1 | 阿格丽品娜罗马有声望的夫人和皇帝卡利古拉的母亲。她在提比略统治期间的权力斗争中颇有影响 | Roman matron and mother of Caligula.She was influential in the struggle for power during the reign of Tiberius. | |
2 | 当然啦,第二军中,哪一个不认得那位女护士。 | Sure, everybody in the Second Army knows that matron | |
3 | 孩提之年、豆蔻年华、花信年华、韶华中年和富贵晚年是女子一生中五个芳馨可爱的年龄。 | Pre-teen, Teen, Young adult, Middle age, and Matron are the five fragrance ages of woman. | |
4 | 何况海丝特·白兰在众人间的声名已经大有改变,即使是镇上以恪守妇道最为著称的妇人进行这种谈话,都不会比她少受风言风语的指责。 | And so changed was Hester Prynne’s repute before the public, that the matron in town most eminent for rigid morality could not have held such intercourse with less result of scandal than herself. | |
5 | 她会像家庭主妇指责孩子尿了床似的指责你。 | She is like a matron telling you off for wetting the bed | |
6 | 她是我们医院的一位护士长。 | She is a matron of our hospital. | |
7 | 马车,龙虾色拉,潘登尼斯那坦率亲切的脸色,他对这样可敬的妈妈的含笑邀请,终于使她的猜疑和怒气化为乌有。 | The cab, the lobster salad, the frank and good-humored look of Pendennis, as he smiling invited the worthy matron , subdued her suspicions and her anger | |
8 | 目中无人的女霸王第三次完全不理睬他。 | For the third time the snooted matron totally ignored him | |
9 | 那个女看守看上去内心平静,待人像慈母一般,但是只要被收容者有迹象自作主张,她可就不那么客气了。 | The matron looked a comfortable,motherly soul but she soon showed her teeth if any of the inmates gave signs of having minds of their own. | |
10 | 那位太太胸中的未见阳光的冰雪和海丝特·白兰胸前的灼热逼人的耻辱,这二者之间有何共同之处呢? | That unsunned snow in the matron ’s bosom, and the burning shame on Hester Prynne’s-what had the two in common? | |
11 | 你可以信得过这家医院的护士长,她能保证她手下的护士们工作尽职尽责。 | You can trust the Matron of this hospital to keep her nurses up to the mark. | |
12 | 你可以信任这所医院的护士长,她能使她的护士的工作达标。 | You can trust the matron of this hospital to keep her nurses up to the mark | |
13 | 女总管在哪 | Where is the matron ? | |
14 | 哦,爸爸,我堂堂正正地告诉您,我可不要一个女舍监来做我的新继母。 | Oh, Papa, I tell you fairly, I won’t have a matron for a new stepmother | |
15 | 赛纳加娘舅因为有钱引起了费拉德尔斐亚一个贫穷但是野心勃勃的交际妇女的垂青。 | Uncle Seneca, because of his wealth, attracted the attention of a poor but ambitious Philadelphia society matron | |
16 | 我想,那里现在大概有一位胳膊粗壮的女管家了吧。 | I suppose there is some matron with beefy forearms | |
17 | 也有时候,当她遇到某位太太时,望着她们那神圣凛然的面孔,心中便会油然生出一种神秘的妹妹之感,而那位太太却是被众口一词地公认为从来都是冷若冰霜的。 | Again, a mystic sisterhood would contumaciously assert itself, as she met the sanctified frown of some matron , who, according to the rumour of all tongues, had kept cold snow within her bosom throughout life. | |
18 | 这位假正经的妇人有好几种惯做的事情。 | This grave matron had several sorts of practice | |
19 | ||1:那时她的其它优秀品质也已经非常明显。||2:她的女性魅力是毋庸置疑的。||3: 这帮助她成功逃离拘捕,并不只是因为他能偶尔靠美人计脱险,还因为她的那些盖世太保追求者们认为任何擅长回避他们追求的人必定是个男人婆 (不过因为她非常善于逃跑,德国纳粹称她为“白鼠”)。 ||4:在法国抗德游击队工作那会儿,组织经常空降丝袜、伊莉莎白?雅顿的面霜,以及斯特恩式轻机关枪、收音机和手榴弹给她。||5:然而,她绝不是一般的女人。她可以用最脏的法国方言骂人,她也可以在茂林作战数月。用一位同事的话说,她根本不像一个男人,她“像五个男人”。 | ||1: Other qualities were evident by then. ||2: Her femininity was never in doubt. ||3: It helped her escape capture, not just because she could on occasion flirt her way out of trouble, but also because her Gestapo pursuers assumed any woman as skilful in evading them must be a butch matron (though because of her ability to scuttle off the Germans called her “the White Mouse”). ||4: When she was with the Maquis, silk stockings and Elizabeth Arden face cream were often dropped for her by parachute, along with Sten guns, radios and grenades. ||5: Yet she conformed to no stereotype, swearing in the vernacular in the coarsest of terms, living for months in the woods and fighting, in the words of a confrère, not like a man but “like five men”. | |
20 | ||1:那时她的其它优秀品质也已经非常明显。||2:她的女性魅力是毋庸置疑的。||3: 这帮助她成功逃离拘捕,并不只是因为他能偶尔靠美人计脱险,还因为她的那些盖世太保追求者们认为任何擅长回避他们追求的人必定是个男人婆 (不过因为她非常善于逃跑,德国纳粹称她为“白鼠”)。 ||4:在法国抗德游击队工作那会儿,组织经常空降丝袜、伊莉莎白·雅顿的面霜,以及斯特恩式轻机关枪、收音机和手榴弹给她。||5:然而,她绝不是一般的女人。她可以用最脏的法国方言骂人,她也可以在茂林作战数月。用一位同事的话说,她根本不像一个男人,她“像五个男人”。 | ||1: Other qualities were evident by then. ||2: Her femininity was never in doubt. ||3: It helped her escape capture, not just because she could on occasion flirt her way out of trouble, but also because her Gestapo pursuers assumed any woman as skilful in evading them must be a butch matron (though because of her ability to scuttle off the Germans called her “the White Mouse”). ||4: When she was with the Maquis, silk stockings and Elizabeth Arden face cream were often dropped for her by parachute, along with Sten guns, radios and grenades. ||5: Yet she conformed to no stereotype, swearing in the vernacular in the coarsest of terms, living for months in the woods and fighting, in the words of a confrère, not like a man but “like five men”. | |
21 | “这里只有亲属可以探望病人。”护士长说。 | "Only relatives are allowed to visit patients here, " the matron said. | |
22 | 不可能。因为只有当女舍监完成了大便检查之后,女孩子才可以去擦屁股。 | No. Because the girls were not allowed to wipe their bottoms until matron had conducted a stool inspection. | |
23 | 控制着花仙子拉了一只普通的黑野虎过来。 | Controled bloom pretty matron to pull the black wild tiger of a commonness to come over. | |
24 | 他总是领着他妈妈到教堂来,其他的妈妈都引以为豪。 | He always brought his mother to church, and was the pride of all the matron . | |
25 | 原来,首席女傧相伊丽莎白泰勒是穿着卧室拖鞋来的,但是忘了带要换的鞋。 | Matron of honour Elizabeth Taylor had travelled down in her bedroom slippers, but had forgotten her shoes to change into! |