属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国航天工业 飞行计划
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-韩国住房市场 多轨并行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-塞尔维亚的制造业 巴尔干遗产
1 | "那我该怎么办呢?"我问,"接受这可怜兮兮的每小时10美分然后还要微笑吗?" | "So what will solve the problem?"" I asked. ""Just take this measly 10 cents an hour and smile?" | |
2 | 大蒜头上还只得三四茎嫩芽! | It had grown only four measly shoots! | |
3 | 多么小气的生日礼物哇! | What a measly birthday present ! | |
4 | 多么小气的生日礼物哇! | What a measly birthday present! | |
5 | 给了少得可怜的小费作为停车场服务 | gave the parking attendant a measly tip. | |
6 | 柔嘉泪渍的脸温柔一笑道:“那几个钱何必去省它,自己走累了犯不着。 | Her tear-stained face softening into a smile, she said, "What’s the use of saying those few measly cents.’-If you exhaust yourself by walking, it’s not worth it | |
7 | 他给了我们少得可怜的一点蛋糕 | He gave us measly little portions of cake | |
8 | ||1:简单地说,英国专注于飞机复杂的内部构造。||2:空中客车公司在威尔士完成机翼制造,然后才将它们运到法国南部装到机身上去。||3:庞巴迪公司(加拿大一家飞机生产商)在贝尔法斯特为新型C系列的支线飞机制造机翼。||4:其他国家的政客们常常自鸣得意,因为最终完整的飞机是从本国的生产线上生产出来的。||5:法国在空中客车合作中扮演的角色仅是飞机组装之地。||6:但是是英国在安静地创造它:最终的组装仅为飞机增加了5%的价值。 | ||1:In short, Britain specialises in the complex guts of aeroplanes.||2:Airbus completes construction of its wings in Wales before transporting them to southern France for attaching to fuselages.||3:Bombardier, a Canadian firm, builds the wings for its new CSeries of regional jets in Belfast.||4:Politicians in other countries crow as completed planes roll off production lines on home turf.||5:French participation in the Airbus consortium was contingent on jets being put together there.||6:But the British are quietly coining it: a measly 5% of the value of an aeroplane is added with final assembly. | |
9 | ||1:然而到目前为止,南加州自身对水处理技术的运用并不广泛。||2:这让人感觉到很惊讶,因为整个美国西南地区面临水资源匮乏问题。||3:至少大家都逐渐认识到:随着气候变暖和人口增加,现存的基础设施(包括大量从北部的沙加緬度三角洲、东部的科罗拉多河铺设到西南地区的输水管道)将难以满足用水需求。||4:圣地亚哥拥有的地下水储量既少,盐份又高,如今其90%的用水需从外地引入。在像圣地亚哥这样的地方,其对策是尽可能的节约用水、循环利用,而剩余不足的部份则大多从海洋中获取。 | ||1:Southern California itself, however, has not so far been a big user of its own technology.||2:This is surprising, given that the whole American south-west confronts a water problem.||3:But there is at least now a growing consensus that the existing infrastructure, consisting of vast aqueducts that carry water from the Sacramento Delta in the north and the Colorado River in the east, will not suffice as the climate gets warmer and the population increases.||4:In places such as San Diego, which has measly and brackish groundwater and currently imports 90% of its water, the answer must be greater conservation, as much reuse as possible, with most of the rest coming from the sea. | |
10 | 股票不是一种可将微薄的捐款转化成丰厚的养老金的神奇资产。那些想要在退休后颐养天年的人应该更加节俭。 | Equities are not a miracle asset that will turn measly contributions into a generous pension. Those who want to retire in comfort should save more. | |
11 | 然而,近日大多数韩国的房东可能摒弃这一少得可怜的保证金。 | These days, however, most Korean landlords would spurn such a measly deposit. | |
12 | 政府希望有更多的投资,因为自2008年以来塞尔维亚可怜的经济增长创造不了多少就业机会。 | The government would like to encourage more such investment, because too much of Serbia’s measly economic growth since 2008 has been achieved without creating jobs. | |
13 | “呀,在短短的三十分钟内看重点研究会议是完全没效果的”,他自言自语。 | "Jeez, it will be pointless to get into the groove of a focused study session for just thirty measly minutes" , he thinks out loud. | |
14 | 本质上来说,当初这样一个可怜的数字只能有增无减。 | You can only go up from such a measly number, basically. | |
15 | 猜猜怎么着?我们离假期的开始还有不长的一个月。 | Guess what: We’re just a measly month away from holiday kick-off time. | |
16 | 但多数客户都不愿获得微薄的回报。 | But most clients are not ready for the measly returns. | |
17 | 第二季度预期将实现的经济增长,不会比第一季度区区1.8%的年化增长率好多少。 | Expectations for second-quarter growth are not much better than the measly 1. 8 per cent annualised rate of the first quarter. | |
18 | 发展还是很缓慢,增长率甚至比政府预测的1.5%还要低。 | But growth is measly , below even the 1. 5% the government forecast. | |
19 | 固定利率只有可怜的001%,于是把你的积蓄留在银行里变成了一种愚蠢的行为。 | With interest rates at a measly . 001%, it seems silly to leave your savings sitting in the bank. | |
20 | 她曾经阳光的性格因此变得阴暗,高强度的体育锻炼也只剩下每天20分钟的散步。 | Her once-sunny disposition turned morose, and her vigorous workouts declined to a measly 20 minutes of walking a day. | |
21 | 零售投资者失望于其储蓄账户的零星收益,争相投资公司债券基金。 | Retail investors, disappointed with measly returns on savings accounts, are piling into corporate-bond funds. | |
22 | 路易斯安那州法律为蒙冤者提供每年区区15,000美元,最高上限150,000美元的赔偿。 | Louisiana state law provides a measly compensation of $15, 000 a year, up to a maximum of $150, 000. | |
23 | 目前,印度有60%的劳动力在农业部门工作,但在国民产出中所占比例只有少得可怜的五分之一。 | Today, agriculture employs about 60 per cent of the workforce but accounts for a measly one-fifth of national output. | |
24 | 如果股票市场收益增长了50%,年金投资者得到的8%就看起来微不足道了。 | If the stock market goes up 50 percent, an annuity owner’s annual 8 percent can feel measly by comparison. | |
25 | 如果你对自己微薄的收入不满,你也许在小学时候并没有好好学习。 | If you’re feeling disgruntled about your measly paycheck, you might not have been paying enough attention in grade school. | |
26 | 网络的舆论压力会让他们更有礼貌,至少会更小心地对待在押人员,然而这样的可能性很渺茫。 | The chance that the online hype will make them more courteous towards detainees or at least more cautious is measly . | |
27 | 再想象一下,如果你的父亲从来没有把这个笑脸注册成商标,而只赚了区区45美元的设计费,你会怎么想? | Imagine further how upset you would be if your father never trademarked his image, and only made a measly $45 from the icon. | |
28 | 在272名自主创业的名列福布斯400强的美国亿万富翁中,只有少得可怜的4位女性。 | Of the 272 self-made American billionaires on this year’s Forbes 400 list, a measly 4 are women--just over 1%. | |
29 | 在车门旁,他觉得只有半条街这点短的可怜的路还开车回家很愚蠢。 | At the door of his car , it seemed stupid to him to drive the measly half block home . | |
30 | 在土地资源宝贵的情况下,其中80%被焚毁,只有区区16%被回收。 | With land at a premium, nearly 80% was incinerated, and a measly 16% recycled. |