | |
12 | 喝醉了的球迷行为不轨,把比赛给搅了。 | The game was marred by the behaviour of drunken fans. | |
13 | 将国家当作人来对待,有碍当前的辩论。 | The present debate is marred by treating countries as if they were individuals. | |
14 | 她也已决心打击近些年信用衍生品领域的某些违规行为。 | She is also determined to clamp down on some of the abuses that have marred the credit derivatives sphere in recent years. | |
15 | 可是升空任务却因为一连串的天气或设备问题而推迟。 | But the mission has been marred by a series of delays brought on by bad weather and equipment problems. | |
16 | 目前南非世界杯已经到了激动人心的阶段,周日的两场比赛被争议球给毁了。 | Now the Football World Cup in South Africa has reached the knock-out stage and Sunday’s two matches have been marred by disputed goals. | |
17 | 去年十一月份举行的第一轮总统选举充斥着欺诈舞弊。 | The first round of the presidential election, held in November, was marred by charges of fraud. | |
18 | 然而,希罗的分析与漏洞和自相矛盾有染。 | Yet Mr Hiro’s analysis is marred by gaps and inconsistencies. | |
19 | 人们担心会再次出现像上次破坏了圭亚那大选那样的种族暴力事件。 | The fear was of a repeat of the racial violence that has marred past Guyanese elections. | |
20 | 任命过程遭遇了相当大的争议。 | It was an ascent marred by controversy. | |
21 | 如果波兰现在返回2005年前迫害公务员的臭名昭著的时代,那就实在可惜了。 | It would be a pity if Poland now returned to the sleaze that marred public life before 2005. | |
22 | 三年前,莱索托最近一次大选被分配议会中120席位的争吵所破坏。 | Lesotho’s most recent general election, three years ago, was marred by a row over the allocation of its 120 seats. | |
23 | 所以由于西班牙的坦诚,他们现在永远背上了现代历史上最严重流感病的发源地的恶名。 | So thanks to the honesty of Spain, they are now marred forever by the title of the worst flu epidemic in modern history. | |
24 | 所有这些大选都遭到了暴力行为以及欺骗行为的破坏。 | All of them have been marred by violence and claims of fraud. | |
25 | 他的脸上满是让人畏惧的表情,火烧的伤痕占据了他的下巴和左脸颊。 | His face was scarred, and something that might have been a burn marred his jaw and left cheek. | |
26 | 他们的自由滑表现并不完美,因一次托举后稍显草率的降落和其他几次摇摆而打了折扣,但这影响不大。 | Their free skate was not perfect, marred by a sloppy dismount to a lift and a few other wobbles, but it did not matter. | |
27 | 他在偷窃时被当场抓住,还差点锒铛入狱。 | Yet, four years ago, his hands almost marred his life when he was caught stealing, and almost landed in prison. | |
28 | 同时,由于顾客自己的报告工具的局限性,破坏了他们对测试过程的直觉。 | Also, the customer’s perception of testing progress was marred by the limitation of their home-grown reporting tool. | |
29 | 许多国家的政治都被裙带关系所损坏。 | Politics in many countries is marred by nepotism. | |
30 | 一些学生由于插入无关材料偏离主题而把作文写糟了。 | Some students marred their writings by a diversion into irrelevant material. |