属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF B38-307-2-2003
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF B38-307-3-2003
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF B38-307-1-2003
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS ISO 3374-2000
1 | 增强材料.纺织玻璃纤维毡片(切短玻璃丝和连续长丝毡片)规范.第2部分:试验方法和一般要求 | Reinforcements-Specification for textile glass mats (chopped strand and continuous filament mats)-Part 2 : methods of test and general requirements. | |
2 | 增强材料.纺织玻璃纤维毡片(切短玻璃丝和连续长丝毡片)规范.第3部分:特殊要求 | Reinforcements-Specification for textile glass mats (chopped strand and continuous filament mats)-Part 3 : specific requirements. | |
3 | 增强材料.纺织玻璃纤维毡片(切短玻璃丝毡片和连续长丝毡片).第1部分: 标识 | Reinforcements-Specification for textile glass mats (chopped strand and continuous filaments mats)-Part 1 : designation. | |
4 | 增强产品.垫子和织物.单位面积质量的测定 | Reinforcement products-Mats and fabrics-Determination of mass per unit area | |
5 | 增强塑料用玻璃纤维短切原丝毡 粘合剂在苯乙烯中溶解时间的测定 | Textile glass chopped-strand mats for reinforcement of plastics; Determination of time of dissolution of the binder in styrene | |
6 | 增强制品 毡和织物 单位面积质量的测定 | Reinforcement products-Mats and fabrics-Determination of mass per unit area | |
7 | 这小屋是用其上面盖草席的柱子搭成的。 | The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats . | |
8 | 这些草席能用二三十年。 | These mats will wear for 20 to 30 years. | |
9 | 这许多兵马俑当初被放置在一个巨大的兵马俑坑中。下有青砖墁地,由立柱支起构架,上面密排棚木,再铺上芦席,加上封土。 | The terracotta figures were found in a big vault,with a black brick floor, supported by column frames and covered by timber, reed mats and earth. | |
10 | 这种草席能用二三十年。 | These mats will wear for20 or30 years. |