属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 英国首相出言不慎大力推动反腐峰会 法国总统支
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 美朝关系缓和 法国高温致学校停课 英外交大臣
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-种族隔离 被阻断的高速公路(2)
1 | 1997年的投票包括选举休斯顿市长、其他市属职位和当地的一些议题。 | The 1997 ballot included the Houston mayoral race, other city offices and local issues. | |
2 | 2006年北高市长选举结果的解析-兼论对台湾政局与两岸关系的影响 | An Analysis of the 2006 Taipei and Kaohsiung Mayoral Elections Outcome on Taiwan’s Political Situation and Cross-Straits Relations | |
3 | 北高市长选举结果与民意调查间的吊诡 | The Paradox between Public Opinion Polls and the Election Results of the Taipei City and Kaohsiung City Mayoral Elections | |
4 | 贝式估计在二元胜算模型的应用:以2002年台北市长选举为例 | Bayesian Inference in Binomial Logistic Regression: A Case Study of the 2002 Taipei Mayoral Election | |
5 | 戴着市长的职务标志(官职链等). | Wearing the mayoral regalia,(ie the mayor’s chain of office,etc) | |
6 | 赋权理论与选民投票行为:以2001年县市长与第五届立法委员选举为例 | Empowerment Theory and Voting Behavior: The 2001 County Magistrate/City Mayoral and Legislative Yuan Elections in Taiwan | |
7 | 交叉网络与政治参与:2001年县市长与立法委员选举的实证研究 | Cross-Cutting Networks and Political Participation: Lessons of the 2001 County Magistrate, City Mayoral and Legislative Yuan Elections in Taiwan | |
8 | 女市长坐市长车去参加一个典礼。 | The mayoress go to the ceremony in the mayoral car. | |
9 | 市长候选人答应清洗警察部门。 | The mayoral candidate has promised to purge the police department. | |
10 | 市长选举每年都会举行 | The mayoral election is held annually. | |
11 | 他正在履行他的市长义务。 | He is carried out his mayoral duties. | |
12 | 台北市民进党忠诚支持者变化之初探:1984年、1998年市长选举与2000年、2004年总统选举之差异比较 | The Change of DPP Constituency in Taipei: A Study in Taipei Mayoral Elections and Presidential Elections | |
13 | 台北市选民的分裂投票行为:一九九八年市长选举分析 | Ticket Splitting: The 1998 Taipei City Mayoral Election | |
14 | 台北市选民分裂投票之研究民国八十七年市长市议员选举之分析 | Split-Ticket Voting in 1998 Taipei Mayoral and City Council Elections | |
15 | 选举制度对政党体系之影响:台湾县市长、立法委员、任务型国大选举之实例比较 | Influences of the Electoral System on the Party System: A Comparative Study of Taiwan’s County Magistrate and Mayoral Election, Legislator Election, and Missionary National Assembly Representative Election | |
16 | 选民“垂直式分立政府”心理认知与投票行为-2002年北高市长选举的实证分析 | Psychological Cognition for "Vertically Divided Government" and Voting Behavior: The 2002 Taipei and Kaohsiung Mayoral Elections in Taiwan | |
17 | 选民分立政府心理认知与投票行为:以2002年北高市长暨议员选举为例 | The Psychological Cognition for Divided Government and Voting Behavior: Lessons of Taipei and Kaohsiung Mayoral and City Councilor Elections of 2002 | |
18 | 在最近的市长选举中,两人关系跌至新谷底。 | The relationship between the two plummeted to new lows during the recent mayoral race. | |
19 | 政治赋权、族群团体与政治参与2001年县市长选举客家族群的政治信任与投票参与 | Political Empowerment, Ethnic Groups, and Political Participation: Political Trust and Voting Participation of the Hakkas in the 2001 County Magistrate/City Mayoral Elections in Taiwan | |
20 | 政治效能感与政党认同对选民投票抉择的影响-以2002年北高市长选举为例 | Effects of Political Efficacy and Party Identification on People’s Vote Choice: A Study of Mayoral Elections in Taipei and Kaohsiung Cities in 2002 | |
21 | ||1:巴基斯坦裔英国穆斯林萨迪克·卡恩(Sadiq Khan)以超过50%的选票当选伦敦市市长。||2:有人恶意将卡恩与伊斯兰极端分子联系在一起,这使这位工党议员与其保守党对手之间的角逐蒙上了一层阴影。||3:胜券在握的美国共和党总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普曾经提议禁止穆斯林踏入美国国土,但卡恩市长可以是一个“例外”。||4:卡恩并不接受这一邀请。 | ||1:Sadiq Khan, a British-born Muslim of Pakistani descent, won London’s mayoral election with over 50% of the vote.||2:The battle between the Labour man and his Conservative rival was marred by a pernicious attempt to link Mr Khan to Islamic extremism.||3:Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential candidate, said he would make an “exception” for the mayor to his proposed ban on Muslims entering America.||4:Mr Khan dismissed the offer. | |
22 | 埃尔多安所在的政党失去了该国的大部分城市,到目前为止,该党拒绝承认在伊斯坦布尔的选举中以微弱优势落败。 | Mr Erdogan’s party, which lost in most of the country’s big cities, has so far refused to accept its narrow defeat in the Istanbul mayoral contest. | |
23 | ||土耳其总统埃尔多安遭到选民羞辱,因为他试图逆转其所在政党在伊斯坦布尔市长选举中失利的形势,结果事与愿违,令人震惊。||在他的要求下,选举委员会下令重新选举,但本周,反对派挑战者埃克莱姆·伊玛莫格鲁(Ekrem Imamoglu)以54%对45%的优势胜出,远远超过其3月份获得的票数。 | ||Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was humiliated by voters, as his attempt to reverse the mayoral election in Istanbul, which his party had lost, backfired spectacularly.|| At his behest, the electoral board ordered a re-run, but this week the opposition challenger, Ekrem Imamoglu, won by a much larger margin than in March: 54% to 45%. | |
24 | 在周四发布的一个视频中,白思豪回到了2013年他第一次参加市长竞选的“收入不平等”的主题。 | In a video released on Thursday de Blasio returned to the theme of income inequality that had animated his first mayoral campaign in 2013 | |
25 | 至于交通问题,在市长委员会上,一位市议员布莱特·赫伦(Brett Herron)表示,在开普敦生活拮据的家庭光在交通上的支出就占了他们收入的40%. | Brett Herron, a city councillor on the mayoral committee for transport, says that hard-up households in Cape Town spend on average 40% of their income on transport. | |
26 | (后一政策被保守党的伦敦市长候选人鲍里斯-约翰逊(BorisJohnson)抨击为“彻头彻尾的加拉加斯化”。) | (A policy that Boris Johnson, the Conservative mayoral candidate in London, has denounced as "completely Caracas" . ) | |
27 | 本期《经济学人》付印时,西雅图市长选举正胜负难分。 | Seattle’s mayoral race was tied as The Economist went to press. | |
28 | 即使他有幸逃过这一切,原本定在2013年进行的市长竞选现在也几乎是天方夜谭。 | Even if he survives all that, the mayoral run that was once expected for 2013 now looks highly unlikely. | |
29 | 两位市长候选人也主要围绕工作和医保等类似问题而展开竞争,而不是彼此指责,相互厮打。 | The two mayoral candidates campaigned on issues such as jobs and health care rather than swearing at each other and brawling. | |
30 | 迈克尔.哈珀——布鲁克林区的一位普通的父亲——利用他一天的休假日于月初在市政厅听取了市长控制教育的报告。 | MICHAEL HARPER, a dad from Brooklyn, spent his day off earlier this month at a City Hall hearing on mayoral control of New York’s schools. |